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Posts posted by PlayoffsPlease

  1. For logical arguments sake lets stipulate that the Bills play calling against first teams all preseason was "vanilla".


    But this does NOT mean


    If "first team using vanilla plays fails" then "first team using NOT vanilla succeeds"


    We simply don't know what will happen when the first team moves away from the Vanilla offense. We are left with the classic Bills fans option "hope"

  2. Of course I want the team to win, and in this situation consistently winning would be a proxy for a changed culture and is the the best measurement of success for a sports team.


    What I'm suggesting is the way to get there is not by constantly changing our OC's, DC's, HC's and GM's while leaving the rest of the leadership of this organization in tact and hoping things on the field change. Aren't you sick of the same cycle we've been repeating every 3 years since 1999 ?


    I don't doubt that Brandon wants to win and he wants to build a winning culture within the organization. I think his heart is in the right place. My issue with him is that he is either unqualified to accomplish that or incapable of implementing it given he's been a part of this organization for so long.


    Sometimes organizations need new blood in order to evolve and change for the better.


  3. Yep, although according to the haters he had all day and open receivers in the first half but simply cannot process information quickly or throw accurate passes, and that really wouldn't matter whether they were first or second stringers.


    He didn't have a good first half. He missed a couple throws he would like to have hit. A couple other throws that it looked like he missed he didn't actually miss. Everyone would have liked to have seen him do better. There is nothing he can do right now to make the people who just don't see it in him that will make them see it, and it is true. Until he does it consistently in the regular season games even the most ardent supporters cannot say he can.


    The only difference is half the people think they already know, which they don't, it's just a guess, and half the people think we need to let him get some experience to know either way.


    Your trying to hard. By NFL standards EJ is not "gifted", unless you are saying the 20 QBs who have had far more demonstrated success at the NFL level are also gifted.

  4. I think those who are concerned about EJ's future with the BILLS are concerned with just one thing: consistency. Can EJ consistently show up on game day and play to his full potential...that's the issue, at least in my mind. EJ is a very gifted QB but I'm concerned about his ability to mentally process the speed of the NFL Defenses and if his football acumen is sufficient enough to lead the Offense beyond the moments his physical ability gets him through it. Because as much as "vanilla" the BILLS' Offense was, so most likely are the Defenses he's facing. So, while I see great potential in EJ, I'm concerned that his ability remains captured in his mind and unable to be released through his play on the field...not sure if that makes sense the way I explained it...and of course, because I am a true BILLS fan I want him to succeed and sincerely hope the BILLS already have their Franchise QB for the next 15 years in uniform, in the person of EJ Manuel, but I'm not convinced...yet. So, here's to Chicago, Week 1, and hoping EJ plays lights out and the Bears go back to hibernating and the BILLS stampede back home with a victory!!


    Edit: and thank you to the OP who linked the interview, nice and balanced as others have said and refreshing!


    The internal inconsistency here is stark. You can not be a "very gifted QB" and also "not able to process NFL speed". EJ is blessed with the famouse "protypical size" and "arm strength". Much like Akili Smith, Ryan Leaf and Jamarcus Russell were.


    None of them were able to "process NFL speed". Also Leaf and Russell did not have EJ's apparent work ethic. But in addition to those guys the historical NFL landscape is littered with guys who had prototypical size and arm strength. The mental aspect of the game, reading defense and processing NFL speed is what separates very gifted athletes from very gifted QBs. At this stage EJ has demonstrated that he is a gifted athlete, but not yet demonstrated that he is a gifted QB.


    #1- mark kelso is PAID to say nice things about the bills.


    #2- EJ is mediocre and from the looks of things he's going to stay that way.


    Its not clear to me why fans would think anything posted on BuffaloBills.com as "journalism" would be objective. Its a public relations and marketing site, not a news site.

  5. If EJ repeats his mid 70's passer rating from last year and this preseason, that will be good enough for him to remain the starter throughout the season. It also pretty much means no playoffs as its almost unheard of in the last five years for a team with a passer rating that low to make the playoffs. At the end of the season their will be a debate about whether or not it was "good" 70's or a "bad" 70's rating. In either case he will be the presumptive starter going into 2015. The only issue will be whether or not their will be a second or third round QB to provide a tiny bit of competition in camp, or a veteran retread to do that. None of this will provide the fan base much hope. Unfortunately all signs point to a team passer rating in the 70's.


    On the other hand if EJ can string together 16 games equivalent to his best 3 or 4 games last year, the team will make the playoffs and all the QB discussion can be ended for a time.

