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Wazzu Bill

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Posts posted by Wazzu Bill

  1. May be bit early for talking about how awesome offense is doing till they hit a better defense. New England lost a lot of talent on defense, Colts are known to be suspect on defense, and Jets Fins have been struggling. Its not like we've hit a top defense that's been playing well yet. I do agree the offense is playing a lot better than many expected, but lets keep in mind the competition before start saying were one of the best on that side.



  2. First London game of the year, Jets vs. Fins this Sunday 10/4 at 9:30am ET.




    Who to root for? Realistically I do not see either team being a serious threat to the wild card. But it is a long season and the first 3 weeks do not always reflect the December push.


    Personally, I would like to see the Fins come out on top, putting both teams at 2-2. We already beat them once, giving us an edge for a possible tiebreaker.

  3. Yeah, but we have hammered them. Who are the 14 teams that have been better? The league is pretty watered down. So far the teams that are ahead of the Bills: Pats, Cards, Bengals, Packers, and Broncos (don't think that are for real). I'm not buying Atlanta either. Seattle is in there as well. I've got the Bills about 6-8.


    Super bowl contenders? No. Playoff caliber? Absolutely. I don't understand why people have been prophesying about their demise. Even if Peyton is regressing, they have a pretty good team around him now.

  4. I don't get why some are so confident against the Giants. They handled Dallas in the opener on the road, and are just a few bad decisions away from being 3-0 right now. This will be a tough game.


    I think they are currently the best in the NFC East. Granted, that isn't saying much considering Romo and Dez are out, but it will be a tough match up nonetheless.

  5. All I know is that Week 1 victory isn't looking as good right now.


    We beat the Colts better than the Jets did tonight. I saw an early turnover that gave the Jets a virtually free touchdown at the beginning of the game, a fluke missed FG by a usually automatic kicker, and a horrible horrible fumble on the goal line by Frank Gore.


    I think the Colts gave this game away, whereas last week I think we won the game for ourselves.

  6. One of the reasons why the Cheats have been so successful for so long is that they have by their own admission pushed rules and played in grey areas. What they do with these rub routes is often not cheating but in the flow of the game crap like Gronk throwing a leg out to trip or slow down a defender is an example of an action that should be a self limited violation. There is no way that a ref is going to consistently catch that kind of crap.


    There does come a point where a team has to decide that they are going to be sportsmanlike in their actions. This is taught in pee-wee leagues but the Cheats* have lived on the idea that this notion does not apply to them.


    I agree. The sh*t that Tim Brady and the Pats* try to pull on a weekly basis is bush league



    I watched for like 10 minutes and he was quizzing guys on the names of the CFO and other execs. Why the hell do these guys need to know who the CFO is?


    I was thinking the same thing while watching, this is some random crap that Marrone would probably love.


    I actually think things like that are important. If a player shows up to camp and knows the ins and outs of the organization, it shows that he has interest in the greater good of the team, not just playing for a contract anywhere he happened to get drafted. Maybe the "CFO" is a little overboard but it's more of a way to set an example.

  8. There needs to be a serious consideration for allowing penalty challenges. Same with the regular challenge, allow about 2 per game. The calls yesterday were not very good, but not horrible. I would be seriously pissed if I was a Giants fan. The PI call in the endzone practically won the game for the cowboys. It was just about the worst (no exaggeration) PI call I have ever seen.


    I'm trying to find a video of it with no luck


    No love for Scott Chandler?


    :doh: My bad. He is really the only Bill that I am having a hard time rooting for on his new team...for obvious reasons...he did look good on Thursday though

    I was talking to a Jets fan about Fitzy, this fan by the way isn't shedding any tears for losing Geno to injury. I told him the fan base is going to absolutely LOVE Fitzy, but then he will do these things that drive you absolutely f***ing nuts but you will still love him and be torn about replacing him.



    Granted the Jets played the Browns, and by no means played lights-out football, they did get the job done. If there's one thing Fitz is great at its being a serviceable QB. He won't get you any rings but he can manage a game.

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