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Posts posted by Lombardi1


    OK, I searched again and found some "Falcons have interviewed..." along with a report that in the Jets interview Marrone "failed to close the deal"


    See, here's the thing, if he'd just left the Bills and kept his mouth shut, especially if he left in a best-behaved "thank you for the opportunity" kind of way, I think it would have been fine. But trashing the Bills org in a way that got into National media opened the door for "return fire". And the return fire opens a different perspective which raises questions. If he doesn't handle the questions right in the interview, that does damage his credibility because all these guys in the different FOs know each other and talk to each other, the players talk, etc etc.

    Have to wonder if the reason he may not have closed the deal with the Jets was his fumbling, bumbling, stammering , etc. response to the following question: Why would it be in our best interests to hire someone who abandons ship via a mere text? Care to elaborate on that?

  2. A good point, DC Tom, but with a major announcement like that, and given the means and resources of highly paid players, he could have rallied the men one last time for an impromptu meeting face to face to exhibit some class, while bringing them all up to speed with a measure of respect. Didn't their 17 week commitment mean more than a mere forwarded text?


    At this point, he and the Jets may be looking nervously over their shoulders to see if tampering charges are in the works. What's that old adage about the grass on the other side...

    A text beforehand or an impromptu web or phone conference would have sufficed had I been a player. Hearing second hand is insulting.

    Well said

  3. The course of action someone with class would have taken:


    "Gentlemen, I've gathered you here tonight in this locker room for the last time. As much as we all love our game, it is a business after all. New ownership has decided my demands couldn't be met, so given all the present openings around the league for a HC, I believe it's in my best interests to put myself out there while there's some positive energy flowing around and about what we managed to accomplish here this season with great defensive play and special teams play. I've scheduled a presser afterwards to coincide with meeting with you guys, and will therefore make it official to the world in a few, but felt you guys deserve to hear this first, up close and in person akin to the way classy human beings treat and respect one another. Thanks for a remarkable run this year. All the best to you guys."


    Instead, here's a forwarded text for all that you guys have given over the last 17 weeks...

  4. Now before answering and before reading this please understand how I am saying this. I am not trying to be a jerk, I am not being sarcastic, I am not bashing I am just trying to wrap my head around why so many think Whaley should still be GM and why the faith in him. I know in print its hard to see how someone is coming across so just imagine we are sitting around having a couple beers, wings and just discussing this.


    So in looking at Whaley here is what I see so far, he was in on the decision to draft EJ and hire Marrone, two horrible decisions. Now how much decision making did he have in those two decisions? Who knows? What I have read is it SEEMS (again just by what has been said/ printed) Whaley and Bradon wanted to force EJ on Marrone, and it is beyond proven and obvious Marrone and Whaley had issues regardless of what OBD says. Speaking of OBD can we finally agree no matter what its CYA there please? They will tell you that there is nothing to see here, all reports are wrong even if someone had video of it happening.


    Moving on, here is what I have seen of Whaley in his first year as GM...


    He signs a FA Guard with tons of ??? on him at Guard and the guy ends up being crap and not playing. Now some will say injuries, but this guy had issues at his last two places and didn't warrant his draft placing.


    He trades for a WR who hasn't produced since his rookie year, has attitude issues, already has a bad history with our HC And is now on "IR" (wink wink) and we are on the hook cap wise for 5 Mil + next year.


    He puts his faith in a QB that never should have been drafted in the first round (Was part of that decision), had many knocks against him and all the experts questioned why we took him in the 1st let alone to build this franchise around.


    He trades away our 1st and 4th this year for a WR who's talent he believes is so clear cut better than anywone else in the Draft that its worth the pick. he also thinks this is the one piece to finally get us over the hump....a rookie WR...


    Trades a 4th rounder for a RB we never hardly used.


    I can go on but you are getting the point. So far to me he looks like he has do damn idea what he is doing. Even in Pittsburgh they figured out how the NFL changed and its all about the QB. Now a franchise QB doesn't guarantee you get into the playoffs, but without one you pretty much are screwed. As for as building the Pittsburgh Model they have a Franchise QB, they have ONE RB that carries most of the load with others to back them up. So this building a Pittsburgh model to me is pure nonsense.


    So just looking at the guy's track record along with no ownership, no "I made that call", "I made that decision" it really bothers me. I just can't have faith in this guy and I can't see how so many are just so happy he is still the GM and have faith in him,


    So if you all don't mind can we discuss this?

    Where I understand your reservations about Whaley, surely you wouldn't blame Michael of Godfather fame for the actions of his hot-tempered older brother Sonny, right? The analogy here is that Whaley to date has not been given a free slate yet to do the Frank Sinatra "My"/His "Way" yet...I say Mr. & Mrs. Pegula give him a simple one year contract to either produce on his own without Nix or Marrone or bid adieu. Fair is fair.


    In respect to EJ, if anyone is a saint between him and St. Doug it's EJ after all he's been through at the inept hands of Hackett and Marrone. Can only imagine what this young gifted athlete could accomplish IF Chip Kelly was developing him.

  5. If I remember correctly Chip Kelly's interview clocked it at 17 minutes. it was widely reported in Oregon afterwords.

    of course sitting across the table from Nix and Brandon may have had something to do with it.

    Coach Kelly was simply smart enough to see the train wreck Russ Brandon & Co. were/are...


