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Orlando Buffalo

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Posts posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. 10 hours ago, Orlando Tim said:

    @BillStime @Roundybout @Joe Ferguson forever how much should discuss my sex life with the 15 year olds I teach? I think it is the exact same that the gay teachers should discuss with kids but maybe we are discussing different things here. 

    Where is the bible taught in public schools? Except for the very boring history of the Bible class, which is not religious 


    7 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

    It’s interesting how you say that whenever you never answered mine

    Specifically, I am saying do you think the Bible should be in the school library?

    I did answer indirectly but direct answer I don't care if younger kids have access since most don't understand the language used, if your point is that it has adultery and everything else in it, than fine remove it but comparing the Bible to gender ***** is quite the admission of ignorance. My school has a class called "religions of the world" which requires students to read some of the Quran, Bible, Torah, and other religious texts, so why does that bother you?

    • Vomit 1
  2. Mental illness should not be encouraged. There is no good data that shows any mental health improvement occurs from these surgeries or telling people they can be another gender. Helping children means helping them accept the world as it really is if they are I'll and learn to deal with reality. As for adults if they want to pay for their own surgery we should allow it because we allow tattoos and other "dumb" things, so adults are allowed. 

  3. 35 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    I agree that that’s what should be taught

    Let’s not be naïve
    It’s not the class it’s about it in the school library. do You support it in the school library.

    Do I support porn in the school library? No I don't support porn. I work in a school, I am not naive, I know exactly how many books have been removed from all 3 schools my children have attended over the years. How many do you think have been removed from my high school? Or the local middle school?  I also have to admire your inability to answer a simple question

  4. @BillStime @Roundybout @Joe Ferguson forever how much should discuss my sex life with the 15 year olds I teach? I think it is the exact same that the gay teachers should discuss with kids but maybe we are discussing different things here. 

    1 minute ago, John from Riverside said:

    Do you support the Bible in elementary school?


    I’m not saying you do maybe you don’t

    Where is the bible taught in public schools? Except for the very boring history of the Bible class, which is not religious 

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  5. 3 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    You linked to the wrong article, the one you posted stated in the 6 weeks since the allegation were initially made that none of the allegation have been substantiated. But back to your original comments, what other reasons besides "common good" do you think laws have been passed? 

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  6. 3 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Except in those instances where you think there should be more.

    In other words: there should be more government restrictions on freedom when it fits your idea of the common good.


    Stop. I won this argument.

    You truly think children being sexualized is not an issue that government should be involved in? You are creepy and pathetic. Also believing government is too involved in general is not the same thing as stating that it does not  have an obligation to protect children. I will explain it to like you are a 5 year old: once someone is legally an adult if they want to do just about anything, so long as it does not directly impede someone else's right to live free, they should be allowed, but children need to be limited in what they can see and participate in. You seriously are the first person who argued that my being upset about 8 year old being sexualized makes me the problem. 

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  7. 15 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    I don't even know what this means. People here seemed all hot and bothered about the general notion that governments restrict freedoms in service of the common good. I pointed out that that's what having a government is all about. It's the opposite of anarchy. You want to make it a crime for drag shows to allow teenagers to attend, even if it's with their parents express permission.

    In other words, you want to restrict the liberty of people to do what they damn well please in service of your idea of the common good.




    Perhaps if you showed me one of these comments in this thread you are arguing against I might understand your point. Every comment in this thread I have read is pointing out how the laws about to be pushed for the "common good' are for the good of government, not common good. As for your comments right here, bashing me for getting upset about sexualizing children is not quite the win you think it is, in fact it makes you seem very creepy.

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  8. 2 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    There is nothing here about "lying." In fact, our commenters were shocked (shocked!) by the very concept of restricting freedoms for the common good. I'm just pointing out that that is the core of the idea of government. The devil is in the details of course - which freedoms, and in what way, and for what sense of the common good? Hobbes in the 17th century thought you needed an absolute monarch to restrict freedoms and impose order. Needless to say, he was not in favor of a dictatorship of the proletariat; he was no Marxist.

    Are you trying to be clever or are you simply unaware of the Nazi and Communist destruction of any other messaging? Your history lesson is bizarre and completely off point, what Hobbes believed is unrelated to this topic except for in the most vague sense. Irelands government is trying to arrest people for nothing more than being pissed off over children being stabbed, what would Hobbes think of the government? 

  9. 2 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    "Restricting freedom for the common good." What a radical notion. Radical when Thomas Hobbes thought of it in 1651, that is. Hobbes would be quite surprised to find that he is now a Marxist, at least according to some of the usual suspects right here.


    Taking away freedoms so government can lie is not a new concept. It has been done for at least several hundred years, and the same dolts keep supporting it. I think you thought this post was clever but it shows either a complete ignorance of history or complete ignorance of what Ireland is proposing. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

    You do remember Vietnam, right? Drugs, massacres and AWOL, oh my. Carter was an improvement. 


    You are just following the simplistic media narrative. 

    I am picking just this part because it came up this week with my 13 year old daughter. She was reading some crap comparing the Israeli military to the US military in Vietnam in a negative light. The vast majority of American soldiers, and Israeli soldiers now, did their jobs and served with honor, a few did terrible things but because politicians thought it was easier to simply paint them all poorly. In any large group you will find scum and and pretending that those few are the rule is what evil people do. I know you did not go to Vietnam but it does not surprise me that the people you surround yourself with believe our soldiers were the problem, maybe go meet some Vietnamese people who might have a greatly different perspective.

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  11. This is my last weekend watching NFL football till at least the playoffs. The officiating is dominating games, and definitely not just us, and I watch to see players make plays not to watch officials call ticky tack stuff while missing obvious things that have to be called. 

    • Agree 6
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  12. On 11/25/2023 at 7:55 AM, Orlando Tim said:

    Since May of 2022 at the latest it has been apparent this was gonna be a long slog kind of war, why not make a peace plan at that time? Why chew up so much material and personnel on both sides? 


    21 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    his military is decimated cuz we and the Ukrainians destroyed it.  well done fellas


    ya think Russia is strategic?  Ukraine was gonna become Russia.


    9 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    pls link where I said this, Vlad.....

    This was back to back comments- you think the war is worth it.

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    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    did the firm mention munitions?  dipshit?  why do you love the Russians?  R U a troll?

    You argued the destruction of the entire Ukraine male population is worth Russia using all of their munitions. You need to drop the hyperbole and try to have a serious conversation unless you want to be known as the new Billsy.

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  14. 7 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    his military is decimated cuz we and the Ukrainians destroyed it.  well done fellas


    ya think Russia is strategic?  Ukraine was gonna become Russia.

    So Ukrainian young men are of equal value to the destruction of the Russia materials? That is a thought I have not heard before in regards to the Ukraine.

    2 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    What were US tax rates during WW2?


    What does this have to do with the current situation? 

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