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Posts posted by Buftex

  1. So follow up: after finally receiving response from NFL+, after waiting nearly a day, I can report, despite the insistence to the contrary, they fixed nothing, still having the same issue....so fugging frustrating.  It kills me, because it has worked fine all season....this coming Sunday, I won't be able to watch the Bills game live, so was hoping to avoid the score all moring, and then tune in later to watch....I have to do this a few times a season...the main reason I subscribe to this package....looks like the NFL has other ideas!  

  2. 45 minutes ago, LeviF said:

    I've been having issues as well, mostly with the NFL app and even NFL+ in browser not recognizing my subscription. I click through to "subscribe" and it tells me "your account already gives you access to this plan." But then I go back to watch something, since there's no navigation from that page, and it's the same issue.


    That all being said, I don't have this issue after logging out/logging back in. But to have to force sign out every time I want to watch something is annoying.

    I had the exact same issue, on my laptop...but the smart-tv no such luck.  I logged out multiple times, and logged back in, but still kept getting the same results (ie: you need to subscribe/you already have a subscription/we can't find your info).


    So, I am at work now, and just got an email from them, saying my issue has been resolved, almost a day later.  But, since I am at work, I can't verify that.  Will find out later today!

  3. It sucks for you, but I am glad to hear it is not just me. It gives me more hope that it will be fixed. This new NFL+ app has too many bugs.  During the preseason, I couldn't watch the games live.  I would start watching a game, and then get pulled away.  When I would go back to continue watching, it would make me start over...if I tried to fast forward to where I left off, it would immediately go to the last few minutes of the game. Other than it not being available once in a while, I never had these issues in the 10+ years I subscribed to Game Pass.

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  4. Is anyone else having issues accessing their NFL+ Premium subscription on their smart-tv?  I was able to use it all pre-season, and even re-watched the Rams/Bills game...but I have been trying the last 3 days to access the Bills/Titans game, with no luck.  Each time i try to load the game, it tells me that I need to subscribe, even though it tells me that my "current plan" is the NFL + Premium package.  When I try to "re-store purchase", it tells me "we can't find any purchases", even though it shows I am currently subscribed. 


    I am able to access it on my laptop, after multiple log-in and log-out attempts.  I tried contacting their automated assistance bot, and was told (about 18 hours ago) that they would contact me as soon as possible.  Anyone else experienced this issue?  Super frustrating... I may have to watch this Sunday's game using this app, and am getting nervous about it not working...I hate watching things on my laptop, when I have a 55-ich tv.

  5. 20 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    I get that people feel that way, and I'm not here to convince you feel any other way about him.  


    My view is different.  The way we operate in this country is that we have a criminal and a civil justice system to address problems like this.   The system is pretty good, and in fact it's better than most other countries, but it isn't perfect.  The point of having the system is that the system imposes the penalties on people, rather than having private citizens impose the penalties.   That means to me that my job, as a private citizen, is to accept the outcome of the criminal and civil processes and move on.  The guy is entitled to come out of the process free to move on with his life.   He's just a human being who did some things and on whom the society has imposed some collection of consequences.   It doesn't mean he isn't a human being trying to make a life for himself.  


    Having said that, I don't want my team welcoming back into the fold.   From the Bills' point of view, he has to be OJ, private citizen, for the rest of his life.  



    I understand where you are coming from...even if I don't necessarily feel the same about him current day.  He was a massive part of my childhood, so having no use for him is not easy. He was the greatest Bill of all time, with the possible exception of Bruce Smith.  Having negative feelings about him isn't something that comes easy. And, to be honest, as strongly as I feel about it, I'm not sure how I would react if I just ran in to him unexpectedly...he's still OJ!


    I really don't like him being associated with the current team, in any way.  I don't believe the Bills have anything to do with it, but he is kind of interjecting himself into their story.  I am sure he feels that he is going to find some sympathy amongst Bills fans.  And obviously, it works for him  I believe he has been at all the home playoff games over the McDermott era, and was at the Rams opener... 



  6. 5 minutes ago, Yobogoya! said:


    Have you ever looked into the theory that his son Jason committed the crime and OJ took the wrap for his son because he thought he could (and did) beat the charge? 


