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Posts posted by rastabillz

  1. That in and of itself would be a win in my book.


    Just play well, and let the chips fall where they may.


    You have to hand it to Indy. They beat 2 very good football teams on the road the past 2 weeks. We cannot have any turnovers if we want to keep this game from getting out of hand. We can hope Indy is overlooking us. Sometimes great teams play down to the level of lesser competition. They could also be due for a letdown against lowly Buffalo.

  2. So the game plan should be obvious:

    35 attempts for Thomas, 15 for Losman.


    With how strong Thomas looked this week, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Bills tack up 150 on the ground. Then all that remains is for JP to hit the big PA passes.



    Thats our only prayer. Chew up yards, gain field position and keep Payton off the field and we may only lose by 2 toucdowns. :P

  3. I have no idea who wrote that bumper sticker poetry but I will guess that he was neither great nor true.

    As for feeling sorry for everyone in the world who is younger than you did the people who lived in the time of the ice deliver man ever say that they feel sorry for you with your electricity and refridgeration?  How about medieval surfs who were fortunate to live in the rollicking times of the black death and a life akin to slavery?  Do you think they felt sorry for the poor saps who lived in the Renaissance?



    Bumper sticker poetry? That is a classic song by Frank Zappa from one of his greatest albums "Overnight Sensation". The song is called "I am the Slime". You should check it out. Some of the hottest guitar licks this side of the 70s. :pirate:

  4. no i still hate miami more!


    The road to playoffs and the Super Bowl runs through the Patriots. Miami has not been good for a long, long time. I still dislike the Dolphins but New England is the dominant organization in the AFC and they have been kicking our ass annually for far too long.

  5. Being a long time Bills fan, this weeks pasting by the Patriots got me to thinking about my youth and the futility of my generations experience with the Miami Dolphins.


    As many know, the Dolphins dominated the Bills for a generation (10 years), basically my childhood. 20 consecutive games without a victory. Flash forward to yesterdays debacle at Rich stadium where the Patriots completed their annual sweep of the Bills. The series is now 12-1 in favor the Patriots. Eveytime we play the Pats I get the same sick feeling in my stomach of utter futility. On what should have been one of the biggest games of the year, our bumbling Bills played another passionless and boring game, which seems to be the norm the past several years.


    If this organization is ever going to turn the corner we are going to have to find a way to play and defeat the Pats. We simply cannot continue to have them come into our home field and B word slap us every year and give a division rival an automatic 2 victories each year.


    I pray that this coaching staff is as upset about this loss and the way they have played the past 3 games as I am. I wasn't expecting a winning record this year but I thought at least we would play with pride. :doh:

  6. Hard to argue that.  All three are owned by the al-Maktoum family.  They have spent a REDICULOUS amount of money in this year's yearling sales as well- they are looking to take over American horse racing and dominate the major races.


    Hard to leave Lava Man out of that group, but hard to replace any one of those three.  Looking at speed numbers, Lava Man has certainly been slower than Bernarini this year, but he's still 7-for-7 against mostly Grade I talent.  He has torched the California competition, but his performances have not been exceptional outside of Cali.  Nonetheless, he has found a way to win.  I expect they ship him to Churchill well before the BC to make sure he's acclimated.  Lava Man will have to run an amazing race to beat Bernardini (and Invasor for that matter) but I'll be pulling for him.



    Sounds like we have a lot in common...Bills fans...like the ponies <_<


    I agree with you on Lava Man. He has been sensational this year but his speed figures are off from his best efforts last summer. In addition he does not ship well at all-his races outside California have been clunkers. Could it be because outside of California he is not allowed to race with Bute?


    I got the feeling that Ivasor was trying to duck Bernardini in the JCGC and he comes in the BC with no prep and will still likely be the second or third favorite. My longshot for the Classic would be Sun King.

  7. Nothing better than the Fox Robots. My favorite is the one that just runs in place and then points. Apparently they think that it brings more attitude to the broadcast. I just think that they suck.



    Funny, my 8 year old son loved those robots, but I agree they become tiresome by the third quarter.

  8. Consider starting with something like BetterPhoto.com. This will save some of the expense for starting out. You can then upgrade to other packages as you sell more photographs. It is a way for you to get your work out there with lower startup costs. The base gallery is free, but with pay packages,you can get set up your own URL and get tools to sell the photos.


    I tossed a couple of photos up there. Here is my gallery.



    I loved the picture of Gyenbokgung Palace-vivid colors. Must of have been spactacular in person.

  9. Paris Hilton was born to play this role in a Lifetime Movie of the week. :pirate:


    Seriously, why would a women this attractive need to be prying on a 14 old kid? Wasn't she married at the time this was going on? This women is fugged up in the head something fierce.

  10. Usually these things don't bother me, but this gave me flashbacks of Louis Oliver in the end zone at the Ralph in 1992, singing "Let's Go Buffalo". :angry:


    And then Buoniconti, Fernandez, Little, Kuechenberg, and all those other 70's POS laughing at the Bills. :angry:  :angry:


    I've got a real attitude now for this game! :pirate:



    I remember that game all too well. It was one of the few times Miami beat us at the Ralph in that era. IIRC that whole game was debacle. :devil:

  11. it was a week 13 performance except for the fact that it was week one. still, it was a microcosm of a standard full season from him -- strong first quarter, 2 quarters of middling to nothing, and a meltdown in the fourth (while still giving his team's fans hope via one or two perfectly thrown deep balls).



    Plus it's the second year with Bledsoe, the year when he really breaks your heart after getting your hopes up in the first.

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