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Posts posted by Braedenstearns

  1. ****, If Manual can't go next week Lewis should start.


    I would start Tuel and if he cant get anything going then put in Lewis... Tuel knows the players more then Lewis; and against the pats, your going to need it.


    What about Tuel Time? Are we throwing Teul unde the bus already?


    Tuel is still the backup.

  2. I actually read through all 10 pages of this topic and have concluded the following: Belicheat could give a flying fart less who the Bills' QB is gonna be in week 1. His game plan will be to shut down CJ and pressure the rookie QB, whomever it may be. Brady will be Brady and will probably hang about 42 points on us. Our only chance in this game is to win the turnover battle.


    I agree. I walk think the defence really needs to be ready to play!



    You actually think he'll see anything so completely vanilla when the games begin to count? He'll be exposed as a QB who's simply not ready and it will not be pretty!


    Again I ask. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but who else are we going to play? If Manuel isn't back for week 1 Tuel gives us the best option. If we lose one game then we lose one game...Injurys happen.


    I wasn't planning on the Bills to win the AFC East anyway, if we go to the Playoffs it will be through a wildcard.


    A new QB controversy.. Wouldn't it be a nice problem if he played really well and then EJ gets healthy?


    That's what I'm hoping.

  4. You better hope like hell this doesn't happen. First Belichick and then Ryan will eat :censored: Jeff Tuel for Breakfast!! :death:


    Well then... We can wait and find out.


    He is the best option we have until Manuel comes back,Correct me if im wrong. Someone give me the name of the QB we can play week 1 besides Tuel ( If Manuel is not back by week 1)


    In the game with the colts, he looked really good.


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