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Everything posted by KRT88

  1. The offense hasn’t scored a TD vs these guys yet!
  2. Unless I’m mistaken, Bills can’t win a 3 way tiebreaker without Tennessee involved.
  3. Two diotic play call on that dice! Handing off to Tolbert never good and a shuffle pass to Te in middle on field! ?
  4. OK, "Trust the process," what does that mean? March, we believe in Tyrod Taylor, I wouldn't have brought him back if we didn't believe in him. OK, coch, why did you hire a coach who can't work with the ability level of the QB? Denison's system is trying to cram a square peg into the round hole. It doesn't work. Late April, we pass on a chance to draft a QB (Because he trust and believe in Tyrod) at #10 and draft down to collect draft picks. Experts feel we are likely setting up drafting a QB in 2018, when class is deeper. We pick up extra picks to fill holes. The next day we draft away some of those draft picks to move up and pick an Offensive lineman. I disagreed with this decision but it looks OK. Preseason, we deal away out #1 WR and #1 corner within 20 minutes for extra draft picks. OK, so the process is now clear, we will sacrifice this season to have a strong 2018! OK we have vision. We start 5-2, we are contending with decent schedule, so we shift into win now mode. Out offensive system has no vision, our QB cannot run the system he is being asked to do. We then trade away Dareus because he hasn't bought into the teams visions and he's paid too much. We get a wonderful 6th round pick. Since that trade, our defense has been shredded every game and the past two, running the ball down out throats is normal. I'm confused about the process because few days after trading away Dareus you traded a valuable draft pick for Kelvin Benjamin, clearly a win now move. Now the Peterman decision, and this diaster what is the process? To me it appears to be flip flopping and making it up on the fly. At first I though well they are planning ahead but were they really? All I know, is that I now have no faith in the coach and his process, because I just think that's some statement he picked up along the way. It's a clique, nothing more, it means nothing.
  5. QB rating is good but the eyes dont lie. He refuses to throw the ball into tight windows and he doesnt antcipate throws. TT is decent but if we had a better options wed be playing that option.
  6. And thats the ball game! Bad to the crapper! Like every other year!
  7. Holy crap! This is the worst performance of the season! Totally embarrassing
  8. Thought they were gonna move the pocket? Never see them do that? Do we pull guards?
  9. Love all the medical professionals on the forum. Did you see the players reactions, they know.
  10. Teams needs to dial up some blitzes if front four cant get it done.
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