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Posts posted by Lombardi1

  1. You better be careful spouting such logic on this site. There are those who think that only the QB matters, and will argue as such.

    Appreciate the compliment, thanks.


    I'll take the Steel Curtain, The Doomsday Defense and/or the No Name Defense any day. Football is a Team endeavor. When was the last time a NFL team only dressed their QB, and told the other 52 players to take the afternoon off?


    Until a QB walks on water, he's nothing more than an integral part of the team, nothing more, nothing less--in spite of what RG3; Johnny "bigmouth"; Cutler, etc., etc. may think. %$#$# clowns.


    The next Bills coach should focus his energies upon coaching a Team, not a sole position or individual.


    EJ is merely a victim of inept coaching this past season. He is more than capable of elevating his game and producing consistently game in and game out IF he has a smart, innovative coach instead of one who does the 3 and out shuffle like a broken record.

  2. I dont even want a coach thats wary of taking a job on this team exactly with what we have. I want a coach who will man up to the challenge of making EJ a better qb or developing another one. Most of the candidates we have interviewed havent been a head coach in this league so they should prove they are worthy of being a head coach by taking what you have and making the most out of it. Bruce Arians, great coach, went to the playoffs with a 3rd string qb and a whole lot of nothing on offense and missing 5 starters on D. I want the guy that goes into that interview and says give me what you have and we'll find a way to make it work. So sick of whiny little B*#@hes complaining about a job that 99% of us would love to do



    I never heard or saw this. Is this you're opinion? If it is your opinion, don't write it as if it's a known fact.


    Also, if a head coaching candidate doesn't think he can do anything with EJ Manuel then he shouldn't be hired. I'd bet a whole lot of money that Chip Kelly would have had EJ Manuel in the top 10 of QB statistics if he had him this past year. IMO he certainly would have started over Nick Foles and Mark Sanchez.


    The problem with EJ Manuel was 80% coaching. Will he ever be an elite QB? Probably not. Is he a QB with enough skills like Joe Flacco and Eli Manning that you can coach up to play at a high enough level to get you in the playoffs, get on a roll and win the Superbowl? I believe Manuel could be that type of QB for the Bills.


    What the Bills need is an innovative and creative coach like Chip Kelly that tunes out the negative and goes full throttle with a plan that uses Manuel's best attributes. Spread formation, QB runs, quick pace, deep throws and tell him to play with no fear of getting yelled at. You want to see Manuel thrive? That's the game plan people. There is no silver bullet QB coming in here that is a better option than a new head coach getting EJ Manuel in gear. Not Cutler, Foles, Sanchez, Glennon...ect. All well known duds IMO. Unless the Giants or Steelers are trading away their starting QBs to the Bills, the best option is giving EJ Manuel a free form and innovative offense.

    You are just making good sense.

  4. 32 jobs of its kind in the world. A man would be a fool to not accept the position of head coach in the NFL

    That's the winning spirit! and what an amazing attitude too. Coach THE TEAM, not a mere position.

    If a coach can not embrace the challenge then that coach was never worth the job.

    You are just making good sense.

  5. Great coaches find a way to win no matter who is under center.


    Pee Wee Herman could have played QB for the following teams and they still would have won a Super Bowl: The Steel Curtain; The Doomsday Defense and/or the No Name Defense. great coaches know football is more about coaching all 53 players than focusing upon just one position. If I was Mr. & Mrs. Pegula I would only retain the services of a HC capable of handling challenges, not cowering away from them.


    Thank goodness Super Bowl winning QB Jim Plunkett didn't believe all the "experts" early on in is career.

  6. IMO, he is the closest to a slam dunk candidate as there is available. He would be a perfect fit for our current situation.


    His credits:


    —Discovered and developed Russell Wilson, when no one else in the NFL was considering him.

    —Continued to innovate on offense after defenses started figuring out what they were doing.

    —Former QB, has a speciality in developing scrambling strong-armed QBs

    —Was the OC in Minnesota and helped Favre to his big year there, and one of the best years of Favre's career


    PFT reports that the Bills have requested permission to interview him. I think he makes way more sense than anyone else they're looking at. He's an offensive specialist who has shown the ability to make something out of nothing. Unlike Gase or McDaniels, he isn't leaning on a HOF quarterback. Unlike Reich, he has a proven track record of success.


    Bevell/Schwartz/Whaley is a power trio that I would have a lot of faith in.

    Sounds promising.

  7. 1. Be yourself

    2. Genuinely respect your players, your staff, the organization and loyal fan base

    3. Demand of your players to conduct themselves with class on and off the field with a team & community first attitude. Anyone who has a problem with that send that %$#@# clown packing.

