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Posts posted by rastabillz

  1. I don't think there's any question that's a factor but with Ralph it's always about the money where coaches are concerned. Ralph made another poor business decision early in the season when he rode the wave of excitement and gave Mr. Jauron an extension based on a sprint, rather than a marathon. Leading after 5 miles isn't the same as finishing last after 26.3, but Ralph has ALWAYS been about the bottom line where staff positions are involved. I mean really, who has a guy like Jeff Littman in a meeting about whether or not to can the !@#$ing head coach?


    Was Ralph really worried about Dick Jauron being courted by another franchise at the end of the season? :(


    The only question is whether or not BILLS fans have the brass ones required to not show up next season. I'll bet they don't.

    Spoken like a long time fan. Those of us who have been fans through the decades saw this coming a mile away. I was hoping against hope but Ralph just could not pull the trigger. I guess they were right when they say a leopard can't change his spots.

  2. Being a Bills fan is a disease with no cure and I have has the affliction for over 40 years. Of course I will be back next year as hope springs eternal each training camp. I have thought about cancelling Sunday Ticket-not because of the Bills lousy play-but because the price keeps rising and I sometimes work on Sundays. We just bought a HD TV with DVR and because of Fezmid I was able to get the upgrade to SuperFan for free so being able to see all of the NFL games in HD is too good to pass up. Playing Fantasy Football and NFL Pick-em makes it worth it to keep paying for Direct Ticket for me. I have become addcited to the RedZone channel. After watching the Bills lose at 1 PM I turn to the RedZone channel to watch all the best parts of the 4 PM games in HD with no commericals.



    Obviously I want Jauron to be fired. I can't remember a single season with so many gut wrenching losses. After 3 years it is apparent that Jauron is not HC material, I don't care if he's Trent's BFF. I really get the sense after this year that a lot of the fan base has reached a crossroad. I think the days of blindly supporting the team are over for a significant portion of the teams supporters and if DJ is retained then season ticket sales will certainly take a hit. I think a lot of us have internalized that there is a good chance that the Bills will evetually move out of WNY and are coming to terms with that in our own ways. I think that a lot of fans realize that no matter how blindy we support the franchise that the new economics of the game are working against small market teams like Buffalo. The more people believe this, the less likely they will support the team if they feel that management is not making a good faith effort to win.


    I feel that this is an especially critical juncture for the club and it's future in WNY. Ralph cannot continue along like he has for the past 10 years. It's time for some bold decesion making at OBD, but unfortunately I can't skake the vibe that at best all we are going to get is a rearranging of the deck chairs on the Titanic.

  3. If you don't care about dogs is it still a good movie?

    The movie is being marketed as cute doggie flick for the kids but it is really more for adults and the PG rating is misleading. The movie deals with a lot of adult themes: miscarriage, death, martial discord, career strain, mid life etc. While the movie was good I would hesitate to bring young kids to it and be warned-they drag the sad ending out too long IMO.

  4. Yup, and in the least surprising news of the day, the poorly coached Bills player was dumb enough to get suckered into it and cost his team 3 points.

    That play was a microcosom of this season for the Bills. The pull s**t out of your ass circus like management of games in crucial situations, dumb mistakes by the players, poor coaching. There is a neon sign over Jaurons head saying "Fire Me!". Will Ralph finally have gumption to pull the trigger, money be dammed? I'm not holding my breath. :wallbash:

  5. Although one could argue that Mike Tomlin took over a slightly better team than the Dick! :wallbash:

    I won't argue that, but when you look at how bad ther o-line is and their brutal schedule this year: New England, Dallas, Baltimore, and Tenny in the past 4 weeks and a overall record of 11-3. I doubt Dick Jauron could acheive those results if he was coaching the Steelers.

  6. Jauron is a dead man walking. His record speaks for itself-if the Bills want to sniff the palyoffs again we need a new head coach. Look around the league, first year coaches in Atlanta and Baltimore are doing fine. And take a look over in Pittsburgh where a second year coach with a horrid offensive line has taken his team to the top of the AFC standings.

  7. I'd certainly rather hear that argument instead of ANY that claim DJ's not the real problem, or that He's not a bad Coach, or blah, blah, blah...


