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Posts posted by don_of_manhattan

  1. Might as well. We have 2 high school QBs in this league. Losman is horrible. I think the defense would be decent if they weren't on the field for so long. I said this last weak and I will say it again, Losman is no Roethlisberger or Manning. The skills aren't there. We know Losman is weak and now we know Holcomb isn't any better. Might as well shoot for another top 5 pick for next year with Donahoue picking another turkey.


    I agree - neither of these guys is the future - what scares me most about Losman is not his decision-making - that will get better - but the guy is simply not very accurate - I'm not sure he has the right stuff. Holcomb might need more snaps - he has been a joke so far.

  2. Talk about night and day. The Fox broadcast was crystal clear and bright, while the CBS game was downright blurry and hard to see.


    I don't have a HD reciever as of yet, but because it was broadcast (?) in HD, did that make the difference?


    Does CBS not have that technology or something??


    they have the technology, but it is not consistent. The jests at chiefs (week 1) was AMAZING! The Bills game this past week was good, but not as high quality.

  3. The run d was bad, no doubt about that. It got compounded 8000 times over when we couldn't get a first down. Our vaunted defense looked average, and will continue to look like that unless the offense can give them a breather.


    They also needed to stop with the friggin arm tackles on a really good back - that was just a piss poor effort - they spent a lot of time on the field, but some of that was due, even early on, to their inability to tackle...how many times did they make first contact behind or at the line of scrimmage and the bucs got 7 or 8 yards....

  4. All,

      I don't do many LAMP posts, but I"m SOO excited right now!  The carpet installers are downstairs laying the carpet right this second.  Once they're done, the basement is FINISHED!  All I need to do is wait for the recliners (4-5 weeks... :D ), get the speakers (tomorrow!) and a new remote control and I'm DONE! :devil::blink::doh:


      Can't wait to start watching movies down there! (and Bills games in HD! :D )



    sounds very exciting - however, don't expect too many Bills games in HD - we are not on the favorite list of CBS.

  5. Vick will make some plays, but IMO he is the most over hyped player in the NFL. He still can't make throws unless he has scrambled for so long coverage breakdown, and for the 5-6 spectacular plays he makes a game he makes just as many horrible ones.


    The Bills will fly around, utilize their team speed, and make Vick look like he usually does against top defenses, BAD.


    So I'm not worried about Vick, but I would be worried about Atlanta’s defense. They have been a sack machine the last couple years and looked stellar against the Eagle offense. This week JP and the offense will get a look at a great D, that should help our chances against Atlanta.


    He dropped back in the pocket and effortlessly threw one of the most beautiful passes I have seen in a long time - I believe it scored one of their touchdowns. That guy can flat out PLAY - I would NOT take him lightly.

  6. don't know what it is about the pushin and the shovin,

    but i'm sick of seeing all the brady man lovin'


    cuz i hate it, it sucks, i want no more of it

    16 more MNFs listening to that redneck sh--


    i hate it, it sucks, i want no more of it


    that song got real old real fast


    The song is okay, but I really wanted to see highlights - that was a moving collage of BS.....I'll bet that it does not last very long.

  7. When's the last time a president dropped everything to plan relief efforts? 


    And note I didn't say "the day before the storm hit."  I said "the day before New Orleans went to sh--".  Important distinction...New Orleans didn't die until a while after the storm passed.  You're really complaining that, on the day of a weather event, the president kept to his schedule just like every other president in history did in the same situation.  <_<


    yeah, but other presidents had not appointed a friggin' horse trader to lead fema either!

  8. Loved it when Clinton didn't show up after the 1st Trade Center bombing. Loved it when Clinton didn't visit the Oklahoma City bombing site.  Loved it when Clinton refused to speak with the loved ones of those killed in Waco. Loved it when the always-talkative Bill was mum about Elian Gonzales, except for "I've tried to do everything I can to stay out of it,'' he said in Washington, where he spoke before the American Society of Newspaper Editors.".


    Short memory? Oh yeah, I forgot..Government by focus group...don't want to hurt that popularity, eh?


    I got mad at Clinton about a lot of things, but Clinton spoke at the Oklahoma City victims memoria service and his administration extracted Elian Gonzales and sent him back to Cuba - pretty strong statement to me.

  9. These posts are so tiresome, it's not even funny.


    How do you KNOW he hasn't contributed anything?


    We know he hasn't LEAD - for someone who propped himself up as the protector of this country (I'm still trying to figure out ANYBODY really believed that after he disappeared for several hours after 9/11 and ignored daily press briefings that warned of the catastrophe) he has looked like a deer in the headlights this week - excuse me, that is a deer in the tailights.

  10. It is not about how articulate she is - if that was the case, how would you describe our president! It is about the topics she raises. She may not be the most coherent thinking person in the world, so let me help to summarize why I think we should pay some attention to what she says:

    1 - It is entirely possible that this is a meaningless war - remember Vietnam - Saigon is not Ho Chi Minh City (excuse spelling, my Vietnamese is rusty) - we killed 50,000 American kids and accomplished NOTHING at the end of the day;

    2 - They hate us for our freedom -- is the biggest crock of huey every hurled at the American public - they hate us because of our air bases in Saudi Arabia and our one-sided foreign policy in favor of Israel that has, at the very least, severly slowed down the Palestians getting a new homeland. It is dangerous to humiliate people the way people in the Middle East have been humiliated in the last 40 years or so..not presenting any kind of editorial comment, just calling it like I see it;

    3 - Mr. Bush, where are your kids - it should be more like, Mr. Bush and almost all of upper middle class America, where are your kids - if you believe in this war so much, why aren't they signing up to fight;

    4 - Mr. Bush killed my kid - one can make a serious case that the mishandling of this war (let's not even consider whether it made sense to go or not here) has resulted in needless deaths - they can't send in enough troops because they would HAVE to draft to double the number of troops over there;

    5 - Did we think we would solve 1000 years of conflict between the Sunis, Kurds and Shiites? If it wasn't so sad to see our folly there, it would be laughable;

    6 - Proper Equipment - conflicting reports, but something bad is obviously happening with this story; and one could go on and on and on....it is just crazy.

  11. You're picking on someone's mother? Christ, that's pathetic even for YOU!


    I'll tell you one thing, Buf. They sure won't be far better off when they see the photos of all those !@#$ing busses under water.


    In a situation where the devastation was expected to be complete and everyone was left scrambling to cover their own a's and get their families to safety, who did we expect was going to drive people to safety in those school busses? Outside help was needed from the beginning. And seeing that FEMA was intimately involved with the local evacuation plan (on paper) more outsiders should have been depended on before the storm got there.

  12. Before looking at your post , I know that they are at 1 pm on Sundays - that's just how life works. My daughter plays soccer and those games often conflict with Bills games. When I first started showing up, all of my fellow parents were surprised to see me because I usually don't do stuff during the Bill's games and everyone knows that - but I can't miss my sweetie playing soccer - so I tivo the game and make everyone swear not to tell me the score. It has worked pretty well so far.

  13. There's a very cool old Irish pub in TCity called Bradys, call them and if they won't have the game they'll get you pointed in the right direction for a sports bar downtown. Their phone is 231-946-8153.


    thanks much to both of you! - the holiday inn has the games as does a sports bar right across the street from them that Brady's turned me on to - for some reason, my search engine was not finding this stuff....

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