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Posts posted by DOGNESS

  1. I guess the worry is for many years he wasn't one of the best DCs around.... Atleast statistically.


    He was low ranked for a long time in Tennessee (basically every year that haynesworth wasn't playing like 100m man), and his teams in Detroit weren't as good as his reputation either. His rush defense for instance was ranked highly on total yards but that was because of the low number of carries faced. His ypc allowed was pretty middle of the pack.


    That's not to say he can't be successful but 1-1 battles, low blitz percentage 43 is his MO in the past. Good or bad, philosophically, his schemes had a lot in common with wanny- lets hope Mario is healthy, kw is healthy, Marcell isn't dealing with tragedy and our other DE isn't on IR immediately... With talent it can be an effective scheme (see giants, or a few of schwartzs better years) but it asks a lot of the front 4 and we need them to be 100%. If he's sticking around, expect us to invest heavily in the front four year in and year out.

    Hopefully Schwartz took a look at Pettines playbook and adopted some of it. He doesnt have to be pettine but he should be open minded enough to consider expanding his playbook from ten years ago.
  2. Dear God stop, just stop. Seattle and SF play 4-3 defenses. 4-3 is still the best IMHO. This Hybrid **** has still = we can't stop the damn run and we still have a sub .500 record. How about we just pick a damn defense and kick ass with it? JS was one of the best DC's in the NFL And knows wth he is doing. Just let him do what it is he is going to do. Let Whaley have the draft and the rest off the offseason before the bashing begins.


    Jesus Goddell see what happens when you move the draft? Put it back where it belongs!

    Nobody is bashing anyone. Just raising some concerns. Didnt say Schwartz was the anti christ. Last I checked hes not best buds with Marylin Manson. Lets just calm down people. I love the Bills as much as you. I hope we get 60 sacks and give up 50 yds a game on the ground this year. Then my concerns will fade away.


    I agree. Schwartz has had a terrible offseason. He should be fired.

    I think your over reacting just a bit.
  3. We were basically a 4-3 team last year under Pettine.


    But it's pretty simple minded to think that because Wannstedt and Schwartz both run 4-3 defenses that they are exactly the same and will yield the same results.

    Actually your missing my point on a couple fronts. The concern about the 4-3 on my end is that we dont have the personnel for a traditional 4-3. We did not run a traditional 4-3 last year. Schwartz didnt run a hybrid scheme when he was in Detroit or Tennessee. My second concern is that Schwartz success asa d-coordinator goes back 5-10 years. This game changes quickly as we and Dave Wannstadt learned the hard way. I dont care what scheme they run so long as it fits the personel of this team and I think you need another DE( 6'4' 280 lbs type player) to run Schwartzs scheme. I also dont buy into this we have to learn to beat people one on one. The game has changed. Scheming is more important than ever to get to the QB. The days of lining them up and rushing everyone straight up the field are over unless you have elite talent. I think we have some pretty solid players but not the kind where you can just send 4 guys straight up the field and expect to get to the QB. Pettine was a master at creating mismatches. That shouldnt be ignored. Not saying Schwartz is terrible, just voicing concerns over some of his comments. He sounds just like Wannstadt did when he got the job(from a philosophical stand point).
  4. When they first hired Schwartz I thought it was a good move. Then he switched to a 4-3(even though we dont have two dolid DE's to justify that move) and started talking about how scheme is less important and you need your guys to win one on one battles. He is starting to remind me way to much of Dave Wannstadt. Somebody put my mind at ease and tell me why I shouldnt expect this defense to drop back into the 20's where it usually is.

  5. If EJ becomes a successful starter it may change the way the league develops QB's. The trend right now seems to be one and done. In the good old days (yea, I sound like my grandfather) a QB sat for 3 or 4 years and came in when he was ready. Not saying you should sit a QB for three years but one year of sitting and a little more effort to build a team around your rookie qb(like the Bills are doing) seems like a better plan than casting a guy off if he doesnt throw for 3500+ yards with 20+ tds his rookie year. It took 4 years for the k-gun to take off. That was a combination of adding more talent and JK getting experience.

