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Posts posted by RichVP

  1. Just trying to stimulate discussion.



    how it "should be" and how it actually was may have been two different things. Unless we were there on staff we really do not know what went down. There are a few picks he has actually discussed he didn't want (Stephen Hill) and did want but didn't get (Martavis Bryant).

    Draft picks arent tied to the HC unless it's someone who also has FO responsibility like Belichik, Chip, Carroll, Fisher, Reid and a few others.


    I agree here. I trust in Whaley. I just remember anytime we went against the Jets I never felt intimidated by the cornerbacks behind Revis. Cromartie was good but I always thought he was overrated. When Revis left I was happy and no longer feared any of there DB's.


    I'm not sure the influence Rex had in those picks but during his tenure with the Jets not one DB has seemed to pan out. So it's at least a curiosity to me.


    If you change "DB evaluation" to "QB evaluation", I'm with you 100%


    I was aiming for something less talked about thus far since his hiring.

  2. Slow period in the off season. Why not another thread?


    My lone reservation with Ronald Darby being our top pick this year, granted it was 50th overall and only a 2nd round choice is Rex's history with the Jets in regard to corner backs.




    The Jets had the 29th pick in round 1. This selection was used on Kyle Wilson.


    Over the first 5 years with the Jets he started 28 out of 80 games. With only 1 start in the last two years. His stats are pedestrian and he is also now with the Saints.




    They selected Josh Bush in the sixth round which I can't fault him for a 6th round pick not producing but he is now with Denver.




    Dee Milliner was selected at #9 ahead of Sheldon Richardson the eventual Defensive Rookie of the Year. He has started 14 games the past two season and has been plagued by injury for a lot of his short career. His stats are here.


    Maybe Milliner can bounce back and play well but now he is behind Revis and Cromartie and won't be looked upon as he was when he was selected 9th overall.




    Brandon Dixon was selected in the 6th round and did not make the roster. Is now with Tampa Bay.


    My concern is how much influence Rex had on the picks? Is what he wants to see in a cornerback just that hit or miss? Will we see Darby buck this trend or continue it?


    I want Darby to contribute and succeed but while watching the Jets while Rex was in tenure I never got the feeling he developed cornerbacks well.


    It is worth noting that over his years with the Jets, six I believe, they only selected 4 cornerbacks. It is also worth noting the Donnie Henderson is superior to any positional coach rex has had previously for the defensive backs.



  3. Here's the link. http://www.billsschedulechallenge.com/


    Here's my WINNING picks:


    Week 1 @Chiefs

    Week 2 Cowboys

    Week 3 Bengals

    Week 4 @Titans

    Week 5 Jets

    Week 6 Giants

    Week 7 @Jaguars (London)

    Week 8 Colts

    Week 9 @Dolphins

    Week 10 BYE WEEK

    Week 11 @Patriots

    Week 12 Dolphins

    Week 13 @Redskins

    Week 14 Texans

    Week 15 @Eagles

    Week 16 Patriots

    Week 17 @Jets



    Isn't it there typical course of action that teams that play in London get a Bye the following week?

  4. The last two games EJ played he was required to throw the ball over 35 times and we barely ran for anything significant.


    If we keep EJ under 25 attempts a game he has proven to be an effective game manager with the ability to win a game on the final drive here and there.


    The EJ critics repeat ad nauseam the Houston game. Hackett had him throw 44 times while we ran it less than 25 times. That will not happen this year. EJ has the best chance to win the starting job currently.

  5. Regardless of the player Clay is I think this is a pretty interesting power struggle between two rival clubs.


    I would like to see an in depth journalistic column that delves deep into the inner workings of something like this as it is likely unprecedented for the length it has been drawn out. After it is concluded of course.


    Both teams have a vendetta to make this more difficult on the other. It's only a question of who is more patient and is hurt less by the process being drawn out. I would guess that the Bills are hurt less at this point.

  6. Tannehill has won more than 8 games as a starter. Tannehill has outdueled Brady.

    To say that EJ has as good of a chance means that you don't watch enough Tannehill. Tanny has already succeeded.

    Also, middling QB last year? Are you kidding?

    I'm not kidding but I'd think you were.


    Tannehill has had some good games. So has EJ. But Tannehill is going into his forth year. He has not been consistently good. The majority of dolphin fans I know wan't him gone. He is at best an average quarterback. He does not have a great deep ball. One of the reasons Wallace was unhappy.


    EJ has had 14 games of mismanagement of resources under his belt. Tannehill has three seasons of under achievement under his belt.


    I'm not at all saying EJ is better. I just don't want Tannehill as my opinion is he is what we have already seen of him. EJ has the chance to do more than almost reach playoffs.


    Also I am not saying Tannehill won't make that progress. I'm just saying I don't think he will and we've seen what he has to offer. I think EJ has more of a chance to than him. And that's because EJ has more unknown than Tannehill. Not because he's better.


    Don't like my opinion? I'm sorry.

  7. It seems many don't take this in to consideration. Restructuring Mario could cause issues in a few years.


    That's why some of the June 1st designations can be gambles as well. You do that designation to push dollars into next years cap in the hopes you sign enough players that realistically you could not absorb that cap hit this year. When you don't sign enough players to do that it's pushing cap dollars out meaninglessly.

  8. If he signs the tag, his 2015 cap number will be $7 million, right? I suspect the Fins' would like to get that down to the $4 million range so they can fill out their roster.


