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Orlando Buffalo

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Posts posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. 4 hours ago, Bill from NYC said:

    What happened when the committee stupidly let Cincinnatti in? Oh, I know.....they got destroyed by Alabama.  That is how it works when second rate, or even fairly good teams get to the playoffs.

    The Cincinnati game was closer than the other semifinal that year and about average for semifinals. In fact with the exception of last year every single year one of the semi finals has been a blow out of not both. 

  2. 14 hours ago, Bill from NYC said:

    Well, Alabama went on to defeat both Clemson and Georgia so I guess that they were pretty good, but; this shouldn't stop anyone from hate or jealousy, no? 


    Oh and by the way, check out who they demolished in game one 😮



    UCF beat Auburn who beat GA and smoked Bama. The only reason you think Bama was better is you would not let UCF have an opportunity. Literally your argument is that no matter what they did UCF would be below Bama unless Bama lost twice when playing a weak schedule, truly UCF would have been undefeated playing Bama 2017 schedule 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    I honestly think there was no difference

    The amount of recount have been done to make sure that they got it right and court cases every legal option has been exhausted


    I don’t fault Trump for thinking that he won the election and I don’t fault him for using the mechanisms in place to make sure that it was accurate


    Where I fault him, is whenever he knew that he lost he didn’t concede like every president has done before him instead he blew up the country

    I accept that Biden is president but to act like sending out ballots indiscriminately and having it all suddenly changed to mail in is "secure" is beyond stupid. Trump should have accepted the election results, unless he had more definite proof, but questioning an election is not a crime.

  4. 18 hours ago, BobbyC81 said:

    I never understand the refs rationale on some of these out of bounds calls.  If a guy steps out on his own, shouldn’t that stop the clock?  I’ve seen guys pushed out by a defender and the ref still doesn’t stop the clock.  Other times, a guy is tackled near the sideline and rolls out of bounds and they stop the clock.  Like many other scenarios, there isn’t a lot of consistency.   I know the rules are different for the last 2 minutes but you even see the players reactions to the unexpected calls.

    The rule is that of a guy is moving forward while going out clock stops but if he is moving backwards it is to continue. Sadly they do screw up such a simple rule often, and I do not mean just on the ones the guys is basically going straight sideways. 

  5. Truly this is the same argument from 2017, so I don't see why anyone is surprised. The undefeated does not bring enough viewers to the game so we are shelving them for a team that showed less during the season. At least this year Bama actually beat a top 15 team in the regular season, unlike in 2017. 

  6. 14 hours ago, Drew21PA said:

    Hold a second here


    i get you I don’t like to blame officials but hear me out 


    so let’s say the teams aren’t in on it but refs are given a script to follow and have to impede influence to win the game as the nfl says.


    non call blatant pi?


    pi in key game changing moment?


    I’ve seen it you have and that’s where I think this is possible 

    You and I aren't that much different, I simply don't believe the NFL is dumb enough to fix a game prior to the game. I definitely could be convinced a crew was doing it for money or some other reason, but the NFL is not going to fix a game when they can simply say " hey look out for Dawkins and the way he wraps the right arm". Not fixing game but certainly influencing. My last point is that people have confirmation bias, so if they expect to see Tommy Boy complete a pass they will look harder to figure out why making poor calls more likely, especially when the officials are not able to keep up physically forget about mentally. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Drew21PA said:





    make money who cares / losing teams have proven to be profitable 

    You can’t tell me refs don’t dictate gsmes



    Philly vs Buffalo 10 penalties to 1 in the first half


    seemed to slow down the smack down we were giving them

    I did not state they don't influence games, I state they are not "rigged". The NFL is terribly officiated and the NFL is not upset about it, but the officials don't make calls to make sure one team wins but often the officials are just incompetent. I would like officials like in my daughter's basketball game yesterday, we  lost a close game because the official was very tight on travels and several kids on her team think it is the NBA, the officials were consistent and I had to repeatedly tell the kids that it would be called. It influenced the game but as long as it is consistent I am happy. The NFL is horrendously inconsistent within the same game and that is the issue. 

  8. 35 minutes ago, dma0034 said:

    The only way the NFL could be rigged is via the refs. No way the players could get it accomplished.


    It's not rigged but the refs have too much influence on the game

    You best me to it, the only "rigging" could be telling officials to look for particular things that one team does much more than other 

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  9. 19 hours ago, dgrochester55 said:

    I think that fans need to be more unified when this happens.    Looking at various sites and social media sites this week, I noticed that too many Eagles fans this week were dismissive "Your just sad that you lost", "refs did great" even though they were robbed during the Super Bowl and should have been able to relate as much as anyone.   


    This is not about just the "Bills being screwed" We need to be as vocal when games like the Jets/Chiefs and 49ers/Browns happen or even when others perceive that Buffalo was handed a win in the Giants game.   This is about the big picture and the integrity of the game.    Players and fans deserve better than what the officials are giving us.

    The Bills Giants game was horribly officiated both ways. The final play was much more of a PI then the previous play which was called. They did not call the two obvious PI in first quarter were the Giant DBs tripped our receivers. Officiating is atrocious across the league but to act like that last play for the Giants is why we won when bad officiating is why it was close is not true. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, dickleyjones said:

    it is a response to Bill's point about libraries and that is all it is. my goodness has no one used an internet forum before? must every post relate directly to the OP?

    Your entire point is that kids sometimes do what they are not supposed to do? Why even mention something so obvious? 

    12 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    They do but you actually don’t see the hypocritical nature of what you just said

    What idea have I ran with without evidence? Or am I responsible for things that Billsy says also? 

  11. On 11/29/2023 at 7:35 PM, Tiberius said:


    I was shocked by this but then realized she is speaking of suicides as being equal to murder. To pretend that suicide and murder have the same corrective plan is stupid. The murder rate in Chicago is 1 in 5000 while in Mississippi it is 1 in 14000. Neither number is good but one is clearly much worse. 

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  12. 4 hours ago, dickleyjones said:

    Banning books, wtf? Yeah, that really stops kids lol. They have the internet and most can outsmart their parents, especially online. They will get their hands on whatever, banning only makes them want to try harder. Sure, parents rights and all, but generally kids dgaf.


    Heck, without internet we got porn at waaaaay too young an age (7 maybe?). And i *think* i turned out fine. Had to wait till about 11 or 12 for the anarchist cookbook. And then the supreme disappointment at probably 13 when i read the famously banned (and only wanted it because it was banned) "Catcher in the Rye".

    I thought the other two I have been arguing with were ignorant of the situation, you are a whole new level. The law stops teachers from assigning any of these books and making them available to little kids in school libraries. All of the books are still available to anyone who wants to get them from library but if my daughter checks a book out I can see what she checked out. Catcher in the Rye is still available in my high school library, but children are not being given books with instructions on meeting people through online forums. Were you actually ignorant enough to think the law actually banned a book from the state? 

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