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SD Jarhead

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Posts posted by SD Jarhead

  1. Ok, but are you actually claiming there's nothing racist about that billboard? The picture is clearly a caricature of a Muslim person and his middle name is highlighted in red and put in quotation marks as if it's some sort of nickname Obama uses.


    So what! That IS his name right? Hang an effigy of Palin, put a picture of McCain in diapers as your avatar, who gives a schit? That billboard isn't racist, it's just stupid. The Dem's have been using McCain's age to stoke fear, why shouldn't the other side use his NAME and a caricture from AN ACTUAL PICTURE to discredit him. Get a grip...

  2. I would be just as scared of riots in rural areas should Obama win. There is a certain amount of venom just below the surface on both sides that have each's yahoos on edge.


    Yea you see that all the time. What are they going to do? Burn down their cornfields?


    Riots in rural areas. Ha! That was funny.

  3. I have a sneaky suspicion that one way or another, we will see rioting in the inner cities next week after the election.


    Either there will be riots because of the joy of the first black president, or there will be outrage that he didn't win and the system is corrupt and unfair.

    There have been riots of celebration over World Series victories, riots over the Rodney King verdict, and riots over unfair treatment of minorities. This event could bring all those emotions together at one time, and it could be explosive and country wide.


    I hope nothing happens, but prepare yourselves nonetheless, because it could get ugly.


    You're absolutely right. The MSM will ensure it. As Don King said-only in America.


    I say bring it on...I'm locked and loaded baby. :blink::lol:

  4. Not actually first but he was the 1st Marine and 4th overall service member. Was only 8 minutes off the overall finishers time and did really well. Averaged a 5:45 per mile pace the whole race. I wouldn't even want to be that fast. :devil:


    Cpl Kunish


    Pure Moto! Wow that's fast! The fastest time I ever eeked out was in DI school when I ran an 18:50 PFT. I can't fathom running that fast for that long (especially with the knees I have today). Good on him!


    * I am proud of the fact that when I retired I ran a 271 on my last PFT. I know, not record breaking, but faster than the vast majority of my peers.

  5. As I wrote in the Off the Wall thread last night:




    Being a life member of the NRA (tho I haven't done target-shooting or hunting for quite a while) it hurts all the more to know that on top of the personal tragedy and loss, this is going to be used by gun-banners as a political argument.


    Chris's father or an event allowing this is one of the all-time bonehead things I've heard of. But it's done and you can't take it back. First, I'd just say it reflects on a culture we now live in that children are being forced by adults into grown-up situations earlier and earlier --- this runs the gamut from suggestive clothing targeted to children and allowing 10-year-olds to dress like sluts on Halloween, children having so much influence on family purchasing, and here, using a !@#$ Uzi when even just 10 years ago, that was the age when you learned to safely handle and shoot a BB gun. Everything has to be more, faster, better, and bigger these days, and it needs to be pushed earlier --- that's the mindset. Someone said, "The most important question of our day is 'How much is enough?'" It's like a competition of who can push their kids to grow up fastest. And I think this stems from that oft-discussed break-down of the authoritative parenting style that would put a check on stupidity and providing guidance and smart family leadership, and its replacement to this thing of being your child's best buddy, as if you're still a child, only with car keys --- parents who grew older but didn't grow up. In some form, I think this is also connected in with the epidemic of child molestation. Diddlers thinking of themselves in a way as still being children, forming a connection and then taking advantage of that child-like situation and after it goes through some kind mental warp zone that I couldn't begin to describe, fulfill adult desires. Sorry if that paragraph might be a bit ambling, my thought process is working in tangents a little today.


    Certainly, there needs to be new rules instituted for the safe handling of guns. At the few shows I've been to, there've been no-ammo-on-premises policies openly stated --- if you're interested in buying but want to test-fire, it's something you'd have to arrange with the vendor off-site. As for age when handling firearms and a proper progression, I don't know, that's something that'll be discussed, but for sure, something needs to happen there --- you'd hope this could be self-regulated, but reworking of laws is probably on its way, and probably deservedly so. Laws that allow for an 8-year-old to use an Uzi.... Laws aren't a substitute for common sense, tho, and we're living in an age when common sense is not common.


    Two things here...unfortunately this will probably be exploited by anti-gunners. This is truly a tragedy, but WTF is up with the Dad?


    You could add 1000 more laws onto the books and that won't change poor judgment by a careless father.

  6. I think this is a worthy discussion without all the name calling. I am a conservative with libertarian instincts who doesn't think that we've seen anything remotely resembling conservative policy from the Republicans for the last eight years. I think that while the Republicans had Congress they became (more) corrupt and squandered an opportunity to keep GW in check. They, like the Democrats, protect those who are found to be corrupt and weaken their standing with the American People.


    That is also why I am concerned about the Dem's dominating the Executive and Legislative branch. I think their ideas are horrible and just plain wrong and am concerned about how much damage they can do in two years. And, yes, they are just as corrupt as the Republicans.


    To be frank, I think the Iraq War, while I clearly could see the rationale for going there, was mishandled badly by Rummy, Rove and Wolfboy. GW took their advice and therefore he is responsible. But as I've opined in other threads, we broke it, we bought it and must finish with honor and dignity intact. This has turned out to be a mistake of colossal proportion that didn't have to be this bad. The irony here is that I'm sure McCain wouldn't have mishandled things as bad as GW and was vocal about his f-ups.


    At the end of the day, I think Republicans have shot themselves in the foot. I am a fan of Jim Webb, the Democrat Senator from Virginia. I think he gets it. I don't agree with all of his ideas, but overall like his approach and integrity.


    Sometimes we get what we ask for. I'm afraid that's exactly what's going to happen if the Messiah gets elected...

  7. Farm raised venison is probably some of the best meat I've cooked or ate. Not so sure about the wild deer meat though. Good for sausages but tough and gamey for other uses.


    In my opinion there is no better meat than Southern Tier Whitetail venison. I go back every year to hunt and bring back two full coolers of venison. I hunt in Cattaragus Cty on a 1200 acre dairy farm. The deer there eat very well between alfalfa, corn and apples from the old orchards there. There truly is no 'gamey' flavor. I grill it just like you would a steak and rub it with Montreal Steak seasoning. I've had a 100% success rate with family and friends who said they don't like it.


    I also hunt here locally on Camp Pendleton. The local deer are a bit gamey because of their diet of artillery shells and gunpowder. Just kidding. :P They are a bit gamey because of the sage and scrub diet they eat, but are tasty none the less.


    We are actually supposed to be on our third week of hunting here, but the opener has been delayed the past two weekends because of the high fire danger rating. Hopefully this weekend it cools off.


    Anyway Chef, if you're ever interested in some venison, let me know and I'll hook you up.

  8. Ooooh goody- another Obama "association"! Thank god there's only 8 more days of this.


    You retards were convulsing over Sarah Palin's outfits yet have nothing to say about the pattern of hard core leftists he associates with. Interesting.


    So you have nothing to say about the fact that the MSM is holding back on a legimite news story? I'm not suprised...

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