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Posts posted by DOGNESS


    This just tweeted from PFF...


    Pro Football Focus@PFF 6m

    Most yards gained on "go" routes: Alshon Jeffery, AJ Green, Demaryius Thomas, Jordy Nelson, Jimmy Graham, Vincent Jackson, Brandon Marshall


    See anything in common? Only one of those receivers (Nelson who is 6-2 5/8) is shorter than 6-3...


    Just saying...That's why a player like Evans is in such demand... B-)

    Which is why hes not making it past Tampa.
  2. Care to cite specific instances in this or any other tread where a poster claims such knowledge?


    While you're chuckling at all of the fools here, you'd be well advised to know there are several TBD members with considerable knowledge of high finance, wills, trusts, and estate matters.


    GO BILLS!!!

    I would agree. I haven't been posting long but Ive been reading this cite for the past few years. I'm an attorney and a rabid sports fan and there are a lot of people on this site who know their sports. Not just the game but the legalities of certain issues. I think someone posted the article about the non-relocation agreement as soon as that story broke which cleared up the big misconception that 400 million would allow a new owner to relocate immediately. That issue had been misunderstood for months my many. Myself included.


    They did but living here in New England I can tell you for many years Bruins fans saw Jacobs as a skinflint owner who ruined the Bruins.

    So what changed? Him or did he just get lucky like Wilson did in the early ninties.
  3. That guy was being diplomatic. No one is going to say someone is a lost cause. But the litany of transgressions by MW would make Marshawn Lynch blush. The biggest thing is his party lifestyle. MW sounds out of control.


    Yes, he might wake up and realize his career is on the line. But if 16 tickets, $50K in damage to the house he rented, kicking down the door of a woman he was seeing, or having his neighbors trying to throw him out of his house because of all the late night house parties he held in season doesn't flip the switch, what will?



    Doubt well miss the sixth round pick. The Bills gave up nothing of consequence. If it doesnt work out so what. Low risk, high reward move.
  4. I understand that this coaching staff didn't draft Spiller but that shouldn't make a lick of difference. He is their most talented and dynamic offensive weapon:


    207 carries / 1244 yards / 6.0 ypc / 6 TD

    43 receptions / 459 yards / 10.7 ypr / 2 TD


    Those numbers speak for themselves. Averaging 6 yards per carry is pretty amazing on 50 carries.. Spiller did it on over 200 carries. On top of that, he averaged over 10 yards per reception. That is an elite offensive playmaker.


    He also wasn't a total bust last season like some posters are portraying him to be. He struggled through injury last season & only managed to start 10 games. There was a revolving door at QB with some of the worst QB play in the NFL allowing defenses to load up the box & focus on shutting down Spiller and FJax:


    202 carries / 946 yards / 4.6 ypc / 2 TD


    Some people are acting like he did nothing & averaged 2.0 ypc.


    I don't understand how a player that talented "doesn't fit your offense"... take your playbook and throw it in the garbage if you can't fit a player like that into your gameplan. Nothing gets me more aggravated then a coach who force feeds their system onto their players. The hallmark of a great coach is adapting their scheme to their player's strengths.


    He certainly isn't a 320 carry back but that is why you have FJax. I don't know where you're getting "he isn't anything special in the clutch". The Bills weren't in too many spots to settle that.


    If Chan Gailey can do it, there is no reason Hackett can't.

    Chan Gailey and Hackett run different offenses and before you bash Hackett take a look at Seattle and San Fran. The two best teams in the league last year. Both top five in rushing. Both bottom third in passing(san fran 30th, seattle 26th). The Bills are building a similar team. They need a work horse back who can carry the rock 25 times a game. Id give strong consideration to Carlos Hyde if he is there in the second round. Trade Spiller for a 2nd or a 3rd. You probably wont get a first.
  5. People can moan and groan about the Bills scheme all they want. Fact is its a power scheme just like the one they use in San Fran and Seattle. The two best teams in the league. Who won the Superbowl last year? The team that punches you in the face with two or three running plays and a half dozen pass plays that they execute to perfection or the team with the 100,000 page playbook with 1500 variations on the five wide set. The Bills are building the type of team needed to compete against Seattle and San Fran. Unfortunately Spiller's running style doesnt fit this team. Best thing to do is trade him and draft a power back. Carlos Hyde would be my choice. Old school smash mouth football still lives.

  6. I'm a little taken aback by the amount of Spiller haters. This offense was completely 1 dimensional last season; zero threat from our passing game. When you're starting a rookie or Thad Lewis or Jeff Tuel at QB, defenses know they can stack the box & go after the Bills' most dangerous weapon: CJ Spiller. This completely one dimensional aspect of the offense is what really did this team in. You can't win in today's game when the defense knows that you're going to run the ball because your QB is so inept.


