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Leelee Phoenix

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Posts posted by Leelee Phoenix

  1. Pettine wanted to come here because it was an open DC job where he could advance his career.


    Whatever on Marrone, I think he's nothing but a meathead former OL guy that uses buzzwords and nonsense to motivate people and probably has no idea what he's doing, he at least proves that with his game management skills. But, I will not be surprised that if/when Pettine leaves and Marrone remains, the team gets significantly worse.

  2. Question....


    The big knock on EJ coming out of college was he had slow eyes and had accuracy problems on long passes.


    My question is, has there been any QB in the past who have had similar issues or concerns and turned out to be a good QB?



    I think McNabb is the best example in those areas, he was never that accurate for his career. Although, he made up for that with excellent pocket presence, and had a better arm and athleticism than EJ has.

  3. CJ is a special athlete. I don't think he is a good NFL running back. He doesn't run good pass routes. He is awful in pass protection. He doesn't see the holes and cut back. He doesn't even break that many tackles. But if he gets the right crease he can be gone.

    I agree with the flaws you mentioned, but that doesn't mean CJ can't be a valuable player.


    While Gailey/Nix showed terrible understanding of CJ's positional value drafting him 9th, they knew from the 1st day how to use him. Split him at WR occasionally, do whatever to get him in open field. I remember Gailey talking about that the day CJ was drafted, and was so pissed at this stupid team.


    Many people demanded that CJ be used as a "workhorse" back which he absolutely isn't, no matter how gaudy his YPC is. At Clemson, he was the same with taking himself off the field constantly, and rarely ran between the tackles. I don't know what the deal with his stamina is.


    And now with meathead coaches who stress "accountability", "obey me or you're gone (which I'll let the local PR guy say)" authoritarians, CJ is stuck as your normal RB that doesn't even get many screens. But, boy is he gonna work hard!

  4. Titans fans that I talk to are generally displeased with how highly their team values guards (Levitre and 10th overall pick Warmack). I agree with them.


    Losing Levitre hurt, I would have kept him at under $8M per. You're Buffalo, you have a rare top player at a position, I think it was a time to pony up. I would have easily kept him over Wood. But, I can definitely see why the team wouldn't. Losing Rinehart for relative peanuts to the Chargers and not replacing him with NFL caliber players is where anger arises.


    I'll give the Levitre Fan Club this - what they lack in football acumen they make up for in stubbornness. In about 2-3 years this will be regarded as one of the worst contracts drawn-up in the past decade

    Sure, in 3 years when he can be cut for minimal dead money loss


    Shut up, fool.

  5. Commitment to team, discipline, and professionalism are not subjective. If you've joined the work force, I'm sure you've seen these types. Type one is the guy who is very talented mentally. He is assigned to work on a project and is nearing completion. But he has taken longer that his boss might expect. He watches the clock and when it hits 5PM, he is one of the first out of the door. He could have stayed and worked a little longer but took the attitude that it can wait for tomorrow. Then there's the guy that doesn't have the mental talent of the first guy but he makes up for it for staying later and working harder and he gets his project finished before the first guy. Committment to team, self discipline, and professionalism are things that supervisors objectively see on a daily basis.

    Cool story, and I know that's a factor in any work environment.


    Where I have an issue with Marrone is that this is ALL he talks about, while it really should be kept in-house. Do you have any idea which players are the ones that "work hard"? No. I don't either. I assume that the vast majority of NFL players are doing what they think is best to perform at their best. I assume that every NFL team demands that their players "work hard", there's million dollar jobs at stake for everyone in an extremely competitive field, it's serious business. I assume that every player wants to win, beyond whatever team pride and such, if they win, they get more money and prestige.


    Thus whenever I hear Marrone talk, it's boring meaningless claptrap. If I had to listen to him everyday, he'd be Charlie Brown's teacher to me. He's not coaching children.

  6. To many people Tuel's pick 6 was his entire game. The fact he had the Bills in a position to win up to that point is irreverent.



    It is irrelevant because he had an awful game until that point except for one good pass to a wide open Goodwin and screen passes, the defense carried the day. Tuel sucks and has no business on an NFL roster.


    LOL. Yeah Tuel was sooooooo bad in pre-season people wanted him to start over EJ.

    And those people are idiots who probably just watched the Colts game.

  7. Graham gets open and has a good blocking game. He had several key blocks yesterday. This board just likes to hate on him

    It's not just this board. Everyone thinks Graham sucks.


    TJ has definitely improved his route running this year, and he's been noticeable in blocking as mentioned. When he can get off the line, he does get open more than his catches suggest. But, the guy has awful hands, really struggles tracking the ball and lacks an NFL body to consistently break jams. He's like DHB without the size. TJ seems like a great guy and all, but he just can't play.

  8. I believe I should also clarify something for the confused, especially Mike Schoop, and his clones: there was never a chance of us being in the top 5.

    If the Bills lost their remaining games, they would have. It's not hard to count wins and losses.


    And Mariota said he was returning over a week ago. Maybe you should try listening to WGR and other sports media to keep up on the draft, and not tooting your own dick.

  9. The idea of purging S.J. and C.J did not come from Brown. It is speculation found here posted by fans who are frustrated and angry and have no idea of what Brown was talking about.

    It's more than speculation since it came from the Bills PR man. It was a clear message to someone, probably Stevie. I think that's a poor way to handle things, and definitely not a TEAM way of handling things from Mr. Work Hard.

  10. There are a couple of guys who post on here who have so much man love for EJ, it really makes me wonder WTF?

    They're hopeful, long-suffering fans with a touch of forced optimism that they likely won't admit.


    While EJ had a good game after the 1st quarter, I guess, his main issue is still glaring. He's not accurate enough. There's times where he gets happy feet and loses pocket presence, I think that will gradually be fixed. But, I'm not confident he'll ever be a good enough passer.


    I wouldn't want to be part of any team that lost on purpose much less a fan of such a team.

    No NFL team will purposely lose. They may rest a player or two that they wouldn't if they were in contention, but that's the limit. I realize coaches, players, staffs have to win to keep their lucrative jobs and owners need to keep fans happy and put butts in seats.


    There's fans that want to win every game, and that's cool. I want to win a championship, or at least realistically be in the chase for one again before I die. Higher draft position may not always work out, but I'll take that tangible asset over whatever this win over Jacksonville is supposed to mean, which I don't care about already. I think mocking people like myself who think like this is bollocks, but whatever.

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