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Posts posted by Lombardi1

  1. If you have 37 minutes, I recommend listening to this interview with Tim Graham of the Buffalo News.


    According to Graham, the Pegula's were P.O.'d at Marrone the he wanted a contract extension for him and his staff, and did not offer him a contract extension; Marrone was not a nice person, he read everything on the internet and would chew reporters out for things that they posted; Terry Pegula will pick the next HC, Whaley is doing the coordination on the search, Brandon is sitting in just as an advisor, Overdorff is not involved in the HC search.





    Hat tip, Mr. & Mrs. Pegula, continue to make sense of the debacle Doug 'abandon ship with a mere text" Marrone made of this fine organization. Please continue to keep Russ Brandon and Overdoff at arm's distance while you guys turn this team's fortunes around.


    OneBuffalo!!! .... after 4 SB misses, lets get One for the home team.

  2. So how come Marrone didn't want to "pad his resume" by winning with EJ?


    It almost seems like an out of shape guy who didn't even want to play football and only showed up after camp was done so he didn't have to exercise was a better option to win games.

    It may have been a case of simply his own Pride. It wouldn't surprise in the least bit if Marrone's bloodline has some Mule in it. It's his ball and everyone was going to play his way or else...

  3. MadDog69 and NoSaint are just making good sense. None of us knew how to drive until someone invested some time into helping us learn how to keep ourselves and others around us safe. All EJ needs/deserves is a fair shot, nothing more, nothing less (akin to what Marrone and his inept OC did). Again, sometimes it's not the position, it's the coach(es).

  4. I think at this point Whaley should extract what the Bills organization can from their investment in EJ (even if for only one year). Of course, IF Marrone and his inept OC hadn't wasted a full season on EJ it would be much easier for Whaley to fully determine what his next move relative to EJ should be, but what a total waste of time for the entire organization as a whole to let Marrone set things so far back.


    Somewhere Jim Plunkett is smiling, recalling how once he got out from underneath coaches inept and inept he actually won a Super Bowl.

  5. The jury is still out on whether or not EJ is a "bad" QB or not (thank God major league baseball managers don't totally give up on a guy just because he allows one or two hits in the 1st inning). Sometimes it isn't the QB, it's the drama all around him. The drama has since abandoned ship with a mere text. Oh, WAIT! don't forget to take your inept OC with you.

  6. http://espn.go.com/new-york/nfl/story/_/id/12131798/perry-fewell-new-york-giants-defensive-coordinator

    interesting to see what if any impact this could have on the Bills coaching staff, particulary the possibility of Pepper Johnson, former Giants D-lineman, getting a shot at a DC role.

    Have to give Giants HC Tom Coughlin much respect for his patience w/Fewell's inability to stifle the NFC opposition. Good luck to Perry, and hopefully he'll be granted another chance someday, but allowing the numbers put up on the scoreboard like he did doesn't equate into job security. No team can fully compete in this league with a suspect defense. Perhaps the bleeding will stop with their incoming DC.

  7. As many here know, Snoop Dogg's son Cordell Broadus is a pretty good WR. Apparently he did not want to play football when he was 6 years old so Snoop gave him $2K to play. I know several parents who give cash incentives to their kids for achievements in sports like TD's or Home Runs. What do you think of this practice?



    To each his/her own I say, but unless the young person at such a tender age doesn't have his heart into I say don't waste his/her time, nor your money. Sometimes as adults we just have to stop living our own dreams through innocent children.

  8. The problem w/EJ has since abandoned ship with a mere text. Can only imagine how much further along EJ would be if he had someone of Chip Kelly's caliber to show him the ropes. For that matter, any decent HC who is fair minded enough to give him a genuine opportunity to develop (something Doug "abandon ship with a mere text" Marrone and his inept OC choose not to do). No wonder Jim Plunkett managed to find his groove years later and actually win a Super Bowl (sometimes it isn't the QB as much as it's the drama all around him).

  9. Have to give credit where it's due, so congratulations to Sammy Watkins for shining bright this season. Congratulations GM Whaley as well. Truth be told, I wanted Whaley to shore up the O-line, because I thought Robert Woods would fill the void for the then recently traded StevieJ on long deep pass routes, and therefore selecting a wide out so soon wasn't exactly a smart move. Little did I know Whaley's keen eye picked up on something sorely missed by myself.


    Now, fast forward to this off season, IF he's given at least another year with the blessings of Mr. & Mrs. Pegula perhaps this time around Whaley's focus can be upon landing some tackles and guards to compliment center Eric Wood & Co upfront (it really doesn't matter who the QB is if the O-line continues to be neglected in terms of personnel and coaching). Shoring up the O-line is akin to laying a solid foundation/cornerstone towards long term success. Even Brady, Manning, Rogers, etc. are only as good as their secret service detail upfront.

  10. ^^^This. At the beginning of the Pats game, I was sure that he would play EJ for a significant portion of the game to see how improved (if at all) EJ was in game situations. As time wore on, I wondered that EJ must be really bad if he isn't even played in this meaningless game. Now that his plan seems apparent, it's seems clear that Marrone threw EJ under the bus for his own benefit. How much did he retard this kid's professional development in favor of his own selfish ends? We may never know.

    Well said.


    Have to wonder what would have happened to Montana, Aikman, Brady, etc. if they had to experience the misfortune of playing for a self-centered legend in his own mind? Lucky for them, they were actually coached by brilliant men who put the TEAM first. Doug "abandon ship with a mere text" Marrone strikes me as a vindictive sort (hope EJ didn't dare challenge his inept game plan if one could call it a plan...predictable 3 & outs don't sound like much of a plan, or at least a winning one).