  6. Cheerleaders sexually objectified? Their bodies evaluated??? How could this be?????? ;)


    Look, if they were underpaid then they should sue the hell out of whoever was responsible. But being evaluated on your looks etc. is part of the gig. Anyone would have to be a moron not to know that was going to happen going in.

    Reminds me of those women who dress like street walkers and then complain when all the guys are staring at them at the local watering hole.


    I love a pretty woman but I probably spend about a minute looking at the cheerleaders during a game. Maybe its time to pull the plug on this sophmoric tradition.

  7. That's great, but he needs to perform on the field. We have had perceived leaders, we need performance. Winning on the field is all that matters in the NFL.

    Something Kelly wasnt very good at(winning) his first few years in the league until he had more talent around him and more experience.


    One thing im sure of is EJ wont fail due to lack of effort. He has the work ethic and the character needed to succeed in this league. Time will tell if that is enough. Certainly are enough people out there who have already written him off. Of course they are the same people who write pretty much everything off. Whether its football or life in general.


    At the same point, I'm sure Peyton and a lot of successful QBs have done the same. Why not point to them?


    And Sanchez and Manuel had very similar rookie years. EJ completed 58.8% of his passes with 11 tds and 9 ints, 197.2 yards/ game, 77.7 QB rating, 2 game winning drives, sacked 28 times in 10 games. http://www.pro-footb.../M/ManuEJ00.htm


    Sanchez completed 53.8%, 12 tds, 20 ints, 162.9 yards/ game, 63 Qb rating, 1 game winning drive, sacked 26 times in 15 games. http://www.pro-footb.../S/SancMa00.htm And the Jets made the AFC championship game.


    So EJ put him better stats in less games and didn't play on a team that had the talent to almost make a Super Bowl. Great example. :)

    Bit of a stretch to call those stats similar.
  8. Ebron has plenty of holes in his game. Hes a great prospect but he certainly isnt a cant miss.


    Yeah EJ was 2nd ranked in accuracy ,only to be beat by Andrew Luck on sports science. How did that workout ? Say no to Ebron at nine.

    According to your logic we should forfeit all our picks because you can find a bust in every round at every position over the history of the draft so lets play it safe and just not draft anyone. That way nobody we draft will bust because we wont pick anyone to bust.
  9. I would stay downtown. The Chippewa Strip rocks on the weekend. It would be the place I would go fri/sat. The casino is ok if your a gambler. Its nothing special. Definitely would not stay near the stadium if your looking at a multiple night stay. Stadium parking lot is the place to be game day. Big Tree inn would be good after the game. Its a 5 min walk from the stadium. Typical hole in the wall watering hole but a good time. As for tickets stubhub is good if you want to play it safe. You should be able to get something between the twenties for 100 a piece if your patient. Id wait till thurs or fri to buy the seats. You can also try ticketmaster on wednesday. The Bills usually get returns from the visiting team and put them back out for sale on wed or thurs. Also NFL ticket exchange. Could also try craigslist for tix though i find those people are a little delusional on what they think their tix are worth. Id wait till sat if your go craigslist. bottom line on tix is you should get really good seats if your patient and are willing to pay 100-125 a piece. Dont pay that for endzone. The scalper market here is usually pretty reasonable. I agree with others who say stay away from the endzone and the upperdeck if your rooting for the Pack. The biggest jerks are usually in the endzone and the upper deck.

  10. Could be a great pick. I put very little stock in what people like Kiper say. Why dont we go back ten years and look at the hair's prior bigboards(over the past ten years). Half those guys arent even in the league anymore. Martin could be a ten time pro bowler.


    4th OT would be super horrible. Not as bad as picking a kicker but real close. If the draft plays out that way They HAVE TO TAKE EBRON or trade down if possible.

    Ebron could be a heroin addict. Ever think about that one?
  11. I have stated several times that Pro football dictates no first round RT's and for most all of NFL History it has been that way. But it seems things are changing somewhat. My brother who is a Vikings season ticket holder speaks with one of their scouts from time to time at events etc. He gets tidbits and insights etc. from the guy. He doesn't 'know him' as in he has his cell phone number type deal. They have just kind of gotten to know each other and he doesn't mind talking with my brother some.