    4.Don't accept anything less than witnessing the Commissioner of the NFL handing the Super Bowl Championship Trophy to Mr. & Mrs. Pegula

  8. Whether it's Hue Jackson or someone else tapped to be at the helm, hopefully he comes in realizing he is coaching a 53 man squad, not a sole position. Anyone coming in needs to know this upfront, that the total team concept is more important than who is under center. If anyone is timid of coaching here due to the QB situation he isn't worth the effort or time to pursue. Great coaches find a way to win in spite of who is under center.

  9. So no QB's Kelly has developed then? Thought so.


    First place on the lead lap? What Cliche for Dummies book are you getting this stuff from?


    Your "analysis" consists of "Kelly is good, Marrone is bad, thus EJ would be a great QB." Kinda falters under even cursory scrutiny. It is amusing though.

    Just letting the facts speak for themselves (not my problem if you cannot grasp facts).


    Fact 1: Coach Kelly has more wins than Doug "abandon ship with a mere text" Marrone


    Fact 2: Head to head, Coach Kelly's potent offense laps Marrrone and his inept OC


    Fact 3: Coach Kelly has more back to back wins than Marrone (who really has the Bills defense to thanked for most if not all of his)


    Fact 4: Coach Kelly just got promoted with more responsibility after demonstrating his competence; Marrone will be lucky if he is entrusted to lead a football team ever again after tip-toeing away in the night leaving others in limbo. The Marines would have taught him what Semper Fi means...


    and, for good measure


    Fact 5: Coach Kelly wins; Marrone whines (the $4 million he stole for doing absolutely nothing but waste the time of an organization and fan base can fetch him plenty of cheese for now to go with his whine). Leave the coaching to the likes of Chip Kelly, who could elevate EJ's game in his sleep, where the inept Marrone couldn't even do it up close and personal.

  10. Whaley's smart enough to know Marrone and his inept OC was the real issue, not EJ. Thank goodness championship major league managers don't pull their starting pitchers after only two hits in the 1st inning (they are smart enough to manage the overall game, not panic and let the situation spiral downward and out of control), but then again it doesn't take much to be smarter than Marrone and his inept OC. Have to wonder how many opposing teams around the league looked forward to playing the Marrone 3 & Out shuffle...sometimes good players have the misfortune of bad "coaching".

  11. Am surprised at Rex Ryan if this story is true. Lombardi won two Super Bowls with Bart Starr (great coaches find a way to win with what they have), not cower away from a challenge. Anyone using the QB situation at present as an excuse to avoid the current opening at HC isn't worth Mr. & Mrs. Pegula's time. What next, a prospective coach shying away because it snows in Buffalo?! Enough excuses already. Any coach worth his weight in gold would be clamoring to come to the Bills to demonstrate that he is more than capable of rising to the challenge. Anything less isn't worth pursuing anyway.

  12. Foles was a fluke. Chip didn't even play him until Vick got hurt, and he's the sole reason for his 2013 success?


    We all saw how Foles came back to earth in 2014 with Chip "developing him."

    Due to Coach Kelly's smart system, Foles could have done a better job of calling the Bills offensive plays than shallow-MereText Marrone & his inept OC combined.


    You're only fooling yourself if you really think Marrone's idea of offense compares even remotely close to the innovative winner Chip Kelly, who would have EJ in first place on the lead lap rather than stuck in reverse in the garage due to inept "coaching". Marrone couldn't carry Coach Kelly's water bottle.

  13. What QB's has Chip developed? Please, show me.


    What "genuine" HC do you want? Are you sure he'll have a better record than 9-7 next year?


    Also, hiring a good staff is integral to being an HC. The success of our D is fully awarded to the success Marrone had hiring good coaches.

    You're kiddin' right?


    Do you really think anyone else other than Chip Kelly could have possibly helped Foles elevate his game and amass all the offensive production they managed to achieve in just their first year together...meanwhile, there's Marrone and his inept OC playing 3 & Out like a broken record.

  14. Lol. Ask Logan Mankins about loyalty.


    Harbaugh left his team because he was too much a kitty to show loyalty to his players and stay with the FO. He left.

    and Marrone left his own men in limbo, but somehow that's okay, right? (it's the classic Marrone hollow speech about "family" and "team" that essentially equates into "Do as I say, not as I do").


    While we are comparing Mr. MereText and Harbaugh, seems the University of Michigan has chosen a new HC (worth some $48 million over the years). Which of the two do you suppose convinced a university president to entrust his football program to?

  15. Who hired those guys?


    What side of the ball has this organization been dumping draft picks and pricey free agents in over the last 4 years?

    Soooo, given your logic, he does better evaluating coaching talent than actually developing athletes and producing a championship caliber contender year in and year out?


    Let's skip the middle guy altogether, bring in a genuine HC who compliments the people he brings in rather than wage a self-centered hissy fit when they out shine him.