  6. Why that is some what true, and some good common sense thinking, one could also say that if they lift the blackouts and people stop going and start watching more on TV then over time it will be less and less exciting to go to the point where stadiums are only selling 30% of their tickets, making it less exciting for normal people to watch on TV causing rating and profits to crash.


    This is a very important point that seems lost on most people. A full stadium is an important part of making the game a compelling TV event.

  7. Not having a number 1 pick next year really hand cuffs the Bills. It seemingly elevates the importance of the second and third round and fourth round picks. There really isn't a way the Bills can trade any of those three picks for a veteran who has actually extended NFL experience like Mark Sanchez or Matt Moore, or for a prominent back up like Mallet or Osweiller. If EJ is a stud this year it won't matter. But if he doesn't play better than last year, the Bills will be looking to use their second or third round pick on a QB. QBs picked in the second or third round (Dalton, Wilson) might come in and start in 2015, but that is not typical. If the Bills were to trade a second or third round for a stop gap, and then use the a second or third rounder for the next "QB of the future" in 2015, the Bills would be left with no third picks in the first three rounds, EJ, a stop gap, and a new development QB. That really couldn't happen.


    Because of that dumpster diving for cuts, or guys already available like orton or tebow are really the only options. I think if EJ were to get hurt it would be more entertaining to watch Tebow try to do something than watching Tuel or Palmer. Triple option with Spiller, Jackson and Tebow (Fred has a better throwing motion than Tebow). Tebow could probably manage to throw to Watkins behind the line of scrimmage as well as the next guy.

  8. The 1st perspective is closed minded and has already reached a conclusion. People who are there often will only see negative and will give no credit even if it's due.


    The 2nd perspective is open minded and has yet to reach a conclusion at such an early stage. Those who are in this camp see both good and bad. They post objective positive and negative commentary when it's appropriate to do so.


    What you call closed minded others call "decisive". GM's for example need to be decisive when making draft decisions. They don't need to wait three years to decide if they believe or don't believe in a QBs potential, based on ....wait for it.... only college stats and what they see. Fans can also be decisive and reach conclusions based on ........wait for it... college stats, early NFL stats and what they see.


    What you call open minded others would call "wishy washy". Obviously nobody ever knows the future perfectly about pretty much everything. So the wishy-washy person can always win any argument about anything that is prospective with "you can't know that for sure". And the wishy-washy person will always think they won the argument. In NFL QB development for example the Bills couldn't be sure about JP Losman, Trent Edwards or Ryan Fitzpatrick until a massive amount of failure occurred. As a result, they never added credible QBs to the "pipeline" until it was time to cut ties with the incumbnent QB and go back to square 1. Other teams like the niners and eagles added QBs to their pipeline fairly consistently (not first rounders, but early to mid picks). Teams like the Bronco's and Patriots also see value to adding QBs with early picks just in case the top guys get hurt. The Bills have been the epitome of "being patient with the QB" for many years now, and it hasn't really worked out that well.


    There is no reason whatsoever to cut ties with EJ this early in his career or to not start him. But their also was/is no compelling reason to not add another QB to the "pipeline" in the last draft or to have considered adding a veteran like Michael Vick (not as a starter).


    Whaley is not wishy-washy. He has made a very decisive decision to be all-in with EJ. Part of the fun of being a fan for many, is having their developing their own opinions about roster moves. It is a tad boring to limit yourself purely to hindsight.

  9. Tom Modrak singlehandedly destroyed this team for a decade. They guy should have a statue at the new ralph we fans can stone.


    So many horrendous first, second and third round picks. Anyone who doesn't see the stark contrast since his departure just can't see.


    All these undersized and underachieving d linemen sprinkled with an occasional surprise late rounder.


    The 2010 draft was the last year with his fingerprints on there.. Other than Kyle Williams the guy couldn't scout d linemen to save his life.


    Other than rb's a de's it's pretty appalling...


    Selective shifting of accountability is a Bills fan's specialty. Nix made the Troup selection. Unless you work at OBD I am not sure you know if he was Modrak's guy or not. For all any of us know, current GM Whaley had more influence with Nix than Modrak did in that draft.


    No question the Bills whiffed on a lot of first round picks. But Modrak wasn't responsible resign guys. A Modrak era team with proper resigning could look something like this.


    Oline could be Levitre, Woods, Jason Peters plus whatever olinemen could have been drafted in 2010,11,12, 13, 14


    Jabari Greer, McKelvin, Byrd, Donte Whitner in the secondary. Kyle Williams plus whatever 100mm DE the GM chose to sign plus whatever #3 overall person would have been picked in 2011 (Dareus was fairly consensus). plus any other linemen drafted in 2012, 13, 14




    If Modrak gets blamed for Troup, I guess he gets credit for Spiller. So the RB's would be Spiller and Fred Jackson. plus anyone else drafted in 10,11,12,13,14


    QB would be whatever QB's could have been drafted in 2011,12,13,14 - a few drafted since then have succeeded in the NFL


    WR would be steve johnson plus whoever was drafted in 11,12,13,14.