    That said they ran into each other at the Kansas Jayhawks Spring game last weekend. ( I think the guy is an alum like my brother) and they talked football. I had told my brother about the discussions here and he decided to ask the guy what the deal was with RT's not going in the first.


    Well the guy pointed out the obvious BUT he said its changing somewhat. Teams are now wanting speed on both sides of the DL And OLB's to pressure the passer from both sides to further take away their comfort zones even further. So they are looking harder at RT's esp high in round 2 if they are athletic enough. The caveat is they normally plan to move them to LT in a year or so if they are that athletic.


    So bottom line it is possible we could take a RT in the first, but it isn't likely. Our #9 in the 2nd is a real definite possibility to solidify the OL although 3rd round is more likely. With the Mathews situation the kid is so damn athletic he is most likely going to be a LT for someone in the NFL.


    The other issue is top athletic guys want to be LT's because LT pay will always be much higher than RT. So if we were to trade down and take Mathews in the 1st we are going to have a big problem in about 4 years. Who do you pay? Glenn is a LT And has proven himself as a damn good LT And he is going to want to stay there and get paid LT pay, who can blame him. At some point one will leave the team as you cant pay a LT And RT Left Tackle money, it hurts the cap too much.


    Personally I want to see a trade down a few spots and take Ebron if still there or the top LB. If its LB take say Austin S Jenkins even with a slight move up and if we have another 2nd by trading down, take say JaWan James from Tenn to play RT for us.

    The RT issue is such an interesting debate. Ten years ago center was the ugly step child and all I head was how you could get a center anywhere. Five years ago it was guard. You can get a guard anywhere(right, Colin Brown fans?), they said. Now RT is allegedly the unimportant position on the o-line. My Question is this? Your in the Superbowl.The guy across from your RT is a five time pro bowler who had fifteen sack season. Don't you want the best athlete possible at RT? I dont mean that from the standpoint of wanting your best o-lineman to be RT. I think LT is still the glamour position on the o-line. BUT. In a perfect world don't you want five pro bowlers on your o-line? And, if at 9, the best player avail by far is RT, and you are looking to draft an RT, why then wouldn't you draft one? All I heard last year before the season started was how the Bills didn't put a lot of weight in the guard position. Then came the disaster known as Colin Brown. I guess they should have put more weight into that position after all. If Matthews, Lewan, or Robinson is there i think you take one of them.
  12. Jerry is the master of the stealth CYA move. Read any if his columns on local teams, especially if it's a positive article. He always manages to sneak in a sentence that goes against what he is writing just so he can come back and say he called it if things go the other way.




    "I'm in favor of giving X a new contract even though it's likely he'll never earn it."

    The tactic you mentioned is also a favorite of Mike Schopp's. Gutless third rate journalism at its worst. "Heaven forbid we're wrong on something so lets CYA with fifteen different opinions on one topic".


    Buffalo is extremely fortunate to have a columnist of Jerry Sullivan's caliber.


    His eye for a story and incisive voice made him a rising star in New York City. It's only because he's a quality person, who could appreciate the unique treasure of raising a family in a community like WNY, that he settled in Buffalo.


    The fact that Sully wasn't raised with a native Buffalonian's blind devotion to our sports teams - and holds players, management and owners to the same objective standards that are applied elsewhere - has made him plenty of enemies. But any objective observer can see that he's justified in criticizing the WNY sports establishment when it uses Buffalo's small-town loyalty to take fans for granted and field an inferior product. Too often, as he points out, Buffalo teams peddle nothing more than hope to a community that is so happy to still be part of the conversation that it doesn't demand a championship.


    Fans who would prefer an ill-informed cheerleader as columnist are certainly entitled to their opinions, and have every right to disagree with and razz him.


    But people who stoop to ad hominem attacks are quite literally ignorant: they don't know him or the big-hearted, loyal and generous person he is to friends, family, co-workers and neighbors.


    And those who berate his journalistic talent or integrity are simply ill-informed: among journalists across the country, he has earned a reputation as first-rate columnist whose flair and insight and any publication would be lucky, and proud, to publish.


    Looking forward to reading him for the next quarter century....

