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Posts posted by rastabillz

  1. I've heard this statement about a million times in my life.  A few hours later, after the game it's usually followed by, "I can't believe they missed that PAT!?" or "it was a lock until that fluke punt return with two minutes left!"



    If we lose I don't think it will be more than 10 points. New England may be good but not as good as their Super Bowl years.

  2. Since I do not have time to read all the football writers there are across the country I didn't feel comfortable calling him the best. There may guy in Utah or Idaho who is the best and I wouldn't know it.


    I will say he is better then anyone who writes or broadcasts here in WNY. At least since the Courrier Express went out of business. On a national level he is as good as any of the national guys. I also like listening to him on WGR. I don't always agree with his opinions but I do respect his NFL knowledge and how he presents himself.  :w00t:



    We are all entiltled to our opinions but the best writer since the Courier Express? Come on :w00t:


    I think Dave Anderson of the NY Times is 10 times the writer Peter King could ever hope to be. Locally I think Bob Dicesare is better than Peter King. You think PK is better than Lupicca or Bob Ryan or Wilboun or Kornheiser?


    He pedals mainly in rumour and inuendo. He may be one one of the better known writers but he is not close to being on par with the best. I'd put him in league with Luke Decock! :w00t:

  3. Amen...I've been gone since '97, and the internet has totally kept me into all things Bills. I used to frequent the BB newsgroups and the 'hyperbills' site at the D&C page, and then I found this gold mine....I lurked here for a while, and then dove into this great community of people.


    I think it's so damn cool that there are people here from all over the country, in Canada, England, France, New Zealand, Australia, etc....what a great place this is :blush:


    This place has been Godsend since I stumbled upon it several years ago. I moved away from WNY 13 years ago and it's great to be able to stay connected to the latest on the Bills and our home town. There are so many interesting and knowledgeable posters on here, I find my self lurking more than posting. Thanks to SDS, the mods and all the posters who make this a worthwhile venture.


    For some reason I have a really good feeling about the direction this team is moving in. Go Bills!!! :doh:

  4. Yes it was against the Falcons at Rich. He snapped it pretty good. I also remember Jim throw three picks in the first half against the Begals on a Monday night . We came back and won the game.



    Yeah I remember that game well. Sam Wyche blew a gasket during the game. I think that was his last year as head coach IIRC.

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