    This Game proved beyond a shadow of a doubt what most Bills Fans have been saying all along...The Bills have the talent to Win...They may not be the most talented NFL Team...But they have the talent to Win...Their HC is a PROVEN LOSER!!! Losers make the wrong Calls at the wrong times...Losers find a way to lose...Dead Dick is a loser...Period...End of story... <_<

    It's almost like he game plans these things. Has there ever been a Bills coach with more gut wrenching losses in his tenure? (Well outside those 4 Super Bowls-but you get my drift!).

  8. Someone give me a reason to watch this team on television the next 4 games. After this one, I am really at a loss for a reason to. This team is a shambles. Either the offense or the defense flops face down in the mud and Jauron keeps on spouting the same expressionless, meaningless platitudes over and over again after each debacle. Gabba, gabba, hey.


    This team, after starting 5-1 is not going to make the playoffs, yet again. I'm losing track of the years. In fact, the way they have been playing, I don't see them winning any of their remaining 4 games. They couldn't even score one single touchdown, at home, against a 3-8 team. Not one. How can anyone explain that after the KC game?


    Watch what? Watch yet another painful episode of the offense or the defense or coaching, self destructing and costing the Bills the game? Watch to see which Trent Edwards shows up? Watch JP Losman be JP Losman? Watch to see if there is any improvement in the areas that so sorely need it? Watch for morbid curiosity? Is it time to just let this season go and look towards next season?



    How long have you been a fan, becuase this is vintage Buffalo Bills football you are seeing. Other than few bright years here and there, this has been a mediocre ball club for most of it's existence. The Super Bowl years were an aberration, an oasis in a dessert of mediocrity. Until Ralph hires a comptenet front office guy, and stops shopping for coaches at Walmart, I'm afraid what you see is what you get.

  9. Brady Hoke, from Ball State was said to have a shot for the Michigan job as well. Big Deal. Same deal, Hoke had already been a coach at Michigan, came to Ball State, turned it around.....and just like Gill.....didn't get it. Every coach that is doing well in the MAC is rumored to go other places all the time.


    Again, big friggin deal. The next logical step for a coach like Gill, just like Urban Meyer when he left Bowling Green for Utah, or Gary Pinkel for Missouri (who was god awful at the time he tok over) and the rest of the MAC coaches would be somewhere like Syracuse. The Big East is conference where quick turnarounds are not only possible, but BCS bids can be had about as easy as anywhere in the country.


    Case in point, the former Central Michigan coach now at Cincinnati. Cincy was a broken, never been anywhere program. Now look at them courtesy of a former MAC coach. They are knocking on the BCS door. Cincinnati was as bad a destination as Syracuse. now it's turned around.


    Terry Hoeppner, who died, was Miami's coach. He had Indiana, which is an abysmal program, going in the right direction and even got them to a bowl game. Then comes Bill Lynch, the guy who was in charge before Hoke was hired at Ball State and has run them back in to the ground. Hoeppner, however, had that team and program on the upswing.


    Hot MAC coaches are a dime a dozen. I'm still waiting to hear from someone what separates Gill from the rest of the MAC coaches who have actually accomplished more!?!?!!?


    The next step for MAC coaches usually are the Syracuse types. I'm not sure I can think of a recent MAC coach that has gone from the MAC straight to a national power or a nationally known "traditional" powerhouse.


    Trust me, when Gill gets offered 8 times his salary to go to a BCS conference, he'll be gone in a minute. Buffalo is NOT a place where coaches are going to pass up other big time offers just to stay put. UB will be a launching pad for any coach wanting to reach the big time.

    If Gill is half as good as most of you make him out to be, he should be winning the Big East in the next three years.

    I agree 100%. Gil would be foolish to pass up the opportunity, if presented, to go to SU.

  10. Gill was a finalist for the Nebraska job, and his name is being mentioned elsewhere. He'd be stupid to take over the train wreck that is Syracuse football circa 2008. Gill is not a stupid man. (And I'm not a UB fan, although it is nice to see them doing well.)


    But don't ask me, ask Sports Illustrated college beat writer Andy Staples: Buffalo's Gill gaining respect after earning his recruiting wings

    Or the folks at nationalchamps.net, a site which belongs to FWAA and has a Heisman vote: Gill No. 5 on list of "Most Wanted Coaches"


    And not sure how much play this got when it happened, but Washington (where the Ty Willingham era approaches its final game) interviewed Warde Manuel -- twice -- for their AD job earlier this year. Think they asked him any questions about his football coach while he was out there?