    Spiller also dealt with injuries (knee, ankle) yet still appeared in 15 games and started 10 of those. The injuries to players around him also had a negative effect. Even with his nagging injuries, defenses' focusing on him completely knowing that Thad Tuel couldn't complete a 10 yard slant, Spiller still managed a respectable season:


    202 / 933 / 4.6ypc


    What really concerned me was that his receptions dropped to only 33- that's barely 2 receptions per game. He needs to be in the 4-5 receptions per game category. Spiller proved he is one of the most deadly players in space & he should have been a main stay in the passing game. Especially with their inexperience at QB- the screen pass and wheel route should have been their young QB's best friends.


    You don't get rid of Spiller because he doesn't fit into Hackett's scheme; you get rid of Hackett and his terrible scheme if that's how he views a player like Spiller. For Christ's sake, Spiller averaged 6 yards per carry on OVER 200 carries. That is almost unheard of & truly elite production. Yes, he will never be that 300+ carry, ram straight down your throat type RB but that is why you have FJax & Anthony Dixon


    Once they add a OT in the 1st coupled with the additions of Mike Williams & Chris Williams, and EJ Manuel not being a rookie a healthy Spiller should pick up right where he left off in 2012



  7. This is more of general opinions on the draft. Im new so let me know if I should have posted this elsewhere.


    Ill just throw out a thought. You can respond to it and say something else related to the draft. Bills are crazy if they dont take Mike Evans if hes even still there. I was leaning towards tackle, but this guy is a very rare WR with the size and athleticism. Reminds me of Michael Irvin. Thoughts?

  8. if the bills pass on evans for ebron, lewan, or barr it will go down a their biggest mistake since aaron maybin

    I was thinking tackle if Matthews is there but Im starting to swing towards Evans. Very hard to find 6'5" 230 lb receivers who can run. We can get a tackle in the second or third as its a deep tackle class. Evans could be huge in the read zone.
  9. Dareus and Fitzpatrick, while you specifically did not mention them, are examples of ways of thinking common to your way of thinking.


    I'm glad you're giving EJ time too, as that is pragmatic


    You still haven't addressed what the harm is in keeping Stevie. OKAY, so let's for a minute say that Jackson is better than Stevie. I can listen to that argument. So because Jackson is better than Stevie we should cut a talented receiver in Stevie and just hope that Woods and Goodwin elevate their game? Speed is important. We already have one threat in Goodwin and the reason why I'm still open to adding Jackson is the fact that Graham hasn't emerged. So you could have 1 big "go up and get it" WR like Evans, 2 speedy guys (one who has injury concerns) and 2 possession receivers who play very similar, and that in my opinion would significantly bolster this WR group. Then eventually, it may improve to the pointy where we don't need Stevie, but at this point... we do.


    The Bills spend, in the league, one of least amounts of money on skill positions. We can afford to keep them both, money is not an issue here. If we cut Stevie we are unnecessarily creating a hole. You plan for the worst, not for the best. One might say, well, Stevie is overpaid for his output. Stevie brings a veteran presence to this team and will help Woods and Goodwin emerge. I also think we, as fans, hate on the guy too much. His mistake in the Atlanta and Pittsburgh game from years ago are unacceptable mistakes. I hope he turns it around next year and we should give him that chance.


    Additionally, we are also sacrificing size in doing so, which is not what Whaley is envisioning according to his latest statements. Sure, id love to add Jackson, but that doesn't change our WR or TE plans in the draft. We need to help EJ and give him time as you were saying


    Sorry if I came off as sarcastic and rude, but I've heard this argument many times and it is as flawed as an argument can be. Feel free to counteract my points though, I enjoy a good discussion.

    I actually dont think there is harm in keeping stevie. My basis for suggesting he may be released is founded in reports last year that there is some sort of personality clash between Marrone and Johnson. That Marrone is somewhat preturbed with the on field antics, sideline temper tantrums, and work ethic away from the field. From what ive heard the team is questioning whether or not they are getting their 6.5 million a season in value out of him. If he had D. Jax type numbers it would probably be a lot less of an issue. But not all coaches and players get along. It seems like the team is determined to add another stud receiver whether its through the draft or by signing a guy like Jackson. I think they are just looking to upgrade the position and if they do, I dont see them keeping a guy around at 6.5 mill thats probably going to see his number of targets drop during games. Its nothing against Stevie. I think hes very good. I dont think hes great(Calvin Johnson is great. ) If they get a player who they think is an upgrade, I think he takes Stevies spot. Desean Jackson is an upgrade. Hes a more explosive player. Woods could catch 80 balls underneath if Jackson and Goodwin are creating space with the threat of the deep ball. Johnson cant do that(create space for the other receivers). Hes the underneath guy. i dont think you keep Woods and johnson. i think they are similar players. And I dont think the Bills are going to pay two guys big money at that position. Just my read on things. No inside info on that last point.
  10. You say it's "well documented"; can you share where ? Not saying you are wrong, just saying that in my experience, CEO's are in charge of decision making or at a minimum strongly influencing it.