    Amazes me that someone like Chip Kelly would have fully developed EJ in his sleep, yet Marrone and his inept OC couldn't even do it with the guy actually standing near them. Go figure.

  16. That's a big IF. Especially if him and Whaley were not on the same page, which it sounds like they weren't.


    I didn't see anyone calling Harbaugh a quitter, who left due to bouts with the FO. Kinda similar, in that regard.

    Because Harbaugh didn't quit; however, Doug "abandon ship with a mere text" Marrone did so in a cape with a bright Q across the chest.


    Guess some people aren't stand up guys who are loyal, true and faithful to the very end, they just bail by asking someone else to forward a 2nd hand text to the people who gave them all they had for 17 weeks. Two things people won't confuse Marrone with: A class act or Chip Kelly, a winner...

  17. Yes, Marrone had nothing to do with the masterful defense. I mean, our defense was setting records before he got here.

    No, actually Marrone didn't have anything to do with the masterful develop of the Bills defense (his 1st season Mike P did one helluva job keeping us competitive and not being blow out due to Marrone and his inept OC; and, in his 2nd year, it's no great secret Jim Schwartz built upon Mike P's foundation, tweaking and improving the unit to secure more than a few All Pro selections).


    Now, back to the other side of the ball under Marrone's "development", if you care to call it that, let's count the number of Pro Bowl selections...Is that a big, whopping goose egg I see?


    So, there we have it, prosperity on one side of the ball where other individuals are in charge, and an inept zero, nada, zilch in MaTexty's column.

  18. The media asked him if he was worried about his job security after the GB game. You know, the game everyone said we had no chance of winning.

    The media nailed it!, because in their minds at that point it was more than clear and obvious Jim Schwartz and the defense was winning games, while Doug "abandon ship with a mere text" Marrone and his inept OC were only 'skilled" at playing their predictable version of 3 & Out.


    The writing was on the wall, and the press had every right to wonder aloud if Marrone thought/felt he had job security given the DC's masterful performances week in and week out during the season. It wouldn't surprise if some in the media, and even more than a few fans were already wondering how much better the Bills could be if Schwartz was the HC with a competent OC of his own choosing...

  19. The media didn't force Marrone out. He left because he saw a chance to pocket $4M and leverage his 'resurrecting' the Bills myth into another lucrative deal with another NFL team for more money and more control. From what has transpired so far that appears to be the Jets. And even if the media did run him out of town that only shows he's an emotional weakling that isn't suiting for a HC job where interacting with the press and dealing with potential criticism is a certainty.


    My theory is most of what he did and didn't do during the course of the season was aligned with his objective of putting himself in a position to make his next move. Defense and FG's won 9 games, not the genuis and superior coaching skills of Doug Marrone.

    Well said, especially your last sentence.

  20. This illogical emotional response is hilarious.


    Marrone went for 4th and 1's in the middle of the field, by the way.

    On his terms no doubt...


    When it truly matters (think Oakland in case your memory is impaired for the moment) he caves...


    Missed a golden opportunity to put his complete faith and trust in Jim Schwartz's defense, yet he cowers and punts like an indecisive whimp. C'mon, 4th and 1 with a potential playoff advancement, yet he folds. Chip Kelly he will never be, but then again Coach Kelly is a winner instead of a loser.

  21. Wonder how many of them would have raised the same concern/fears over Jim Plunkett, who in the final analysis is a Super Bowl winning QB.


    IMHO, if anyone interviewing cannot grasp that football is MUCH bigger than the QB position we don't need them to waste our time anyway. Brandon has wasted enough time already.


    Simply amazes me that Lombardi can win multiple Super Bowls with a lowly drafted QB, but modern day OC's are afraid of the challenge. Thank goodness the likes of Bart Starr came along well before these "experts".

  22. What if he's waaaaay worse? Has anyone bothered to ask themselves that question?


    I know the Buffalo sports media hasn't. I know the professional Bills hater Chris Mortensen hasn't...but that's because no matter what we do, it's wrong....unless of course we hire Tom Donahoe to be GM again. Then Chris will forgive us.


    The media ran Marrone out of town(without much thought), and are still killing hiim with story after story. They are the story now.


    They are the story, because if whoever we end up with is a regression back to all the terrible coaches we've had since Old Whitey?


    They will have to answer for that. You know damn well this board/their twitter/emails accounts will fill up with: "WTF did you do"?


    The fans will hold them accountable. And there will be no "right to change my opinion" for them this time.

    Pee Wee Herman couldn't be anyone worse than a text-king who leaves his men upon the battle field while he tip-toes quietly away into the night.


    Moreover, no incoming coach--especially with this year's defensive prowess--would fail to go for a first down on 4th and 1 in a neutral part of the field.


    No incoming coach can be any worse than the inept two-faced "family" and "team" is important bunch of hot air much ado about nothing texter.

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