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Posts posted by billsgpr88

  1. why is byrd a jerk? cause he's not doing what you want? lol unreal.


    The Dude felt insulted by the approx. 7 million year offered to him. Then he sat out for like 5 games for something he had half a year to take care of and heal. I know he's one of the best, but that is some straight up bullsh*t. There are a lot of elite players in the league that would never pull that crap

  2. Something I've yet to see on this thread is how stevie looked specifically when playing with manuel. IMHO, they were rarely on the same page and Stevie seemed to be frustrated at times by this. I would chalk this up to manuel not getting used to stevie's allen iverson-esque jukes. But it did look like manuel had a much better rhythm when throwing to woods, especially early on last season. Stevie is a great rout runner without a doubt and can make some great plays, but how many times can we forgive the penalties and fails in the clutch? Everyone knows about the Steelers game, along with last season's pats and falcons game, but to me those are very telling. How many #1 wrs can you name that have dropped, fumbled multiple gimme's in clutch situations? Not completely sold on trading him, but it seems that everyone on this thread thinks those without a like-minded opinion is an idiot. kinda why TSW bums me out in general

  3. He's a pass rusher not a run stuffer.


    I'm no expert, but according to cbssports:


    Considering his size, Sam is surprisingly effective in run defense. Can slip gaps due to his quickness to penetrate and make a big play behind the line of scrimmage and shows good power, knee bend to anchor and create a pile when run at. Good awareness, quickness and balance to recognize and defeat cut-blocks.

  4. I'm not sure about Ebron at 9 guys. Is Ebron that much better than Amaro and/or ASJ? I dunno. I mean I like him, but I'm not sure I like him that much. In other words, I wouldn't be disappointed if we ended up with any of the top 3 TE's. We can technically trade down and still land 1 of the top 3 TE's.


    Also, other than Vernon Davis, has a TE ever been drafted in the top 10? Maybe I'm having a brain fart, but I can't think of one off the top of my head.


    Kellen 'happy hands' Winslow, I believe

  5. Where's the LB love? I'd consider Mack or Barr if they're there, gotta be able to stop the run. Ideally if we could trade down to get Ebron in the middle of the round, then two picks in the second getting an OT and big WR (maybe Benjamin slides down?) Think we can wait til the 3rd for a LB, if Shayne Skov or Chris Borland are still available, but who knows...

  6. I, like the others, don't think that the OP has evidence of glaring locker room issues, but I do think it's a good point to bring up. I'm actually concerned on the offensive side of the ball. We haven't had a true qb leader since what, Flutie? I think that leadership presence has an intangible effect on the team and unfortunately I don't think EJ has it. I want to see some bills get PO'd after a loss, and getting ready for the next drive after a touchdown instead of acting like they won the game. I swear, when I saw EJ crip walking after his rushing TD against JAX, I just about lost my shi!t. I mean, the team's 4-9 and barely beating one of the worst teams in the league and you're dancing? I loathe the patriots, but I wish we had someone like Brady who never gloats and is never satisfied until the game is over. And I'm so fed up with the 'aw shucks' press conferences after losses. Gimme one dude flippin out after a loss, just to show me that refuse to settle for mediocrity!!!



    Awesome. Finally...the Miami/Buffalo thing shows signs of moving back to where it's supposed to be.


    This Pats thing is a passing abberation in my lifetime. It will fizzle away like a bad fart soon enough, given their drafts.


    I'm not sure that I want to get back to Miami/Buffalo Bryan Cox Vs. Carwell Gardner levels...but...I'll take this for sure.



    not sure if this was intentional, but great word play :lol:

  8. Well, if he gets enough attention as I think he well (and, imho, he should), the ultimatum will be to promote him to HC here or let him walk. And after watching last year's D compared to this, I think it's more than reasonable to say he's as valuable as any player on the team, if not more. As good as the D has been, it still could have been better if the offense sustained drives and didn't give up the 45-second three and outs that we saw so often earlier in the season. He's clearly on another level in understanding the game compared to Marrone and Hackett, and to me the Bills should be absolutely DESPERATE to keep him around for a long time. If that means promoting him to HC, I think that would only improve the team.

  9. If anyone single player can change the losing culture of the bills, it his him. Thad Lewis had more fire in his belly this year than ej. I want a qb who wants to win rather than one who tries not to lose. Im sure it wont be the pick for the bills, but a guy like johnny football does not come around often and I have a strong feeling hes gonna be great. ej, marrone, chan, jauron, fitz, tredwards, they had this mopey sullen look in post game press conferences and interviews, with this 'whatareyagonnado?' look on their face. we NEED someone like Jim Harbaugh, or as much as I hate to admit it, Brady, who's gonna flip out when things are going well. This team will never change without someone like this.

  10. After witnessing the endless collapses that all of you remember too well, I've concluded that I will not watch a single bills game unless the team is .500 or better. I've watched every game since at least the music city miracle and I've absolutely HAD IT.Call me a bandwagon fan but at this point anyone who still watches with their hopes up is just a masochist. I know there's a lot of old school bills fans that have seen it all and can tell me all about the superbowl years (I was an infant at the time), but god d@mnit this team has ripped the hearts out of the fans chests so many times that they don't deserve our loyalty. From this point on I'm not watching them until they've proven to be a winning team. I swear this franchise has lost more games that they should have won than any I've seen in ANY sport. Drafts, training camps, wild card races, all of that hope crushed over and over and over. I'm done

  11. Actually it isnt......


    What I am looking for is Buffalo to have control of their fate going into week 16.


    Buffalo goes 3-0...beating ATL, tb, jax. seems reasonable


    Jets need to lose one game, preferably against MIA (either this week, or week 17 works)


    1. PIT need to lose 1...they play at GB with a healthy Aaron rodgers they arent beating the Packers with him playing.


    2. CLE needs to lose 1...this week probably not--but next week at NE.


    3. SD need to lose two...hosting CIN, Giants, Oakland, and KC and at Denver (week 15) seems difficult for them to go 4-1.


    4. TEN needs to lose 2...at Indy and at Den, followed by hosting Arizona...they can easily lose 2.


    5. Balt needs to lose one w/ 3 of final 4 on the road. very doable.


    In the next 3 weeks all of #1-5 happening are very reasonable.



    best post of the thread, exactly what fans want to know

  12. before everyone gets their sack-hammocks twisted up in a bunch, this is not (really) an ej thread


    get rid of hackett and crossman, and draft manziel next year. I am still on the fence with marrone, i think he is a pretty solid leader. that being said, the offense was utterly pathetic today. my last ray of hope was eclipsed by the inescapable fear of the seemingly inevitable, which is embedded in the minds of every fan and member of this truly heartbraking organization.


    What do you think has got to be done to make this team respectable?

  13. You are not going to win when Brees starts his offensive possessions upwards of 10 times at the 40 or better. It wasn't due to poor special teams either.


    This is why you need cavaets in analtyics in terms of "points allowed" and such.


    The offense like every other game put this defense in so many holes right from the get go.


    yesyesyes, specifically the drive in the 3rd when they ran up the middle twice which lead to a 3 and out. saints score next possession, score is then 28-10 and we played desperation catch up from there

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