    Its been reported repeatedly in the local press for the past three decades. Im assuming you dont live in the area. WGR just had a television tribute to Wilson and it the very issue was heavily discussed. Tom Donahoe was Ralphs decision. Marv Levy was Ralphs decision. Buddy Nix was Ralphs decision. Ive heard that time and time again. From local reporters. other NFL executives, and former players. If you want me to produce a detailed list on the times and dates I heard it I cant help you. But Ralph has always had a reputation for being a somewhat meddlesome owner. One thing I can tell you with certainty is Ive never, ever, heard anyone give any credit at all in any way shape or form to Russ Brandon for any of those hires. Not once. Ralph stuck his nose stuck pretty deep into the operation of the team. To much in my opinion because he wasn't very good at it.

    Not to be argumentative but Id love to see the evidence you have that contradicts this. Brandon's title is just that, a title. It doesnt mean Wilson didnt have the final say. Tell me what evidence, other than brandons title, that tells you he decided to hire donahoe, levy, and nix. Again Im not trying to be a jerk here but it sounds like your assuming these things. Im not assuming anything. Im going on whats been reported over the years. if you want to dismiss that, fine. I certainly dont see any evidence that suggests anything else.

  11. I like Evans. I have heard some scouts criticise Ebron for questionable work ethic and a prima donna attitude. Haven't heard any of that about Evans. I think both are very talented. When I start hearing questions about attitude and work ethic it scares me with respect to unproven players. Not the kiss of death but a concern. Ill take the guy with the strong work ethic (something I have heard about evans) even when hes the less talented guy. In this case I think both players are athletically equal. The intangibles are why I would favor Evans.


    NFL executive blasts Eric Ebron, entire TE draft class



    How funny. I just posted my thoughts on this topic and had also read this article. Good timing.
  12. Brandon was promoted to "high level executive position" in 2006. That was 8 years ago. He was named CEO in 2009. That was 5 years ago. Jauron was hired in 2006. Jauron's contract was extended in 2008. Nix and Gailey were both hired in 2010. Not holding Brandon accountable for the performance of this team over that time period doesn't make sense to me. Who made those decisions ? If it was the 90+ year old owner, who was making the final recommendations to him ? I continue to be amazed that this guy (Brandon) gets such ardent defense from so many for what on the surface seems to be a career of utter failure and at best mediocrity.

    Yea. It was the 90 year old owner. The owner hired Tom Donahoe, then Marv Levy, then Buddy Nix. Those where all decisions Ralph made and its well documented that he was the one who made them. Brandon had nothing to do with those hires. If you want to ignore the facts to prove your point go ahead. Those are facts. When ralphs health started going downhill he put Brandon in charge and Brandon moved out Buddy and promoted Whaley. Its well documented that Wilson stuck his nose in the football side of things far more than he should have. And thats a big part of why this team has been bad so often through out its history. Every time Wilson had a strong personality running the show (Saban, Knox, Polian,) it always ended in problems and ultimately one of the few really competent people Wilson hired got fired. probably one of the biggest flaws of Ralph.
  13. I've always tried to take the emotion out of my debates on this forum. Sometimes it's hard to do, as you and most others can attest. When it comes to Brandon, I see overwhelming evidence of failure and little or no evidence of success when it comes to the product on the field. To prove my fairness, I've been outwardly supportive of Whaley as a GM, his first draft by all indications has been a success (although the jury is still out of EJ). His free agent signings in 2013 were good, especially Hughes and Lawson. I don't blame him for letting Levitre and Byrd walk, I think that was a Brandon/Littman decision based on budget. As for Marrone, I think his first year was good, not great, but good. I loved the Pettine hire and was mad when he left. I liked replacing him with Schwartz. I did NOT like retaining Crossman. I also give Marrone (and Whaley) some leeway because (1) they are NEW to their positions and (2) they are under certain restrictions from the FO (i.e. the training staff, Byrd, Levitre). So, debate is good, but when it comes to Brandon, I've yet to see one post that is based on facts that refutes my claim that he has been a FO failure when it comes to the only true measurable of success, WINS over the past 14 years.

    I dont know how you can blame Brandon for 14 years when he didnt get full control until recently. His first real football moves where hiring Marrone and promoting Whaley. Those happened last year. I think he had little to do with the hiring of Nix or any or his predecessors. Not that Nix was bad just that Brandon didnt really start making major football decisions until this past year and in this past year ive seen some pretty smart moves. Lawson would be another . Polian was masterful at that. getting good players(S. Tasker, K. Davis, J. Davis, J. lofton, K. Hull, etc) for nothing.