    Sure, Harvin was signed, but having to put at least $7-$8 million in 2015 cap allocation on the shelf waiting for Clay has to tie the Bills hands a bit. They could release one of their underperforming OL and get a bit of flexibilty, or ask Mario to restructure (I wonder why we havn't heard more about this), but if they make an offer to another FA and then Clay says OK, it would be interesting to see how that would play out...


    I doubt they restructure Mario this year. That pushes dollars out into the next few years.


    We have too many people to extend offers to for us to push dollars out any further than is needed. Spend close to the cap this year to keep the next few years cap hits slightly lower for those players they can do this for. I like they are only restructuring as needed.

    You're right. They may be holding off a bit but it's not like there are any top players out there that need to be signed right away...also, I'm not sure about this but can't Clay sign the tag and continue to negotiate a long term deal that will eliminate the tag number? I recall something when Byrd was franchised. Bills had until July to work out a long term deal.


    He can sign it and continue to negotiate but then he loses the only leverage he has.

  9. TO wasn't a problem with the Bills. Incognito won't be a problem with the Bills. Harvin likely won't either since, like Incognito, he's on a 1-year deal. And was Harvin a problem with the Jets?


    He was not. A model citizen for 8 weeks with atrocious QB play. If he survived that I think he'll be fine in Buffalo.

    Sorry Rich. New here.


    And Incognito was indeed on a different team, but he's the same guy, no?




    Still think this should be closed. Plenty of this debate in the various other Percy Harvin threads.

  10. I don't have a lot of confidence in the guy but if anyone can get something out of him it's Sean Peyton.


    Not sure if this has been stated but Spiller seems to me is a younger Reggie Bush. Early on Bush was criticized for not running inside. Bouncing too many runs outside. Great college running backs that don't quite translate to NFL style offenses.


    Bush never performed to expectations with the Saints. I'm not sure Peyton will do any better with Spiller.


    Terrific catch. It says something about the quality of in-depth reporting, that despite this story being beaten into the ground locally, you are the first person to make that connection to Tannenbaum. I have a little theory that one of the biggest reasons Rex came to Buffalo was to stay in the AFC East and play Belichick twice a year. From what I know about him, it seems very important to him to "beat" his rivals.


    It would also explain why the Dolphins just won't let go of Clay and are willing to play dirty to impact the Bills cap situation. Tannenbaum seems to be a man of grudges. His rivalry with Rex has been cited as the #1 reason for the Jets downfall. Seeing as how petty Tannenbaum is being with the Dolphins already, I'm beginning to suspect he was a bigger problem than Rex.


    I think Tannenbaum is a terrible person for the front office for the Dolphins. I revel in the fact he went there. He put the Jets in cap hell too trying to get past the AFC Championship game with aging veterans that were on the down slope of there careers with larger than necessary contracts. That was the reason the Jets were forced to move on from Revis. At the time the cap wasn't increasing much at all and they were projected, if I recall correctly, to have less than 10 million in cap space.


    Izdik came in and fixed the Jets cap situation. He was absolutely terrible at drafting as a GM but he fixed a huge mess Tannenbaum created and without successful drafts to replenish talent, that he was forced to let walk, it gave Rex a roster void of quality players.


    Tannenbaum, in my opinion, is the major reason the Jets went downhill. He swung for the fences after each year after Rex and Sanchez made the AFC title game and each time he missed not just poorly but horribly. And the Jets window closed as Sanchez lost talent around him and the defense regressed (Even slightly).


    Because of that I can't be happier the Dolphins were the ones to hire him.

  12. cocaine is a helluva drug.


    Seriously, you think Cassel is better than Tannehill? Either that or this is flawed logic. If you think Cassel isnt better than Tannehill, but that Roman can make him seem better, then, shouldnt Roman make Tannehill seem even better? In that case, why wouldnt you take Tannehill in a heartbeat? C'mon man!


    Also, Roman isnt that great. see: Kaepernick. Kaep wasnt great to begin with, but Roman's scheme got figured out pretty quickly, and defenses started to shut it down. Plus, the 9ers offense last year was worse than ours... They were also worse in the redzone, believe it or not. Over the years, the Harbaugh era relied on a great defense and a neuveau offensive scheme that quickly became passe. Not saying Roman is bad here, just pointing out that he cant turn lead into gold


    I think you have an inflated sense of what Tannehill is. He was a middling quarterback last year that was almost benched. I think EJ has just as good a chance at succeeding as Tannehill.

  13. of course it's not irrelevant, but as i have and so have many others stated here, the team is much more aware of their situation then we are. I guess I can't get over everyone seeming to understand the implications more then the team. The cap goes up considerably each year, teams are loaded with money to help restructure existing deals to create even more space. It's rarely a concern for a team, unless, like new orleans, you go all out in one year and it doesn't pan out.

    Cap is expected to go up 10 million next year, maybe again in 2017. I think people are looking for a silver lining to Miami and other teams signing lots of talent.


    Yes it is. And they have young players on there roster that are in need of extensions. It is by far a good thing for us. The cap going up by 10 mill a year is not going to fix what they did. Also remember the flat line in cap increase we had a few years ago. There is never a guarantee this cap increase will continue at this pace.


    Is Miami improving there team? Yes. Are they mortgaging the future similar to how New Orleans did last year? No doubt they are.

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