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Posts posted by RichVP

  1. you do realize that your posting is having the exact opposite effect.


    it bumps this thread to the top of the page and attracts more attention.


    You do realize that this thread was 5 pages and going prior to my post and had almost 10 replies while I typed my first response calling for it to end.


    My post did not change that.

  2. Why does this thread still exist? Time to walk away from those who are only a fan of failure since they want / need players on this team to fail to redeem there own self worth.


    Why wouldn't you hope for players on this team to succeed. It would only benefit this whole team your a fan of. You want them to cut bait from a sub par QB draft to draft in the next one when the next one is getting compared to that same years sub par QB draft.


    Is this your diabolical plan to have the next crusade against the next QB we draft?


    This thread needs to die.

  3. The NFL.com highlight videos have become unwatchable. Or at least you need to mute them. It makes me want to throw up listening to Michael Irving and those other idiots constantly trying to one up each other with stupid jokes and hyperbolic, nonsensical statements. The art of a great commentator/analyst has been lost completely. The idiot on the Bills/Browns highlight doesn't sound like a football guy. Didn't know enough to even realize that the call was totally botched.


    Deion Sanders flat out says that's a horrible call and questions how anyone could say that was a pass.

  4. from now on KYLE should adopt the "manziel rule ," instead of slowing down and just pushing a qb down, he should give qbs a pancake tackle.if he'd of done that to johnboy they would still be using a blotter and sponge to clean the endzone.. johnboy looked like he was knocked out for a cple seconds when he hit the turf.


    I think we would have not only started but also ended the Manziel Era for the Browns if he did this.


    I do like how our defense has forced three starting Quaterbacks to be benched so far this year.

  5. Manziel actually said after the game that he never thought it was an incomplete pass!!




    I remember talk prior to this season, maybe near the end of last season, of needing to cut the rule book down and simplify it. Where did that sentiment go? The rules this year seem so muddled and arbitrarily applied that it is getting hard to watch. If I wasn't, if most of us weren't, such serious Bills fans I wouldn't be surprised if most of us wouldn't watch it.

  6. I said it in the Johnny thread - my biggest issue is that they actually reversed the call on the field, meaning after review they found indisputable evidence that he didn't pull the ball back in. It is complete BS.


    That is my biggest gripe. Secondly though Manziel and the entire Browns offense had there helmets off as if they knew it was a foregone conclusion that it was a touchdown. The look on Johnny's face when they said incomplete wasn't of happiness it was of shock and disbelief. In my opinion anyway. As little as that counts for.

  7. I am not a first time poster but still very new to contributing on various topics. If some can call it that.


    But I have been a fan since I started watching football in 2007. It rubbed off from some room mates my first year in college that were die hard Bills fans. If I watched a game with them and they won I was required to be there the next week. Drinking the same drink. Out of the same cup. Sitting in the same spot.


    I have since stalked this forum for the majority of my information and, sadly, depression.


    I do however disagree with your assertion that we drafted a 3rd round QB in the 1st as a fact. Around the time of the draft the QB that was moving up ALL mock drafts was EJ Manuel. There was significant talk about Philly being interested. There was very little chatter about the Bills and EJ though. Everyone was too willing to connect the dots with Nassib. It only takes a couple out of 32 teams to become enamored with a well spoken, hard working natural leader QB for him to sneak into the first round as EJ did. Obviously Buffalo was worried he would not be there any later with Philly coming up shortly. It's completely unknown where he would have been drafted if the Bills didn't take him. So realistically he is just a 1st round pick. No asterisk or caveat needed. It is what it is now.


    I also had little reason an overwhelmingly talented roster would not contend for a play off spot until the Patriots game. We have had abysmal performance on the offensive side of the ball. So completely surprised, no, not based on how the offense has looked. With all the close games we knew it was going to cost us wins. But disappointed after expectation were not met, absolutely.


    But here's to the Bills magically solving the elusive red zone and at least have us playing with the play off calculator to get the best tie breaker scenarios for us.




    Added clarification on EJ point.

  8. An interesting tidbit for the AFC East in general is we may very well be the worst division in the NFL at Red Zone Offense.


    As much as I am not a fan of his reporting. Per Mike Rodak's Stat Check we see that our red zone woes may not be a huge disadvantage coming up Thursday.


    RED ZONE OFFENSE (based on TD percentage)

    Patriots: tied-13th (21-of-36, 58.3 percent)

    Jets: 29th (14-of-30, 46.7 percent)

    Dolphins: 30th (20-of-43, 46.5 percent)

    Bills: 32nd (14-of-34, 41.2 percent)


    Quick-hit thought: With an 0-for-4 showing in the red zone Sunday, the Bills now sit at the bottom of the league in this stat. They are just the third team this season to have at least four red zone chances and finish without a touchdown; the Chargers went 0-for-4 in Week 4, while the Redskins matched that feat in Week 7.


