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Posts posted by rfk

  1. My best attempt. A little twist, tweaked for the Bills Offense:



    "Oh, Baby, the places this offense will go!"


    "Baby, oh, baby the places this offense will go!


    The stadiums you will visit!


    The teams you will mow!


    The horn-tooting apes


    From the Jungles of Jorn,


    Will hoot a big toot


    On the day you are born




    You will find from your very


    first moment on the field


    you're surrounded by new fans


    who's joy is hard to conceal!!



    While you are busy growing


    we're all busy counting


    the days till we meet you-


    excitement is mounting!



    You'll find this team's a great place to begin,


    but it could use some help-


    which is where you come in.


    So now, As my voice burble-urps in your ear-


    with a bump-thumpy sound that is not very clear-


    the words I am saying you hear in your helmet,


    and know that I wish you the very best start.


    It's a scrumptulous League and it's ready to greet you,


    And as for myself…




    I can't wait to meet you!"


  2. Not sure what to make of the fact that they have said very little following the purchase of the franchise. I guess they are going to let the season close out and then do whatever it is they are going to do. The reality is that if they are going to make any significant changes they likely need to do so relatively quickly in order to have preparation time for the draft.


    If you over payed for an Ice Cream Stand and then at the peak of Summer the Ice Cream goes sort of bad would you then complain about it and talk about how next year will be better. Plus they really only know what they are told about the Bills and the NFL...prudent to shut up at just watch it happen for a while. Do you expect the owners to make this all better? They are not graduates of football academy..they are business folks who lucked out with the natural gas Boom in PA. Jeeze

  3. I did what I meant

    and meant what I did

    The Bill's should cut me

    And be rid, rid, rid


    OMG any other player that was that bad would be gone today.


    Please Santa Claus, take him away


    Even a Tuel


    would more make my day.


    I invoke Santa Claus and god to do the right thing.

  4. That's in Berkeley. Plenty of good food in Oakland.

    Game will be on local tv as it's a "sell out", with the upper level tarped off.


    Not true Oakland has had riots and is "tense" in some areas..I support the non violent protest and am sickened by the way the police act but as a white dude I would not be walking around Oakland or the Colosseum decked out like a Buffalo Bill's christmas tree.

  5. No, as a QB. you got to stop hating on EJ,





    The Bills' offense has taken a step back in 2014..


    I wonder who you blame for that> You certainly can not blame EJ.


    It's not "hate" and nothing personal, obviously, and my rancor should be directed at the Bills "brain trust" that wasted a first round pick on a guy who was no superstar in college with lots of negative scouting reports which have been validated so far.. I don't see EJ in the NFL in 5 years. But, hey,I'm just a fan with an opinion.


    Look around the NFL ...few teams are successful with mediocrity at QB...Orton fits the bill and the O suffers.

  6. As compensation..O line is among the "safest" positions...Much less chance of permanent brain injuries...although I think Marrone may be an exception..


    A good QB with at least some mobility always elevates the O Line play..perhaps we will see that sometime down the road.


    When the D can just Tee Off it can get ugly.

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