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Don Beebe

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Posts posted by Don Beebe

  1. I can appreciate that you are not the real Don Beebe, and was being facetious with my response, but per chance did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?


    And how could you not love an undersized, fast dude who can land on the top of his head and bounce like an upside down rockem' sockem' robot that just took a knockout shot and get up laughing.


    Yes, you don't see players like him anymore. No I didn't stay at Holiday Inn, but it's good to see a man with a sense of humor.

  2. Here's a list of things he's done in no particular order:


    1) Kicked off HS team for threatening a teacher (hearsay)

    2) The Bar incident with bouncers

    3) Swearing at coaches in spring game at Clemson for punting on 4th and short

    4) Running on the field at SJ's game to support his brother

    5) Texting the backup at Clemson (Cole Stoudt?) that he was coming for his job and that he was #2 for a reason

    6) Being at a poker party and using marijuana

    7) Parking lot incident involving a fender bender, a teammate and threatening the other party.

    8) Texting back and forth with a porn star.

    9) Recorded a rap song about himself.


    I really enjoyed watching him play at Ol' Miss. He is hyper competitve to a fault in the societal sense but it works fine on a football field. You do not do what he did against Alabama both times by being a coward or playing scared. I often think about what kind of additional trouble our beloved SB Bills would have gotten into in the age of hyper social media.


    I see him as a better athlete than Jim but with a slighter build. Of all the bad behavior listed above, I think that #5 is the worst in the football/locker room sense. Is he a good teammate or does he act like a jerk there too? That and how coachable he is are the two questions I'd want answered before I used any draft choice on him. I suspect that he is not any worse of a human being than Jim was at that age and that he needs coaches that know how to coddle his ego.

    The only thing I would hold against him was #9. I hate rap. Otherwise I was much the same when I was his age.

  3. Chip kelly thinks he is still playing madden 2016

    I think I am starting to see Kelly's plan. Dump all his good players and put his faith in God. The Eagles will be getting their butts kicked up and down the field, and he will turn to Tebow and say, Its up to you Tim. Tebow will drop to his knees and start praying. He just better hope God is an Eagles fan.

  4. I actually think the point is valid.......


    But I dont think that EJ is soft......I think that EJ has been the victim of a lot of things that doom a young QB


    - First......just as it was said the moment he was drafted by Mayok....."EJ Manuel is like a piece of clay.....a QB that you can mold into whatever you want" MEANING.......he had everything you look for....but was not NFL ready. So what do the bills do? THey go out and get an injury prone Kolb who on que gets hurt and EJ gets thrown onto the field way sooner then he should have. Manuel should have been holding a clipboard that first year.....regardless of how well he did or didnt do on the field.


    - Then in that first year EJ was unlucky with the injuries......which took away something that actually should be a big part of his game.....his ability to move and make something from nothing to keep drives going instead of either forcing a bad play......the EJ Manuel that would run for a touchdown when he didnt see a receiver open was actually really fun to watch.....and made him dangerous........


    - Then you go into this second year......under coaches that have made EVER SINGLE QB UNDER CENTER LOOK BAD WHEN GIVEN ENOUGH TIME......then Marrone frankly panics and pulls EJ (and I was not against it at the time I will admit.....but then Orton goes in....plays well for two games...then starts to suck which goes back to me no QB is looking good under these coaches thing)


    - Along with all of this......the bills are a running team that frankly cant run the ball.....which makes it even harder on a quarterback.....were it now for what is frankly a super bowl caliber D no way we go 9 and 7


    So now here we are......El Pegula's bills......crap load of money spend on the O side of the ball........EJ has had his chance to hold a clipboard behind a veteran and another veteran has been brought in......a OC who knows what it is to win in the NFL consistantly......a D with the gang intact.


    I think EJ is gonna look better........how much better? I cannot say. Cassel is perfect mentoring/placeholding QB......lets just see....lets just see

    I agree with all this,, plus add in the bad advice he got from receiver Williams," Throw it high and I will go up and get it."