    On another note, Penn State in the Big East? Perfect fit, but that ship done sailed. We weren't good enough for Gavitt, Crouthamel, and Boeheim when we applied to join the conference in 1982 -- six weeks before they INVITED Pitt -- so why should we grace them with our presence now?


    I agree with everything you said, but the chance to dominate a weak conference with an automatic BCS bid has to be enticing to at least some PSU alum.

  11. If McNabb doesn't start on Thursday, then he's done in Philly. I think they should still start him as long as they have a chance of making the playoffs, otherwise Reid will piss off the veterans. McNabb is probably done in Philly anyways, since his salary cap number for next year is over $10 million. It's time for Reid to go too.

    I think your right about McNabb. It's time for a change of scenery for him. There is no way they are going to bring him back at a $10 mil cap hit. He would make an ideal backup for a QB like Edwards, Ryan or Flacco but I'm sure he wants to start so look for him to wind in San Fran, Minny or Detroit.

  12. I don't think it has anything to do with respectability on the field. It has everything to do with can the Big East pull in a market that would be lucrative for their conference? I say, without a doubt, yes.


    Now, the rest would fall on UB's shoulders. UB needs the facilities to do this. Period. But they already could have a plan in place similar to what other teams in the Big East do (Pitt and USF). Play at their local NFL Stadium. The Buffalo market would be prime for the Big East to come to the area. Think about, what interest their is in college football would be greatly improved in a market that is more than suitable to pay college prices for tickets. The Buffalo area grew up on the Big East, and bringing it right to their doorstep would be a windfall for UB and the conference. This is different than saying let's go get Ball State or most any other MAC schools to play in the Big East because most other MAC school "areas" follow, and have followed the Big Ten for years. Buffalo, however, is a huge Big East supporter. Again, a natural fit. Buffalo is also a big city compared to most of the MAC schools. Similar, as we said, to other Big East cities.


    The natural rivalry is already there with SU. To some extent, it would be there with Pitt as well.


    Now this is a real pipe dream, but could you imagine the following Big East Conference:


    Penn State




    Boston College




    West Virginia





    How cool would that be? And look at all of the natural rivalries. This would be a league that would thrive over time. Pipe dream, but it would be pretty cool to see, IMO. If anything, at least it would be a more true Big East.

    What about ECU? They are currently in Conference USA and I think are looking for a BCS conference as their program contiunes to grow under Skip Holz. I think there is 0% chance they could join the ACC which would make more sense regionally (since they have already expanded).

  13. Unfortunately Trent sh-- the bed for most of the game. 'Paralyzed by fear' is an expression that comes to mind. If he can't work through the yips that he has then the 'Growing Pains' are going to be a lot longer than you seem to anticipate.

    Unfortunately he has been sh--ing the bed for the past 4 games. I've noticed a trend with Trent. The bigger the game the worse the peformance. The 2 games with the playoffs on the line last year, the past 4 games this year.

  14. I saw a couple of replays where guys were open and Edwards just did not throw it. I think after the interceptions he just went into a funk, refusing to pull the trigger unless the player was standing wide open BEFORE he threw it. He would not throw it on the receiver's break, or before the break.


    His last pass to Royal was his best of the game, I think. It was like he knew the game was on the line and he was willing to take a chance.


    Then Turk and Jauron decide to let the air out of the ball.

    At times he looked like a frigthened child out there. What happend to all the "poise"?

  15. I have had XM the past 4 years and they got rid of one of my favorite stations XM 76 Fine Tuning. It was the only station they had that featured Progressive rock. They also played a lot Galeic and Classical music but still played a lot of Porcupine Tree/Yes/old Genesis etc.


    Thank god they kept Deep Tracks XM40.

  16. I can't belive how soft this team is. We did not lay glove on Cassel gave him all day to throw and we let Ben-Jose-Whats-Hisname run all over us. A 19 play friggin drive??? Beastmode?


    But why should I get upset if these guys don't really want it. If they like to get their ass handed to them by Belicheat and the Pats* twice a year so be it. 3 division games in a row down the crapper and our starting QB is turnover factory. Friggin Miami is a better team than us this year. Think about that, a team that was 1-15 last year.

  17. Actually I look for Bill's post game threads because they are intended to start a conversation about the game. They are his opinions and he is entitled to them (as you are entitled to yours). I do not think he is offering them as gospel.


    Did you have a particular reason for taking a shot at him? I am just curious.

    Agreed. While I do not always agree with him, I look forward to his post game thread each week.

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