    It's got enough going for it to make you wonder. It would certainly re-paint OJ in a better light as someone who was willing to be branded a murderer for his kid (though even that action has some dubious morality to it). 


    None of us will probably ever know for sure. 

    Of course not...we live in times, that even when all signs point to the contrary, if somebody can dream something up, it has to be given some sort of validity....

    • Like (+1) 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    Oh, yeah.   He's traveling in our circles now, I suspect. 


    But if he's at SoFi last week and Buffalo this week he is still doing better than a lot of folks.  

    I know somebody who was flying in for the game on Saturday, first class...OJ was sitting in front of him.  He's doing okay.  Loved the guy growing up (who didn't?) but am kind of pissed off that he is now glomming on to the current Bills...if they have the kind of year that many are expecting. no doubt it won't go unnoticed.  

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  8. 3 hours ago, Big Blitz said:

    The "left" hates God, guns, the Constitution, and life.  This is ALL FACT.  


    We have nothing in common anymore.  The Democrat party has embraced what's always been the fringe of their party as mainstream.


    The GOP may support policy that you (and me) think are just garbage policies......but they absolutely do not end in unraveling man's last best hope.  They absolutely do not at their core hate America and the Constitution.  



    To save America you cannot vote Democrat at any level of government. 


    They answer to groups that at their core hate everything about this country.  


    Vote em all out.  

    I am just amazed how we can all live in the same world, and see things so completely the opposite. 

  9. Living out of market (Texas) in a city where a Sunday afternoon Bills game pretty much only happens if they are playing the Cowboys, or the Texans, I was faced with this dilemma during the COVID infected 2020 season.  I had the NFL GamePass package (which is, essentially what the slightly cheaper NFL+ is now), which I would use a few times a season when my work schedule interfered with seeing Bills games live.  I could avoid scores all day, at work, and then watch the Bills later in the evening.  Otherwise, I was at my local Bills-backers bar on Sundays.  In 2020 though, our bar was shut down often, and I just didn't want to miss the whole NFL season, so I could watch the Bills games later in the evening.  I felt kinda desprate. 


    A friend of mine gave me a link (not necessarily legal I imagine) to a free sight where I can watch any game (any sports league) live, any time. I started using it to watch Celtics basketball games too, rather than pay for the NBA streaming package.  As there are so many Celtics games, I just couldn't watch them all, so spending a $120 a season to watch a few games a month didn't seem worth it. I have watched every Bills Sunday afternoon game, and probably about 40 Celtics regular season games this way, over the last two year.  I have had very few, if any trouble with the site. The site just supplies multiple links to every game...there was probably about 3 or 4 times where the first link I chose wouldn't work, so I would choose the next.  No problem. Just activate your ad-blockers, and enjoy.  


    I don't mind paying for stuff, at all.  If the NFL would offer me the opportunity to pay to see Bills games live, I would have no problem paying for it, assuming it wasn't some absurd price. I've paid for years for subscriptions to the NBA Center Court package, and the NHL Center-Ice package, as well as NFL GamePass.  ESPN+ has taken over the NHL, so for about $40 less per season, I can now get the Sabres games.  The Celtics are a competitive team with a huge national fan-base, so they are on ESPN/TNT/NBA Network plenty.  NFL+ (formerly GamePass) is a great value too...but it just doesn't offer that live viewing option.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. 15 hours ago, Brueggs said:

    I agree with your first sentence. Your saying Republicans don't need to be bullied into following Trump.  I agree also. 

    But....don't you think Democrats are bullied into following their party leaders?  Our politics have gotten so corrupt, on all sides, that if someone doesn't comply with the establishment, they will be ousted.  That is exactly what happened to Trump.  He pointed out the corruption, and the establishment (which the MSM is a part of), went after him 24/7.  You can hate Trump, and there are plenty of plausible reasons for that, but the establishment keeps pointing at him so people stop looking at them.  Trump made it easy for them to do that.

    We obviously have a far from perfect political system.  We are perpetually left with the "lesser of two evils" scenario.  As many faults as Democrats have (and there are plenty), the party offers far more room for a difference of opinions from within. 