    Modrak was never GM. His official title probably should have been "convenient scapegoat"


    Its a strange concept to blame a scout who hasn't been with team for four years for the fact that the Nix/Whaley regime hasn't built a winner yet. Seattle has turned over virtually its entire roster from 2010 to 14 and managed to make the playoffs and win the Super Bowl. The Bills with the advantage of drafting around the top 10 every year haven't managed anything in the same time frame. But lets put up a statue of a mid-level manager most casual Bills fans ever heard of.

  10. Kelly didn't look like Elway or Marino in 1986 and internet or no internet took a fair amount of crap in in the press and from fans.

    Jim Kelly seemed a lot more durable than EJ does. And while memory certainly isn't perfect, I don't remember Jim Kelly ever look like he was panicking. It seemed like his problems came from trying to do too much, while EJ's problems seem to stem from not being willing to try pushing the ball up field.

  11. Its my opinion that the Bills can continue to lose well into the foreseeable future. Its more than just turnovers. Over the past 15 years we've seen losses which defied the laws of physics wherein a forward pass moved backward, iced the kicker before a failed attempt, last second missed field goals, defensive breakdowns, INTs, fumbles, muffed punts, special teams meltdowns, total mismanagement of the clock, even divine intervention. The Bills methods for losing are so broadly diversified that they can overcome any lucky break, favorable bounce or preferential call and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


    I have a friend in Boston who is a Pat's fan. Every week during football season he asks me "what new way to lose a football game will the Bills invent this week?" followed by "the Bills aren't as bad as they seem.........on paper".

  12. Here are the current backup QB options.

    QB 1 Kyle Orton

    2 Josh Freeman

    3 B.J. Coleman

    4 Dominique Davis

    5 Josh Portis

    6 David Carr

    7 John Skelton

    8 Tim Tebow

    9 Vince Young

    10 Kevin Kolb

    11 Jordan Palmer

    12 Tyler Thigpen

    13 Dennis Dixon

    14 Pat White

    15 Nate Enderle

    16 John Parker Wilson

    17 Jerrod Johnson

    18 Adam Weber

    19 Ryan Lindley

    20 Alex Tanney

    21 Nick Stephens

    22 Ryan Katz

    23 Colby Cameron

    24 Kyle Padron

    25 James Vandenberg

    26 Mike Hermann

    27 Nathan Stanley

    28 Dalton Williams

    29 Matt Brown

    30 Caleb TerBush

    31 Tim Jenkins

    32 Dayne Crist

    33 Brett Smith

    34 James Franklin

    35 Chase Rettig

    36 Tommy Rees

    37 Brock Jensen

    38 Jordan Rodgers

    39 Bryn Renner

    40 Jeff Mathews

    41 Kory Faulkner

    42 Alex Carder

    43 Keith Price

    44 Collin Klein

    45 Rusty Smith

  13. Watching the replay of the Seahawks and Bears preseason game. The Seahawks are leading 31-0 in the third quarter and Russell Wilson is still playing.


    I have been a Bills fan for 40 years and there are lot of people who speak as if they have the authority of God behind them to say that "the only thing that matters is coming out of preseason game without injuries"


    Now I am not the smartest guy in the world, but the Seahawks just won the Super Bowl, so I am going to say Pete Carroll understands what to do with preseason better than I do.


    So why is Pete Carroll still playing his starters in this situation?

  14. Tom Brady hasn't won a Trophy in a few years.


    Well the Pats have made the playoffs 14 years running and have won a lot of playoff games, so I find it twisted to use them as a example of a system failing. Also Brady's contract is a lot less expensive to the Pats, than Rodgers, Brees, and P. Manning. He definitely takes a discount, so he really is not at all example of a QB situation who kills a teams chances of making the playoffs.


    I would like to have one of those mediocre type vet QBs holding the clipboard however

    Well if a team paid their current salaries to hold a clip board, it is not likely they would have the money to put together a great team around the non-clipboard holding starting QB.
  15. As much as I would like the Bills to have a clear cut star at QB, I think the worst situation for QB in the NFL is starting to look like the expensive mediocre veteran.


    Sam Bradford, Tony Romo, Jay Cutler, Joe Flacco chew up lots of cap space, which hurts the rest of the team. Dalton and Kaepernick now have big contracts. It will be interesting to see of the Bengals and niners can adapt to those big salaries, or if either of those QBs can elevate to star status.

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