  11. How many people think it was a coincidence we went 4-0 vs nfc north this year? You guys think schwartz had more to do with that or st. Sh*tforbrains?


    Id be happy w schwartz as HC. Better than many of the clowns being considered.

    4-0 :thumbsup: well done, Coach Schwartz. Quite an amazing accomplishment to say the least.


    and St. Doug thought he was responsible for this year's winning record. Riighttt...

  12. Good for Coach Schwartz, well deserved and certainly a well earned interview.


    Of course, landing an OC to compliment his defensive standouts on the other side of the ball should be first and foremost a priority. Best of luck to him and the team should he become the next HC of the Buffalo Bills. If not, hopefully the incoming HC invites him to stay on.

  13. Go, Mary, Go!


    It's not the sex or color of the HC, it's his/her commitment to excellence, class and to the total team concept.


    Folks who abandon ship with a mere text need not apply...


    Something tells me Mary knows the difference between an inept OC and someone more qualified to be calling plays for a professional football team. The idea of offense is to move the ball towards and over your opponents goal line, not surrender it with 3 and outs repeatedly. Thank goodness for Jim Schwartz's defense this year and for the timely contributions of the ST's unit.

  14. An excellent line up there OP. Not exactly my first choice, but certainly something the entire organization can live with to rid the stench of failure of what's his name. Where K. Cousins is a wise choice, J. Cutler needs to keep his drama in Chicago. The last thing the Bills organization needs right now is a major distraction taking away from the total team concept. Give me five slow Larry Birds and I'll always find a way to beat the prima donnas & all their %$#& drama.

  15. IF RG3 could focus his undivided attention upon being the best football player he can be his game prowess would speak for itself; however, because he's a spoiled brat with an over inflated ego don't let him any where near a Bills jersey. Long overdue for a HC to deliver the following message to RG3: Grow up mister! Come to play like a true professional, or just muzzle it.


    In respect to EJ, I believe under the development of the right HC and OC this young man has the tools to emerge as a winning QB in the NFL. Marrone and his inept OC wasted a full season for the entire organization. Can only imagine what EJ could actually accomplish if the likes of Chip Kelly landed in Buffalo instead of the legend in his own mind.

  16. That fight him and Russ got into in the beginning of the year. He yelled "Just go ahead and fire me!" or something along those lines. Has he been planning to leave since draft day, or am I looking too far into it?

    You're not looking too far into it.


    Doug "abandon ship with a mere text" Marrone's self-centered theme begin loooonnnng ago. There may not be an "I" in TEAM, but he certainly sees the "ME", "ME, "ME in there.

  17. DD is a more accurate assessment.


    There are Landry's, Noll's, Walsh's Shula's, etc., and then there are Doug "what's in it for me first & foremost" Marrones (what coach identifies with a specialty, OL, yet cannot find an offense even in a Cracker Jack box)? It all starts with the OL, so where Marrone failed them he also failed the team as well. Have to give it to Jim Schwartz and the All-Pro defense selections this season, and the ST's play, for producing a 9-7 season...for without their timely contributions Marrone could have just as easily went 6-10.

  18. On another thread upon this Forum there has been some discussion about RB Coach Ty Wheatley interviewing for a similar position with Harbaugh's University of Michigan. Aside from that, I also haven't read and/or heard any other movement on the coordinators and assistants. Though I wouldn't personally retain the inept OC, he and these men deserve much better than what Doug "it's all about me" Marrone did to them, leaving them in virtual exile...

  19. Thanks for sharing that transcript of Doug "do as I say, not as I do" Marrone...whatever happened to "say what you mean, mean what you say"?


    Coming Soon to a theatre near you the Doug "much ado about nothing" Marrone story, where abandoning your "family" with a mere text is what he thinks of "family". One good TALKER, bunch of hot air coveting the green grass on the other side of the fence...gentlemen there is a "me" in tEaM, and it's all about Doug "Me" Marrone suckers.

  20. Not only did they fail to see the red flags, as recently as two weeks ago, Brandon was touting Marrone as the guy who changed the Bills' culture, presumably for the better, while many of us recognized him all along for the mediocrity that he is.

    Good point. How Brandon and/or Marrone think Marrone is responsible for changing the culture in the Bills locker room escapes me. Until Jim Schwartz and his All Pro defense emerged this season the Bills could have been simply blown out by even weaker opponents. Toss in the timely contributions of the ST's unit and its no wonder why the Bills fortunes are turning. Can only image if the Bills had more than an inept OC, and narcissist HC just how deep into the playoffs this year's team could have clawed their way towards something special...


    Am surprised Brandon hasn't been shown the door yet by Mr. & Mrs. Pegula...

  21. I have a feeling it will be the Falcons




    A good question. Have to wonder how many of the team owners and their respective team's FO's are playing the waiting game to see which coaching candidate(s) remain available. I wouldn't wait too long or somebody may end up without a prom date.


    IMHO if the Chicago Bears are wise they'd tapped Shanahan (GM) & Shanahan(HC), add a smart & savvy DC and make some wise moves in the draft and sort out the "keepers" on their current roster. Not sure what happened between Cutler, Trestman, etc., but I would retain his services for at least one more year. He either learns the younger Shanahan's playbook and produces or bid adieu.

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