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Posts posted by Lombardi1

  1. Much can be said for the Hurry Up Offense if used appropriately. For instance, an occasional series of downs towards the latter stage of the quarters when the opposing team may be a bit winded. This may lead to some big plays, or the very least a potential penalty by a desperate defender finding himself two or three strides behind a reciever. In all things football, especially on the offensive side of the ball, keeping the defense off balance is key. To date, the Bills offense seems incapable of doing that, suffering from way too many 3 plays & out. If I'm a defender for the opposing team, right off the bat I'm focusing upon a hand off to Spiller or Jackson, or a medium range throw over the middle from Manuel to Chandler...the Bills have to find a way to mix things up a bit if they don't want to make it an easy day for the opposing defense. Ideally, the defense shouldn't know what you're doing, and the Bills can be a bit predictable. Rather than run a screen pass on 3rd down, toss in a wrinkle and run it on 1st down, and by all means mix up the short choppy pass patterns w/ an occasional deep ball to keep the opposing corners and safeties honest. We have got to find a way to win some ball games.

  2. Mr. T


    I share your legitimate concerns, but Could the play calling by the OC be the issue here? I'm not defending Manuel, but it seems he is a bit robotic out there as if he is hamstrung with minute details as oppose to fluid motion. We all know, any play drawn up on the board may not exactly unfold the way it's written given actual game conditions, so Manuel will have to start making some quick reads, check off and find an open target as oppose to forcing ill times passes to the tune of play selection. As far as the backup situation looks presently, no offense to 1st round pick Sammy Watkins, but the Bills could have done the whole organization a favor and brought in a seasoned veteran quarterback with some life still in his arm and legs instead. The Ryan Fitzpatrick move wasn't a wise move at all, but what's done is done.

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