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Wazzu Bill

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Posts posted by Wazzu Bill

  1. Don't think the Bills are gonna be as good as you all think. We play 5 teams coming off their BYE week. Our secondary is suspect too.

    Houston, Bmore, Cincy, Den & NE are locks.

    KC, Indy, Pitt, Mia will fight for last spot.

    Super sleeper...Cleveland


    @Big Cat: your AFC "All your base are belong to us" was great. You sir have won the internets!


    I don't think Mia will have a chance...they have more weaknesses than we do. I'm looking forward to the Pitt/Cleveland face off toward the end of the season.

  2. Interestingly, I never said that Native Americans were opposed to the name. Rather, I implied that relying on an anecdote to make a statistically significant point wasn't really acceptable. The Annenberg survey is certainly acceptable -- they're an excellent organization. I wonder how much has changed since the poll was taken in 2004, however. As far as I can tell, no credible polls have been taken in the last year or two. Maybe the numbers will be the same as before, but perhaps not give the increasing degree of controversy surrounding the name.


    I understand the reasoning behind the argument that the name Redskins is offensive. In fact, if used in a particular context, it can be very offensive. However, context is everything. There are endless words that can be used in both offensive ways and completely non offensive ways.


    Suppose a group of Nordic descendants decide that the term Viking is offensive because it implies that they are looters, pirates, and thieves (original meaning of "Viking"). That would be a case of trying to turn something offensive when the MN Vikings are simply using it as a mascot, a nickname. The Washington Redskins did not get their name because some racist guy decided he wanted to put a slur into a team name. There's no such team as the Albuquerque Beaners because that is simply racist. The Redskins is simply a mascot.

  3. I look at picking up Pats/Phins players as a win/lose situation guaranteed. For example, if we play the pats and I have a pats player, either I'll be happy for the real life Bills and sad for my fantasy or the reverse. However, when I have a bills player on fantasy, I'm usually disappointed on both ends.


    This year is an exception with Spiller though =D Another bills fan is in my league and if I don't get a higher draft spot than him ill be stuck without him =(

  4. If you bet 25 on the Pats what do you win?


    $25 bet wins $4.16 - pretty terrible lol


    To hedge the bet you could put $150 on the pats, walk away with $25 to cover the loss on the bills. If bills win, $300-$150 is a $150 net payout.


    Not bad odds...I'd bet my house that the Jets won't win. Wouldn't bet my house against the Phins but they are still very unprobable IMO


    As a follow up to my last post, it really wouldn't be worth it to risk losing $150 on the chance dolphins or jets win it, when the bet was placed to only balance the $25 initial bet. If $25 is precious enough to you to need a hedge, then putting $150 down is pretty steep

  5. Speaking as a bills fan in the most objective way possible, I think this is a pretty decent vegas bet. Skip a couple beers this friday night and drop 25 bucks for a chance to win $300 if the Bills come out on top of the AFC east this year. With the high possibility of the Jets and Phins completely bombing this year, that leaves us facing the pats: which at -600 seems like a clear lock to be champs - HOWEVER nobody can deny that while the bills are struggling, they have a very high upside (EJ at 6:1 odds of OROY?) and with more use of spiller they have a shot to take on the pats.


    Maybe its just the naive bills fan in me talking. But I think I'll sacrifice 25 bucks on the chance to buy myself a new toy this christmas...

  6. In my league, last place from the previous year gets their pick of drafting 1-10. Last place picked the 5 spot, second and third last picked 9 and 10. I was the 4th worst last year and somehow was able to take #1 pick. How do I pass on Adrian Peterson? Baffling that three people passed on the best player in fantasy.


    That's a ridiculous turnout...top 3 picks this year IMO (in no particular order) are 1, 9, and 10....5 is nowhere near the best (although the player did come in last place, possibly for a reason?)

  7. I think the Bills coaches want EJ to be the starter but want him to think he has to earn it rather than having it handed to him.


    Thats a much better way of putting it than I did. What my opinion in this thread is about is the fact that making him earn it will give him way better training than if it was handed to him. I think it's excellent coaching

  8. I wouldn't say its necessarily "staged"... It is an honest position battle; there was always the slight chance that Kolb could have beat out Manuel if Manuel had choked. They wouldn't have drafted Manuel in the first round if they didn't think that he could learn the system during the offseason and start opening day, though.


    You're right, "staged" may be too much of a conspiracy. But I do believe that the entire game plan has been revolving around prepping EJ. Another example - starting him on practice team 2 first then moving him up to the starters. Just going through fast-track development.

  9. Oh btw I've been following 2BD for a long time, just never made an account to actually post...but hello hello


    Everything is smoke and mirrors and nothing is as it seems. Classic subterfuge. Look for Kolb to take a dive at the 8:37 mark in the third quarter of the last preseason game


    Exactly. Marrone isn't going to disclose his game plan - just like flying out Nassib Barkley etc. before the draft...he isn't going to be that predictable

  10. Okay, maybe that's going a little too far, but hear me out:


    IMO, I think there is a good chance that Marrone has had his mind set on Manuel from the beginning, and here's what his plan may have been all along: To give Manuel a fast track training that he could not have obtained if he was named the starter 2 months ago. Rookie QBs face a whole new level of pressure going into the NFL, and Marrone is giving him doses of pressure to prepare. First, the training camp battle - this will give Manuel something to play for more than just "practice" - give him the mentality he's actually fighting for something. Same goes for preseason...if he's fighting for the job, it is a more similar mindset to a regular season game than just a "scrimmage" game. Manuel is under immense pressure right now instead of naming him the starter so he can breeze through camp and preseason without a worry, then get smashed in his debut.


    Other people have pointed this out: If we let Kolb start all year, and he fails, then it leads to 2014 being ANOTHER rebuilding year with Manuel's first starting season. Coach knows we need to get the ball rolling.

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