  5. I think I would still like to see us go for Mark Sanchez. I think this ensures we don't make any rash decisions or end up getting into a bidding war with another team and over-pay. If no Sanchez, we are still happy and can get a quality OT/OG and a TE in FA.

    Yes! Let's bring the butt fumble play to Buffalo!

  6. During the 1992 playoff comeback win when you beat the Oilers?

    I was at home watching it on tv . My son got so mad at halftime he went up to his room. I kept calling up the stairs that they were coming back but he didn't be leave me. Fortunatly I taped it so he got to watch it. I told him then never give up on the Bills.

  7. Opposing defenses have deliberately (JJ Watt/Terrell Suggs/etc...) knocked EJ Manuel around to get him off his game. Alarmingly, no one on the OL retaliates.


    The Bills play Houston at home this year. What do you think the crowd does if Incognito drops the gloves and decks Watt before the Bills first offensive play? They go wild. Rex's press conference comments? "Well, we have really been pleased with how aggressively Richie has fired off the ball. It's the coaching staff's fault there...he is still new and I think he got confused about the snap count. Nothing we can't coach up."


    Do you think Watt (or anyone else) goes after EJ after that? Something tells me our hockey lover owner is going to love "on the field" Richie.

    Sounds good to me, I love my hockey too. He might do for the offense what Spikes did for the defense. Running the ball takes an attitude, you can't run the ball if you are afraid that somebody that some one is going to hit you. Which is also why we should dump Spiller.

    Having seen that video upthread with the guy going insane in a pool hall, it is quite obvious he is an alcoholic, drug addict, or both.


    I hope he's cleaned up and sober now.


    He will have nowhere to hide in a place like Buffalo.


    We'll all know, really fast, if he is back to his old fun antics.



    What do you mean going insane? He was just having a little fun. Reminds me of myself in my younger days.


    Because making a grown man cry and run home is the worse offense ever!

    If he cries and runs home, he is neither grown or a man.

  8. I am all for this. This is the classic "give a player a last chance" scenario...and one that is better than any guard currently on the roster. Could the Bills use some goons on Oline? YES Does he fit the bill? (npi) YES


    And Consider This Locker Room Culture: The Oline is the Dline's beeatch...and you have the current state of the Bills.



    Richie is not the kind of guy that is going to let the all-pro Dline beat up on the Oline in practice...he does not care who is lining up against him...he is going to fight and not waver. Thus this sorry ass Oline just got better.


    The FACT is Ritchie is a Role Model if you want bullies, and just what our pansies on Oline need.


    And BTW - He never had any issues here...so do your homework before posting kids.


    'nuff said.



    Yes, This is what I wanted to say. I am with you 100%

  9. Mike Iupati (age 28) and if not him I would say James Carpenter, Iupati obviously knows what Roman wants to do and Carpenter is a player on a power running line plus Carpenter is only 26. Colon is 32 I hope if he is brought in it is as a backup or to compete for the RG spot but one of the other guys needs to be brought in as starting LG. Henderson Wood and Glenn will look Like totally different players with a big time starting LG so the Bills do need to spend on a LG more than most teams. Even if they make a huge move at QB it will still require a huge move on the Oline.

    Sounds good to me.

  10. Why hire a coach who went public with throwing a player under the bus? If I were a player, I'd question his credibility on that basis alone. Not a fan of this hire.


    GO BILLS!!!

    I can't hate a coach for saying his quarterback sucks. I'm not a coach but I say the Bills quarterbacks suck all the time. Throw them under a bus? I would love to!


    I agree 100%, Dean. He's what the Bills needed at the time though to bring them out of the barren '70s (1 playoff appearance in '74). His defense in 1980 was fantastic & 'The Bermuda Triangle' was fun to watch. Had Fergy not been hobbled by a bum ankle in San Diego, I do think that the Bills would've gone to the Super Bowl that year and Knox may have been able to shed the "not the guy to get you to the next level" tag.

    I remember Knox and I thought he was a good coach he was running game and defense but he let Fergy throw it too. I remember the San Diego game and still feel bad about it. I also think if Fergy had been healthy we might have done great things that year.

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