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Posts posted by PlayoffsPlease

  1. “It’s rotation and run game,” Marrone explained. “Hey, they’re going to run the ball, run some time. Hey, when it’s third down, we can get him in. That was the thought process that was going on, even though I wasn’t directly involved.”


    People keep suggesting the fix is in with the referees.


    I can't imagine the "thought process" that puts Mario Williams on the bench for the most critical defensive series of the game. I actually can't mentally process that.


    Can someone explain in english, whatever the hell it is Marrone is trying to explain there.


    And what kind of coach makes statements like "I wasn't directly involved"


    Please help me regain sanity.

  2. Watkins skill set is different than Percy Harvin's. It would be like asking Seattle fans "when is Percy Harvin going to make circus catches like Sammy Watkins". I am not saying the plan would be a fail for Watkins, but the ability to get YAC is not the same as running from scrimmage on a sweep.


    Harvin's ability to get separation is not as good as Watkins (based on college mainly) either. Watkins is good after catch, but he isn't faster or more elusive than CJ Spiller, who actually is more similar to Harvin than watkins is.


    Spiller, Watkins, and Goodwin are all viable candidates for running the Jet Sweep as long as they execute it perfectly. Seattle uses it to near perfection.


    You mean having a superior offensive line with fast pulling guards helps with the Jet Sweep? I though any "playmaker" could run it effectively simply by calling the play and handing him the ball.

  3. Why do big markets like Chicago and LA (in the day) get shafted, why doesn't the fourth largest market, Philadelphia have multiple super bowl championships, why didn't the NFL fix it for Dan Marino to get a championship.


    Why does the NFL consistently let Green Bay and Pittsburgh win.


    Why did the gigantic Indianapolis market get to have peyton manning then andrew luck.


    This thread is ridiculous.

  4. The NFL's mistake is getting involved as a league in responding to players non-football actions.


    The drug rules are not in place to add an extra level of law enforcement. First PEDs are banned to make sure no competitive advantage is gained, a core sports management philosophy. Secondly its about asset protection, the teams have huge investments in the players, and drugs can and will damage that asset. The gambling rules are in place because it can effect the competition.


    If an individual team wants to fire a player because of image or PR for conduct unbecoming, they should have the same authority as every other employer. But the NFL shouldn't get involved as a league.


    I also don't understand why no one discusses than Rice's wife is being made a victim a second time. Her families loss of income effects her life style as much as it effects Rice. I am not sure why the NFL feels as though it is good to punish her as well. Seems to me this is an issue that is between Rice, his wife and law enforcement.


    Since the NFL chooses to be involved they have created their own secondary issues about their honesty regarding having previously seen the video or not. Clearly if they had and took their original action and only changed it to bend to public opinion, the person who made the original judgement clearly screwed that up, and should not be a position to make future similar decisions.

  5. Bears 27 Bills 13


    But I would love for the Raiders to beat the Jets and have Geno throw 3 int's. I hate the Jets probably more than the Pats for some reason


    Its tough not to respect the Patriots and its hard to hate something you respect. We don't have an actual rivalry with the Patriots (who have won almost every game for a decade), but we do have a rivalry with the Jets as we battle them for the third and fourth place spots. So your hatred is logically place.

  6. The whole preseason has been a smoke screen to lull the Bears into a false sense of security. Staged arguments for the media consumption, letting passes get batted down on purpose and dropping balls on purpose in the preseason games. Its all part of the smoke screen. Don't be shocked when CK starts the game at RT and turns into Orlando Pace. And don't be surprised when Kiko dresses for the game and leads the team out of the tunnel. Its all part of the smoke screen. The bears will never know what hit them.

  7. "The front office has also bristled at how certain players are being used, sources said, believing that tackle Cyrus Kouandjio, this year's second-round pick, warranted more of a long look this simmer, unhappy that emerging receiver Robert Woods was benched at times and also at odds over guard Kraig Urbik, who the personnel side believes is a quality guard (he just received a contract extension a few years back) but who Marrone has soured on (the team explored trades for Urbik before roster cuts, league sources said)."


    Marrone is right, you have to let your coach coach, or you fire him. Player personnel directors can't tell coaches who should play. BTW, I am generally not a Marrone fan, but he is right in this incident.

  8. What is the theory that EJ didn't get a break? Random posters bitching on a message board? Jerry Sullivan?


    In real life EJ was handed ta bigger break than Brady. EJ got to come into the season as the uncontested starter and the team traded away its #1 for 2015 to get him the best "weapon" in the draft. Meanwhile the Pats used a second round draft pick on a QB which has to make it clear to Brady and everyone else that if the 2014 continues a downward performance trend, well the Patriots will accept that he is getting old.

  9. This is pure hindsight. Pretty much everyone thought Thad Lewis would grow into a very competent backup QB this year based on what he did last year. As a matter of fact, there were a number of posters on this board who felt he should be the starting QB. I am not going to fault the FO for believing the same thing based on his progression last year. Nobody expected him to regress in training camp and preseason. Perhaps they could have addressed it a little earlier in the preseason, but when it was clear he and Tuel both had regressed and were not getting better, then they made a change. It was not as if there were a lot of viable options once preseason rolled around.


    GM's and Head Coaches are paid millions of dollars per year to be able to make good decisions. The blundered in their assessment of Tuel and Lewis. It doesn't matter if "pretty much everybody" who posts on message boards thought lewis would be good. They blundered.

  10. One bad decision led to several more bad decisions. Trading Lynch meant we used a #1 on Spiller. If we hadn't we could have taken Dez Bryant. If we had Dez Bryant we wouldn't have needed TJ Graham, and we could have picked up Wilson in that round to be mentored by Ryan Fitzpatrick.

  11. I give it a B. The draft is relative, you really need to compare it to the other realistic choices. Quentin Coples and Bruce Irvin were probably the only better picks taken in the next 7 or 8 after Gilmore.


    Once you get past the top 3 or 4 in most drafts, no one is a sure thing. A guy like Gilmore who is a credible starter rookie year and throughout is at least a B, and I am one of Buddy Nix's biggest critics.

  12. Indeed. You might be able to do that if you have an established QB---and a team that is pretty set at most other positions, But with most young QBs you really don't know what you have for a while. You keep drafting them (while passing on other talented players who can help at other positions) and now you have three, four, young QBs you really don't know much about, There are only so may resources, reps, etc, to work with. That seems to me like a recipe for disaster.

    Losman for three years and no plan B, Edwards for three years and no plan B, Fitzpatrick for three years and no plan B - mix liberally with a series of journeyman lienarts, tjax's, and dixons- this is your recipe for no playoffs for a decade, which some might term a disaster. Draft Kevin Kolb, sign MIchael Vick, draft Nick Foles, draft Matt Barkley, sign Mark Sanchez in a five year period, keep the one that works - this is an example of a recipe where you end up with a good QB. This is an example of a recipe where you end up with a decent QB, and a playoff game.
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