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Posts posted by DOGNESS

  1. I like the job Russ has done. I was a bit skeptical when he got this job because hes a marketing guy but he has put football people in place to make the football decisions. Doug Whaley, IMO, is an excellent evaluator of talent (from what Ive seen so far) and has this team on the right path. He might be the best evaluator of talent since Polian. Im gonna wait till this season plays out to say that for sure but i think this team is poised to make a major jump this year. 10-6 and a possible playoff spot. Russ has done a great job so far.

  2. Who says? Do you work in the Bills FO?


    are you one of the people who was arguing that we should cut Dareus during his 2nd year? Look where he is now..



    Nope. Never said anything about cutting Dareus. Also one of the few who seems to think its to early to pull the plug on EJ. Wanna throw out any other nonsensical notions?


    Haha. Why not keep Stevie AND D. Jackson??? Just curious if there's a rule about having 2 WRs on your roster?

    Your a sarcastic group arent you? Hey beerball. Is it ok to be a sarcastic jerk? Just checking.


    Proven difference makers ALWAYS fit on any team. Djax has made a difference every year he's been in the league. And if the Bills did sign

    him they would be a better football team for it.




    LoL. They are? Why? You don't see the Bills run predominately three WR sets? Stevie Johnson is just good. No reason to let him go. Jackson and SJ13 are two different types of receiver. Not comparable. They can sign Djax, Put him opposite Woods, leave SJ13 in the slot and STILL draft Ebron, along with Spiller and FredEx in the backfield. Still an OMG scenario.

    Yea. In my opinion they are. Lets see where we are in two years. My bet is he isn't on the team.
  3. Who says? Do you work in the Bills FO?


    You have no problems cutting Stevie, our best receiver for whom we have no replacement, and taking a large cap hit- yet, you'd rather moan about Fitzpatricks cap hit?


    Honestly unless you have so much talent to compensate you absorb the contract. Stevie had a rough year, but he's had proven production. Dude just lost his mother, are you one of the people who was arguing that we should cut Dareus during his 2nd year? Look where he is now..


    I appreciate that you want to improve the team, but there are other ways of doing so. Cutting Johnson and acquiring Jackson could help, but it's risky. We can keep them both around. If we draft a WR in the first we will be paying him pretty decent money anyways.


    Exactly when did I talk about Fitzpatrick's cap hit. Must have missed that one. And yea. Ill cut our so called best receiver to replace him with a better one. In a heartbeat. Jackson changes the face of your offense. Take a look at what James lofton did for the Bills in the early ninties. Made defenses respect the threat of the deep ball. The importance of a home run hitter cant be understated. Especially when you run the ball well. Where not talking about Jerry Rice here. Were talking about a possession receiver who is lucky to crack the top twenty in yardage when he's on his game. He doesn't change an offense. Desean Jackson does.


    As for all the other comments I don't care if its risky. We haven't made the playoffs in 14 years. We can miss them just as easily without Stevie as we can with him. I want a superbowl. Your not gonna win it with guys who drop game winning touchdowns(steelers)game, have key fumbles at the worst possible time (falcons game) and rarely if ever show up with a dominating performance (7 catches for 60 yards against Revis isn't my definition of a dominating performance). Really dont understand why everyone is getting there underwear in such a bunch. You people related to Stevie? Dont worry. If he gets cut, hell get overpaid somewhere else. Probably be the best thing for him.

  4. Career:

    DJax: 87 games, 356 catches, 6,117 yds, 17.2 Avg, 70.3 ypg, 32 TD's

    SJ13: 76 games, 301 catches, 3,832 yards, 12.7 Avg, 50.4 ypg, 28 TD's


    They are going to cut Johnson this year or next. Might as well get it over with. Jackson is a downfield threat and a better player. If we can make it work under the cap why exactly would you care what the hit is. its not your money. 17.2 avg vs. 12.7. Thats a massive improvement. Strengthen that o-line and you have a d-coordinators nightmare. Throw Ebron in the mix. OMG. Wanna play eight in the box to stop the run. Goodwin and Jackson run wild. Play nickel or dime to stop the pass. Then its time to ram the ball down their throat. That's a top ten offense to go along with what should be a top ten defense. Maybe top five both categories. Stevie Johnson is just good enough to get you beat. Hes nothing special.

  5. Jackson Absolutely fits with what they are trying to do. Signing him eliminates another need. Now you can go tackle. tight end. guard in the draft and you have a playoff contender. Id offer him 8 million a season and cut Stevie if he signs. Id give much stronger consideration to Ebron at 9. A tackle in the second. A guard in the third. That could be a really sick offense. It could give you even more flexibility in the draft. Maybe even trade down and pick up another second. The more I'm thinking about this idea the more i like it.

  6. I will add that this is it for me with EJ. Whaley said it himself. Most players take the biggest step in year two. I need to see Russell Wilson stats at the bare minimum. 63% completion percentage. 26 td's. 9 picks. 3357 yards. Those were Wilsons number. Not great but solid and efficient. I dont need 5000 yards. That isn't the kind of offense they run anyway. If he cant make that kind of jump it will be time to move on. Thats not a huge jump.