    I am 57.  In my lifetime I have never seen either party so afraid to cross their leader... these people, day after day, have to pledge their steadfast allegiance to this clown, or face the prospect of being "cancelled" by the cult that has taken over their party.  On paper, Liz Cheney was everything conservatives could want in a candidate.  She voted with Trump about 97% of the time. She would never have been considered a RINO at any other time.  But she was pretty much banished by her party, for the offense of simply recognizing Trumps obvious and blatant corruption.  The party could get all the same ***** stuff they want with a person like Cheney, but because she recognizes the reality of Trump, she has to go.  


    The Republican party has morphed into the party of Trump. The one person in GOP leadership that stuck to their core conservative principles got destroyed for it. There are no unifying principles in the Republican party, only fealty to Trump.  Biden's speech for as many crocodile tears as MAGAS, and right-wing pundits have been crying, was spot on. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  11. On 9/2/2022 at 11:04 PM, Chef Jim said:

    So we agree that the divisiveness sucks.  Did our President do anything to change that last night or do you think he did a little flame fanning? I think you’re just a tad confused regarding who is running the divide and conquer campaign. 

    I realize you are not a particularly reflective person... like I've said before, you MAGA's (spare me the denials) are proof that eventually people are immune to the smell of their own body odor.  The GOP really owes America a courtesy flush.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    What would it matter to me?  Seriously?  This decisiveness sucks.  A good leader would address this and provide solutions.  But if you’re good with the status quo….carry on.  

    Middle aged bigots?  How bigoted of you. 🙄

    Offering up a reminder to people that our country is worth saving... letting Republicans know that they don't need to be bullied into following Trump into the sewar.  There are plenty who claim that a sizable number of elected Republicans hold their nose, as they back all this MAGA crap, because they want to save their jobs, and they are afraid of the Trump base.  I wouldn't expect the MAGA faction of PPP to be impressed...but he wasn't talking to the people so far in the weeds. 


    Trump is not Mitt Romney or John McCain, George Bush...he is a corrupt, petty, insecure, dishonest, dishonorable slob, who has somehow snookered a sizable (though there are indications, shrinking), that he is some sort of answer to all our problems.  I completely agree, the decisiveness sucks... but that is the whole MAGA thing...divide and conquer.  It isn't noble, and it isn't good. I get that it all sounds hyperbolic, but he is truly a threat to our country.  

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Rico said:

    I like looking at her in Barbarella, but she’s excellent in her next 2 movies, They Shoot Horses, Don’t They and Klute.

    She is a really great actress.  "They Shoot Horsed Don't They?" is one of my all-time favorite movies.  The documentary that HBO did about her, a few years ago ("Jane Fonda In Five Acts") was really great.


    btw- if you haven't seen it, check out "Joy House".  It is a French film she did in 1964, with Alan Delon.  A good thriller!

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 44 minutes ago, Brueggs said:

    If this thread is any indication, its more than half of the country.  

    Almost everyone here is pretty much in agreeance, with the exception of about 3 posters who are constantly screaming from the rooftops.  The same three that take up whatever cause they are told to.  The same three that are incapable of acknowledging any shortcomings.  The same three that just keep turning up like a bad penny.  You guys should be furious at what they did to you.  But, instead, you continue to carry the torch and follow the pied piper to the river.

    Yes, I am sure that the middle-aged bigots that comprise the bulk of PPP are representative of the majority of the country.  

  15. 8 hours ago, BTB said:

    Despite the WR barely getting a finger on the ball, Tasker insisted that the 1st Keenum int was on the WR. 🤔

    He was right...the whole, "if you get a hand on it, you have to catch it" is as tired a cliche' as there is with analysts.  Keenum's lack of touch was responsible for that pick.

  16. There is a segment amongst the "mafia" that views every single damn thing with an hyper-sensitive eye/ear.  It's ***** football...it's a game...all the guys that people wax so poetically about from the days of yesteryear, had just as many issues... complaining because he didn't explain he didn't differentiate between "a quick timeout" and calling a timeout quickly?  Even though you know what he meant?  Petty fan base we have...as you all could no doubt do better, just watch with the sound off, you might actually enjoy the game.

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. 19 hours ago, I'm Spartacus said:

    How about Steve, and all color guys shut up an let the viewers watch and make opinions for themselves.

    Turn the sound down, and you can do just that.



    He was fine.  It's a ***** preseason game...watch the local coverage of pretty much any other team, and you will hear far worse....then again, we are Bills fans, we complain about everything and anyone!

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