    Ill add Im not calling Whaley the next Polian. Just saying I see some similarities to the way they handle personel. Whaley has a long long long long way to go before hes in the same class as Polian. If he ever even gets there. Thats a huge set of shoes to fill/be compared to.

  14. I've resisted posting on this thread because, I too, was happy Russ came to the tailgate and said a few words and hung around. I also think he has lost a friend in Ralph and is grieving personally as well as professionally. However, none of that changes the fact that he has been a failure when it comes to winning games in the NFL. I'm still amazed how little it takes to satisfy some fans when it comes to this team. The Bills haven't made the playoffs in 14 years and Brandon has been a significant part of the franchise during that time period. There is only ONE measure of success in the NFL and that is winning. Until Russ does that, he will be a likable (to some) LOSER. I suppose we can debate whether he is likable or not, to me, it doesn't matter but when it comes to the later, let's face it, there is no debate. The Bills have been losers for 14 years and counting, when that changes, we can have a debate.

    Actually it takes a lot to satisfy me. By the same token I don't think being inherently negative about everything is some sort of prerequisite to being a fan. I look at last years draft and the 'value' approach that the team is taking towards free agency and see a lot of positives. I think the most important aspect of building a successful football team is talent evaluation. That means two things. Nailing the draft. Signing free agents who bring the most value. In the short amount of time Whaley has been the GM hes done both.


    As for Cory Graham. Aaron Williams was an inconsistent corner also Tasker. He moved to strong safety and its a much better fit. I dont think the bills signed Graham to play corner. i think they signed him to play free safety. Marrone already came out and said they are going to give him a look at that spot. Maybe we have another Aaron Williams on our hands. When Williams was drafted many scouts thought he should be moved to safety from the get go. turns out they were right. The same could happen in grahams case. its called 'thinking outside the box'.


    Two things I can promise you Tasker. First, im not going anywhere. Second, Ill have plenty of negative things to say when the time comes. If EJ has 6 tds and 15 ints after eight games and Marrone is still defending him then Im gonna start wondering about Marrone. I have serious issues with him retaining Crossman. I think he is undermining his credibility when he holds other assistant coaches accountable, yet lets his buddy stay on after another miserable special teams performance under his(crossmans) direction. I can assure you the 'types of posters' your referring to don't include me. If your gonna debate. Just do it intelligently. Its simple.


    The other thing that an astute talent evaluator does is make smart trades. When the Bills traded for Jerry Hughes, Polian applauded the deal specifically pointing out that hughes was misused in Indy. Sure enough, Pettine brings him in in specialty situations and he gets us ten sacks. TEN SACKS. For Kelvin 'ive never made a relevant play in my life' Sheppard. They shouldnt get credit for that? That might have been THE trade of 2013. Sorry. But im not gonna withhold credit for what i think was an incredibly astute move because we missed the playoffs the past fourteen years. Ive seen a lot of smart football decisions in a very short period of time. Not gonna ignore that.

  15. You've got some serious issue there Tasker. I suggest you seek counseling for those. Lots of hostility there. Lets start with last years draft class. Woods, Alonzo, Goodwin. All appear to be solid if not excellent picks. Nickel Robey. Undrafted free agent. Had a great year. looks like a solid addition to the defense. Ej Manuel. The juries out. Dont know that one way or another. As for who else is here I know Whaley brought in a couple of scouts from Pittsburgh. Probably why we had such a good draft.


    Ive been a fan of this team since 1973 when I used to sit on my fathers knee at the Ralph watching OJ do something other than murder people. In 1986 Bill Polian got the GM job. One of the things he was best at was talent evaluation. I see alot of similarities between him and Whaley. Primarily the ability to find players in the draft beyond round one. The second similairty is the ability to get quality talent on the cheap. Cory graham might be the perfect example of that.


    You remind me of a guy on the Sabres web chat. BTbird3 is his name. Hes always sarcastic. Always negative. I really dont even know why he bothers coming online. You cant ever have an intelligent debate with him. its just nonsense. If your that guy does us both a favor and just ignore me. Cause its pretty obvious from your posts that your just here to belittle other posters and mock their thoughts. I know alot about football. Ive been watching it passionately for 43 years. I like what Im seeing out of this administration. Are they perfect. No. Have they already made some mistakes. Yea. But I like the direction they are going in. I dont think its required that I be this angry bitter fan who just mocks everything they do because they haven't made the playoffs in 14 years. One of Ralphs biggest gifts at the end was the structure of the lease. Another might be Brandon. I think hes a very smart guy and I think he has put the right people in place. You dont agree. Fine. Leave the snippy little commentary out of it.

  16. Well, he just screwed up then.

    Not neccessarily. Cory Graham is getting a shot at the free safety spot and if he wins that job and is 90% the player Byrd is you just freed up 5 million to spend elsewhere. That scenario has yet to totally play out.
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