    Nice try Jerry. Pretending to be someone else. We see right through you.
  13. I hope its a billion because I would fully expect someone local to match that. Especially if the state is prepared to build a new stadium for the team or do the soldier field facelift like they did in chicago. The Bills were valued at over 800 million not to long ago. That amount(one billion) shows me a certain level of uncertainty about the NFL's willingness to allow the team to relocate. I don't think anyone wants to pay 1.5 billion and then find out they can't move the team. I don't think 1.5 billion would be overpaying if you where certain you could relocate to a major market.


    Here's the root of the $1B problem. The Bills are worth $1B or more if moved to LA or Toronto. They are not worth $1B if kept in Buffalo. Ralph understood this.

    I dont agree. If Pegula bought this team for 1 billion now. He could probably sell it for 2 billion in ten years. Thats a 6% rate of return. Not saying he would sell it just saying I think a pro football team is a hell of an investment if you can afford one. This team is worth a billion here. Especially if they build a new stadium. In a major market its probably worth 1.5 billion.
  14. I definitely see what the Bills saw in him. Enough potential to draft in round one. He showed flashes of how good he can be, but also got hurt a lot and made some rookie mistakes. This year it's do or die time. Either a breakout season or it's back to square one at QB.

    This is exactly right. If EJ bombs this year(I dont think he will if they get him more help) then trade your entire draft next year. QB looking much stronger in next years draft. Every QB in this draft has at least one major flaw. No Andrew Luck in this years draft. Given the number of other holes we have and the depth in this draft at some of our key needs (Tackle, Guard, WR) and the mediocre QB class (just because 5 or 6 guys are getting pushed up into round one as oppossed to the usual 2 or 3 doesnt make it a great QB class) this is not the year to trade up.
  15. they took the #3 ranked player,(#2 QB) and still felt the need to draft another QB.


    We got EJ.


    You're argument actually supports my view, IMHO.


    it's not like we ever saw any great accurate throws. More in the dirt, or out of bounds than threading any needles.

    With most guys that were taken early, and succed you see streches of good play. With EJ, it was an occasional drive, after a few three and outs, followed by a couple more three and outs.

    No actually my argument doesnt support your view at all. In the least. Not even remotely. Using the Redskins as an example of doing anything right is like trying to point to something Charles Manson says or does as being right. Last pro sports franchise on the planet I would be using to back up an argument.
  16. Very much off the EJ bandwagon.


    EJ is just not very good at the thing that's most important in a QB -- Accuracy. He just doesn't have it, and I don't believe that you develop it in the league. You either have it or don't by now.


    Someone earlier mentioned looking at the All-22 and seeing all the plays left out on the field. He just can't throw with any consistency and it's hard for me to understand how anyone can have faith in a QB that can't throw consistently.

    I wouldnt call it faith, I would call it patience. Having watched pro football for over forty years Ive seen many QB's improve dramatically from year one to year two. Ive also seen many stay the same and many get worse. Andrew Lucks completion percentage jumped 6.1 percent from year one to year two. Major improvement. Not saying EJ is a five time pro bowler or that hes Andrew Luck. Point is many young QB's struggle in their first year. Everybody seems to want to ignore that little fact but its the truth. Yes you can find examples of young QBs having great first years but those are not the rule, they are the exception. I think many who arent ready to throw EJ under the bus just yet also arent ready to declare him the next Joe Montana. I give him this year. If he doesnt progress dramatically(like say a 6.1 percent improvement in accuracy) then its time to draft another QB high (which again will guarantee us nothing other than going through this all over again). Your all 22 point is interesting but im going to make some counter points. Leaving plays on the field happens to all QB's. Even Brady. Even Rodgers. Even Montana.(greatest ever IMO. Joe Cool). First year qb's need to learn to read defenses at this level and they usually need two or even three seasons to develop real chemistry with teammates. A receivers route is often dictated by the defense. If the QB and receiver dont see the same thing the play breaks down. Last year two of our receivers where rookies. They where just as much in the dark as EJ was. Same for our offensive coordinator(who I think did a pretty good job given what he had to work with and how little time hes had so far to work with it so far). Going back to the JK days that offense was pretty abysmal his first 4 years. It wasnt till Andre and thurman got some experience and we added lofton that the K-Gun became the the K-Gun. 4 years. Quite frankly i think teams are too impatient these days with developing qb's. Defenses are more complex than ever and usually teams that are drafting high enough to get a shot at a marquee qb usually dont have alot of talent to support him. Thats why I have some patience. I can see the physical gifts EJ has. More importantly he has the work ethic. Ive heard numerous comments about his work ethic from teammates(past and present)and coaches(past and present). EJ has the reputation for being the first guy to arrive for the work day and the last guy to leave. Which is what is really expected of all the top QBs in the league. Get him some more talent. Give him time to learn. Give him time to work on his accuracy(it can improve, see Andrew luck). If the light bulb goes totally on we may have something special. As Ive said before, ten games isnt enough to fully evaluate a young QB.
  17. Washington spent two high picks on QB's in one draft last year. Looked smart to me.