    IF say a Roger Staubach had the time and was willing I'd like to see Mr. & Mrs. Pegula tap him to head the FO, spar Whaley for a one year probation period, teach/tutor EJ and give this talented young athlete an opportunity to sink or swim. Being handcuffed by an inept OC and a controlling HC isn't a fair opportunity to learn how to develop your game. The likes of Staubach would have EJ shining like the star he is capable of being in the NFL.

  6. Listening to Fred Jackson this morning, it seems that he just answered a question so many of us were wondering throughout the year, was the mundane, predictable playcalling more the fault of Hackett, or Marrone?


    WGR 550 @WGR550 4m4 minutes ago

    Jackson: Nate Hackett has always been an aggressive guy...he couldn't always do what he wanted to. Some of the stuff he wanted to call didn't get called in the game"


    This doesn't completely clear Hackett, but it shows who was really pulling the strings on offense.

    Freddy is the ultimate team guy, but where his heart is in the right place, Hackett is out. Wouldn't surprise me in the least bit if Hackett follows Marrone, or Marrone "convinces" Orton to come out of retirement for the 3rd time in as many years. Birds of a feather...

  7. 1. Shows the ability to develop a young Quarterback. I believe the best thing to do is to stick with EJ Manuel and pick up Jake Locker. Have an open competition in camp, best man wins.

    2. Creative offensive mind, an innovator not a follower, copy cat coach.

    3. Develops a passing game to take advantage of Watkins, Woods and Hogan. Ten to fifteen yard passes, not two yard passes and hope they break a tackle.

    4. Someone who will keep Schwartz as DC. Players love him, and results speak for themselves.

    5. Players coach who respects the players. Marrone did not.

    6.A coach willing to take chances, like going for it on 4th and one.When you have a stud defense, take a chance.

    Agree wholeheartedly with 1-5, and may entertain No. 6 given the game situation, time on the clock, score, etc...but certainly a legitimate point to make with the way Jim Schwartz had the defense playing throughout the season.

  8. Dear Diary


    I am having a tough time trying to make up my mind which team to represent when the Pro Football Hall of Fame comes a calling. After all, to date I've coached 5-32 teams in the league to at least one Super Bowl Championship. Guess I'll just pick a name out of my hat, since my head is so inflated I should be able to fit all five slips of paper into my hat. Oh, another thing Dear Diary, people are saying I lack class for not speaking directly to my former team about my decision to opt out...pftt...like I even owed them anything, especially after their 17 week committee to me during the regular season. After all, isn't it "Do as I say, not as I do".... I'm the best thing that has ever happened to the fans of Buffalo. They should be proud to kiss either my feet or arse...not that I actually had a winning season as much as the defensive side of the ball had a winning season, but in spite of that truth who wouldn't want to kiss my feet and arse. After all I'm the best thing that has happened to the Buffalo Bills since they entered the old AFL in 1960. Back tomorrow Dear Diary to share my sentiments about bringing my inept OC, err, friend Hackett with me everywhere I go. Between having Hackett and Orton who needs an All Pro defense to actually bail me out and win games? It pains me to think so many people actually credit Jim Schwartz and his defense are more responsible for our winning record this year. As if...at least in my legendary mind I know better than those feeble minded folks Dear Diary.

  9. No matter what it's termed, or how it's termed, 14 consecutive years of losing without a single playoff appearance is not pretty no matter what color bow choice is placed on the packaging. Until this culture of losing is addressed, The Bills are a problem, especially when devoted fans pour out their hard earned money to support them faithfully on any given Sunday afternoon/evening...it's way pass time for some soul-searching and giving the fans what they deserve, play every down like it's their last, and stop accepting losing as a way of life. Mere words, catchy phrases like "Lead the Charge" or "This is our time", don't win ball games; a thick playbook doesn't win ball games; and, certainly being so predictable as the Bills are and have been don't lead to anything else but another 3 & Out series...sadly, over-coaching doesn't win ball games either...let these men play with the natural gifts and talents they possess, and stop over-coaching them to the point of robotic movements instead of trusting their natural instincts out there on the playing surface. When the opposing team's DC knows what your OC is going to call for his next play, the outcome has less to do with the athleticism of the Bill's players than w/over-coaching to the point of being roboticly predictable.

  10. Here we are a week from opening day, and the team's hopes rest on a 2nd year QB?!


    Not to mention one of the backups is as predictable as the rising and setting sun (Tuell to Hogan, Tuell to Hogan, Tuell to Hogan, etc.)


    Is anybody at the wheel, or are we just going to mail in another losing season?! Earth to Whaley, start making some smart moves...

  11. Sure hope Whaley & Marrone know what they're doing here. It's best to think with the total team concept in mind, and make decisions in the best interest of the team. May want to get this punting situation under control before the games start to count/matter, and same goes for acquiring a seasoned quarterback with some life still left in his arm and legs, or this season may be on the brink sooner rather than later.

  12. The Bill offense overall has to do a much better job of not looking robotic out there, so the OC may need to mix the plays up, so Manuel and the team as whole can move with fluid motion as oppose to robotic movements that only telegraph their plays. How many times have we seen Jackson inside; Spiller off tackle, trying to out race defenders to the corner, or Chandler counting one thousand one, then after timing his lag, move to an open area some 12-15 yards down in the middle of the field? Toss in some old-fashioned sweeps here and there. Open up the short passing routes with some cleverly mixed in deep balls. Keep the defense offense and spread the field.

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