    For the AFC East to have 3 teams in the bottom 4 is pretty astounding. Here's to hoping we see some corrections with a short week where Hackett can't out think himself in the game plan.

  9. Hard not to root for this kid. I went back through some of the early games in the season and you see EJ hesitating. His reads are fine when you watch the tape, but he was late. If he can learn to trust himself and his talent he could be very good.


    Pulling him was a gutsy move but it has proven to be the right one thus far


    Well said. I agree. EJ's issue to me was he was pressed into a role he was clearly not ready for. He came in raw and not confident in his abilities. The smallest hesitation at the professional level of any sport and you will lose that play. When you're not confident you end up playing it ultra conservative and hesitate on the important and clutch plays because you're no longer trying to make a play rather than trying not to screw up.


    My biggest issue was bringing in a raw, talented, and hard working QB with no QB coach to get his proper footwork, mechanics, and reads down before they became even worse bad habits that a year later they are going to take more time and effort to correct.


    Now that we have a better surrounding cast of coaches I believe if EJ can get out of his own way we will have a great young prospect. If he can't he will forever struggle to be average. Which is why the comments of playing more aggressive and cutting it loose is very encouraging to me.


    As for wanting OBD to cut ties and move on to the next prospect I just don't understand those people. We drafted EJ. He is still under contract. I want him to succeed as long as he is on this team. Because that is whats best for this team. Not to give up on a draft pick less than 2 years later. Especially on a prospect many thought would take a few years to get "it."

  10. This may sound prickish, but 30 minutes? You get to play the game so many of us would kill to get the chance and you devote an extra two hours a week? I work 70-80 hours a week, and I don't make anywhere near what they do. I wonder how much time Peyton Manning puts in each week? When you really want something (raise/promotion), you put everything you can into it. You don't just do the minimum plus one.


    An extra 30 minutes on top of what is already a very demanding and time intensive career. I would not be surprised that each football player spends 70-80 hours a week before any "extra" time. The discipline and demand of staying in the shape most of these players are in requires a lot of time each week before any football related activity.


    It is an extraordinary amount of talent, time and proper coaching needed to be in a position of success for this league. This extra 30 minutes they were talking about is strictly an extra 30 minutes with his quarterbacks coach. This does not speak to his work ethic or time spent outside of that 30 minute period with his coach.


    One thing Kevin Durant said that I like and in my opinion relates to EJ Manuel is "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." Everything we've heard about EJ leads me to believe he will do much better a second time around. I believe he was trying to protect the ball and didn't trust himself enough. He has the talent and he works hard. As a Bills fan I can't do anything but root for this young man and hope he succeeds here.


    Why would I hope for anything less? I don't see the sense in that as a Bills fan.

  11. Have you seen the "creepy Rob Lowe" direct TV one yet?


    The painfully awkward Rob Lowe is pretty bad as well. "I hope it's not a girl... Or a guy."


    Anyway. As with all statistics and analysis that tries to turn a game into a series of numbers you can make things say what you want them to say or poke holes into it to prove a point.


    But the goal and use of many of these stats is to get as close to, as Brian Billick says, predictive success. This is not an end all be all stat and may not dictate how well we do the rest of the year but is certainly a nice piece to the puzzle to look at and take it for what it is. Which is the Bills being #1 in something.

  12. The one thing to keep in mind is not every team has played 8 games as the bills have.


    Our current pace is very much boosted by our games against Miami and the Jets as well as our propensity to avoid big plays on the Defense. It took 8 weeks for a rushing touchdown to be scored on us and somewhere around 5 weeks before a run of 20 or more was done against us.


    The differential may not be as high in the second half of the season but I don't see our defense letting it fall to much lower than the pace it currently is.

  13. Mine would be announcers that try to tell you what the player is thinking or feeling, for example, when a player does a slant route and drops a poorly thrown ball that was still able to be caught and the announcer says "Well, you see, there he heard the footsteps and was thinking about the hit he was about to receive" or "In this situation the quarterback is feeling the pressure to do something on this drive" when it's the second quarter and a one score game.


    I understand some may have played the game before but I don't like trying to assume a players mindset and trying to portray it to millions of people with no factual basis to point to. The main culprit that I hear do this the most is Chris Collinsworth. It's hard to watch any of his broadcasts for me. Just not my style.

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