    Much better prospect. There is no RGIII in this draft. These qbs are alot closer to last years draft than they are to Luck and Griffin III. Jury is still out on Griffin BTW. Injuries. Problems with his coach and him getting along. Wouldnt put him in canton just yet. Next years college QB class looks stronger. Id be all for moving up next year if EJ flames out. No QB in this draft class is worthy of giving up multiple # 1s for.
  18. I get the need for Manuel to get experience (& weapons/protection). The part I don't 'like' about your post is "well then we are all in on another 1st round QB next year." To me that's a day late & a dollar short. I understand the thought, I just don't agree with it. I don't know who will be available in rounds 1-3, nobody does. What's better though, taking a QB because you think he's worth the pick this year or taking a first round (or recycling a vet) QB next year because you have to? (and everyone knows it)

    I dont like the thought of burning a high pick on another QB when we still have plenty of holes. The Bills scouted this guy and decided he was worth a 1st round pick. Be committed and build around him. The book on Manuel was that he was one of the most talented QB's last year, but was raw. As Ive said before. New rookie coordinator. Young receiving corps. Sub par o-line. Average to below average TE. As they get better, EJ will get better. Jim Kelly was average at best his first four years here. Add lofton and get reed and thomas some experience and the 1990 bills offense evolves into one of the best. Not to mention the improvements they made on the o-line in his first four years.
  19. I think this league has gotten absolutely ridiculous when it comes to developing quarterbacks. I know the college game is far more advanced offensively than it was twenty years ago but NFL offenses and defenses are more complex than ever. Yet we expect rookies to come in immediately and perform like ten year vets. I dont know how Manuel will wind up but its way to early to call it a day on him. Sub par o-line. Average to Below average tight ends. Below average receiving core(because of their youth). Your best RB was hurt all year plus a rookie coordinator and for some inexplicable reason many feel anything less than 40 tds 10 ints 4500 yards and a 70% completion percentage was unacceptable. This year is key. If he can get his completion percentage above 60, throw for 25 tds and keep the ints below fifteen and throw for at least 3500 yards that will be progress. Those are comparable to Russell Wilsons numbers last year. Buffalo runs an offense that is much closer to seattle and san fran than denver. If he throws for more than 4000 yards with the others numbers being around the same as above it will be a phenomenal seaon for him. Would also like the yards per attempt get above 7. If there isnt significant improvement this year thats a problem and your probably going to want to draft someone again next year.


    Oh my bad.



    I think hes more like Jamarcus Russel.

    Lets see. Lazy disinterested drug addicted bust vs. EJ. Real solid comparison. Typical EJ hater comment. Ill bet you'd love him if he was getting in bar fights and had a dozen domestic battery convictions.


    Cite 10 successful QBs in the history of the NFL who "anticipated and confidently zipped the ball around manipulating and destroying defenses" within the first 10 games of their careers.

    Dan Marino is the only one I can think of and as we all know that candy a$$ never won a superbowl.
  20. If you want to compete with Sanfran and Seattle you better have an o-line on par with the 92 Cowboys. Thats right. I said it. 92 Cowboys. One of the best o-lines of all time. Getting matthews or lewan would help accomplish that. Im fine with o-line in the first. The Mike Williams signing should get us by for the upcoming year at wr. Draft a receiver in the 3rd or 4th and develop him. Would also like a guard and rb somewhere in rounds 2-4.

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