  7. What I dislike most about this plan is it appears that we have a very astute talent evaluator in Doug Whaley. His first draft yielded three quality players beyond the first round. (Alonzo, Woods, Goodwin). Football is a team game. One guy doesn't win or lose every week. While I like Johnny Manziel very much, I don't think he alone can offset what you will be giving up which is probably three or four starters. He's a great prospect. But he's not Andrew Luck. I also think its way to early to pull the plug on EJ. He was a rookie QB with a marginal o-line. An average at best receiving core(not that they cant be great, but you had two rookies, Woods and Goodwin, in the group). And a rookie offensive coordinator. You cant judge him after ten games. Are there concerns. Absolutely. But he could turn into a very fine quarterback. Look at the Seahawks and the 49ers. Both ranked in the twenties in passing last year. The best QB in the game last year got his clock cleaned in the Superbowl by the team with the great defense and power running game. Like I said. Its not just about one guy.The smart thing to do, IMO, is to continue to build around him. Given what a deep draft this is I would actually consider trading down in the first round. You can probably fill the rest of your holes in this draft if you do that. If Ej struggles this year, mortgage the farm. Marcus Mariota, Brett Hundley, Jameis Winston should all be out next year. That would be my plan.

  8. Id rather see them trade down. Would anybody argue that Kiko Alonzo, Robert Woods, or Marquis Goodwin are bad football players? All picked after the first round . This is a deep draft. You can still fill the tackle need or receiver need in the second half of the first round and get yourself another 2nd rounder and fill your other needs. Moving up would be a mistake. This team is still four players (WR, OG, OT, TE) away from being a playoff team. You could fill all those needs in the first three rounds with an extra pick in the second.

  9. I don't see the Bills moving. I think New York State is trying to re-hab its image with all these economic development incentives and I think they'll do what they have to to keep the only remaining New York based NFL team in New York(Jets and Giants both play in NJ). Given what Pegula is doing downtown and given the continuation of the development of the waterfront I can see the possibility of a new downtown stadium. Or a major rehab of the Ralph along the lines of what they did at soldier field. Either way I feel pretty confident about the team staying here

  10. What I think is interesting in all of this is what type of pressure might be applied to force the NFL to keep the team here. The NFL got a gift from congress which allows it to operate as a nonprofit organization (http://sportsfans.org/2012/03/why-is-the-national-football-league-given-tax-exempt-status/). It gives the owners the ability to shelter millions in profits from the IRS. Something that could be taken away if they pissed off congress. There will come a day when the NFL oversteps its bounds, pisses off the wrong people, and receives some sort of backlash. Given the millions of public tax dollars that have been given to the league over the years in the form of stadiums and sweet heart lease deals and the growing public sentiment against such things you have to wonder when some congressman(Chuck Schumer perhaps) threatens to take action against the league(by spearheading a campaign to have NFL favorable legislation revoked) if they decide to relocate a franchise like ours(small market team that has been well supported throughout the years) strictly for the sake of more profits. Would anybody argue that Buffalo has been or currently is some sort of detriment to the financial health of the NFL? "Well geez your honor, the Bills only make us 50 million a year, if we move to LA it will be 150 million annually." I doubt it without making yourself sound like a total ass. Im not saying this is gonna happen but I think its food for thought. There have been rumblings in the past of congress taking action. Nothing has ever come of it that Im aware of but I think the potential relocation of this team could stir up some kind of showdown. I think the climate is right for government to finally put its foot down and put the NFL and its owners in their place.

  11. Highly doubt that Dane Brugler has any inside information on what the draft board of any NFL team looks like. No way an NFL GM takes a chance on tipping off another team with respect to what players they like most. Especially by feeding that info to a member of the media. There would be no benefit to doing that and it could cost you a player you covet if another team trades ahead of you to grab the guy you wanted based on their knowledge of your draft board. This sounds like something that came from Evans agent and I doubt he knows anything more than anybody else does.

  12. If some of you are sick and tired of 'Marrone' threads why in the world would you even bother coming into a thread titled 'Disappointed with Marrone'. Didnt the title clue you in to the fact that this was a thread complaining about Marrone? Or is it just so much fun to chastise someone for having an opinion? Regardless of how common that opinion might be.

  13. Bad omen. Hiring the Crossman in the first place was a big mistake based on his prior track record in the NFL. Keeping him after his special teams where again at the bottom of the league is even more mystifying. Apparently performance matters only if you arent a long time buddy of Marrone. This is a major blow to his credibility amongst the players and other coaches if special teams dont make a dramatic improvement next year.

  14. Marrones credibility certainly comes into question when he hires his buddy to coach special teams despite his buddys poor track record as special teams coach for other NFL teams. It begins to crumble when his buddys poor performance continues on his own staff and he does nothing about it. This isnt pop warner Doug. Time to man up, fire this guy, and find someone who is competent. Special teams cost us at least one game this year. You cant afford to have that when any single game can make or break your season. One game can be the difference between winning the division or getting in as a wild card. Wake up.

  15. Keep doing what they are doing. Thats the magic answer. The had a very good draft. The defense is dramatically better thanks to Pettine. The offense needs a tackle, a guard, a receiver, and a tightend. If they could fill two or three of those holes this offseason theyd be in good shape. Im as confident as I ever have been in this front office since Polian left primarily because it looks like they can spot talent both in the draft and outside the draft(Jerry Hughes anyone?). The jury is still out on EJ but Woods, Alonzo, and Goodwin all look like they will be very good players for a long time. Another good draft added to the current roster plus a free agent or two and we should be a playoff team.

  16. Do you say this after every loss. If you where the owner would we have gone through ten coaching and GM changes last year(one after every loss). As for implying that Brandon hired Marrone due to some syracuse connection do your research. Marrone has a very impressive resume. I know you probably think Bill Polian sucks but he said he had Marrone at the top of his list for coaching candidates heading into this season. Take a freakin valium. Or ten or twenty or a hundred or so.

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