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SD Jarhead

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Posts posted by SD Jarhead

  1. I'm no longer a NY resident, so I don't really have a dog in this fight, but why on earth is Caroline Kennedy so highly regarded except for her bloodline? You know Sarah Palin has taken immense abuse here on this board some of which was earned, but still, at the end of the day, she is a self made woman. No one can deny this.


    Ms Kennedy on the other hand was born into royalty (or as close as we have to it here), and what has she done to warrant appointment as a US Senator? I just don't get it.


    I'm not going to jump into the fray of name calling, but really, what has she done?



  2. The Fed's 'tool box' is nearly empty. There's really not that much more they can do. How long before people lose faith in Uncle Sugar's ability to help 'them' out?


    Did you see 60 Minutes this past weekend? They had an interesting piece about how far along we are in the real estate crash. They had a dude on who opined that we are only about 1/3 of the way through the housing crisis and are looking at at least two years of times like this.


    If this guys opinion is correct, then how many tricks does the Fed have up its sleeve over that period? I would argue, not that many.


    You may have noticed Deb that I'm not jumping on the Obama feeding frenzy. This guy is going to have a very difficult time over the next four years. While I don't like his ideas (most of them), I am rooting for a successful administration not just for him, but for our nation. Because at the end of the day, it aint about politics, but making us a stronger nation.

  3. I don't believe all the conspiracy theory stuff about Lay, but this Madoff dude needs the $.50 solution- a round to the temple. Or, why not go back to the days when we tarred and feathered people and left them in the stocks?


    The disgusting thing to me is that this guy is out on the street while someone who steals $50 often ends up sitting in the joint until their trial. Our justice system is really screwed up WRT white collar crime.


    I also have very little sympathy for the wealthy who lost on this guy. Why should the Gov't bail them out when we've got regular people becoming homeless every day because of the greed of Wall St. money managers? When is Uncle Sugar going to help them? So maybe they have to live like us 'common folk'...too bad. I guess it sucks to be them.


    What a world we live in...

  4. Oh that's right. Free speech. Then let me observe that you are putrid little punk. I question your manhood - no, not even that, I am pretty sure you don't have any. Or none that anyone could see without a magnifying glass. You were probably beat up as a child, the butt of all jokes, and it made you vicious and petty and ugly. Well, maybe if you weren't ugly and stupid, with a total inability to communicate civilly and coherently, in a constructive fashion, with your fellow human beings, then perhaps you wouldn't have been, and continue to be, an outcast.


    And the very IMPLICATION that YOU would EVER have ANY first-hand knowledge about the sex life of this woman (or any woman who's rich, famous, and well-connected) is a HUGE joke. But then, so are you. I imagine your best girl's name is what....Rosie? Maybe she has friends?


    Free speech. How sweet it is! Sure feels GREAT to say terrible vicious things about someone you don't even know. Boo yeah. You're right. I can see why people like being wingnuts and saying whatever filth comes into their mind in the name of "free speech". Forget civility. GOP here I come. Libtard! Lefty!


    Stupid putrid little punk.


    :lol: Sing along with me everyone: Someone got her buttons pushed! :lol:


    I appologize for jumping in on the cripple fight, but this is good sheet!


    In reference to the bolded part above- you're joking right Nozzlenut? You're actually going to call someone out for calling a politician names? Are you serious?! Dude, that's all you do around here is mock and call people names. Pot meet kettle.


    This meltdown is classic! But you're probably right, I'll bet your manhood IS bigger than his. :lol:

  5. Actually no, I'm a normal Joe. If you fail to believe that mortgages rates were as low as I said do some research for yourself. I'm actually looking at my loan statement right now (citibank), but it doesn't tell me when I originated the loan. Actually that wouldn't matter since they weren't the original lender anyway....but I'm not blowing smoke. I have no reason to lie to you (or the board). If you don't believe me, that's your issue.

  6. I'm very sorry to hear the news especially during this time of year...As many have opined, it looks like the gaming industry will be down for quite awhile since so few have the disposable income they once had. I do wish you and your family the best.


    Bad things sometimes happen to good people. The true measure of our character is how we respond to adversity. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason even though those reasons aren't always evident to us. Sometimes it takes the removal of material things to see the true blessings in our life. Having said that, I hope that you find rewarding employment very soon.

  7. color me skeptical....


    About my loan rate? I'm not lying. Actually when I re-fied I missed an opportunity to get it at 4.6ish. I have a friend who was a broker and told me that the rates had dropped to that level and that I should consider refinancing, I waited another 10 days to see if it would get lower and instead it started creeping back up when I jumped in. That's with no points also...

  8. The amount of waste on the program I'm working on is sickening. The worst part to me is the ridiculous amount of contractors they have doing the same thing. At the same time, none of them will cooperate with the other companies because they're afraid they'll get their contract poached during annual re-bids. Un-farking believable!


    I could write volumes about what's wrong with some of these contractors...

  9. so what do you think the average UAW worker makes per hour including benefits? Let me guess $73 per hr?

    If that's the case, please two steps back and come back later on. Already been listed as false. Even today in bail out talks.


    maybe you can pledge to come back after you learn something about unions.


    While the worker does not get $73 per hour, the total labor cost to build a US vehicle for the Big 3 IS $73 per hour.


    Not lies, just figures as reported by NPR, the right wing radio network. :thumbsup:

  10. Just a simple question, since you seem to believe that homosexuality is a choice. At what point did you yourself choose to be attracted to women over men?


    I didn't state that I'm certain its not hereditary. I have not seen evidence from any of the posters that can prove that it is. At what point in your life did you decide you like pizza? Have you ever acquired a taste for a type of food that you didn't used to like? Choosing to eat or not eat that food is a behavior isn't it?


    I may be a crazy nut, but I believe it is a sin based on my wacky Christian beliefs. But, sin is sin. I don't consider it a greater sin than other sin, but "it is what it is".

  11. It's nice to know that even octopus people can do karaoke.


    "I'd like to do a Beatles song that is near and dear to my heart..."


    I'd like to be...under the sea...


    LOL! Dude you're just wrong! But you are one funny MF'er.

  12. At the end of the day, gold isn't looking like a bad investment in times like these. whether you believe we're entering end times or not. And, if you can find it, the price is right. Where else are you going to put your money right now?


    Does anyone not see that we as a nation (world) are rapidly changing our spending and borrowing habits reverting back to good old fashioned pay as you go? Or do you see this as a bump in the road and once this 'small' recession passes, we'll go right back to our old habits that got us here? I think that so many people have been burned by their own poor decisions or by the disappointment and anger of what has happened in the market that we're experiencing a tectonic shift in long term consumer behavior.


    The catch 22 of our whole situation is that in order for our economy to quickly turn around we need people to start borrowing and buying again. But at the end of the day, that won't help fix the economy but simply make it worse. This surely is an oversimplification of the issue but you get the point.

  13. Hmm. I hear SILENCE from the right.

    In any event this wasn't a political thread. It was a thread of outrage and has more to do with accountability and responsibility and making things right for our soldiers.


    Please don't count me as one of the Leftist Loons that populate the majority of this board just because I agreed with you in another thread. :D Wrong is wrong- from the left or the right.


    I believe I regularly weigh in on corruption regardless of party. Ted Stevens- POS, Larry Craig- POS, Duke Cunningham-POS.


    And even though this is not the subject of this thread I would like to see similar outrage when the corrupt official is from the other side of the aisle. Charlie Rangel- POS, Barney Frank- POS, Chris Dodd- POS. To be fair, there is a similar respone of crickets chirping from the left when Dem's are corrupt. The best thing we can do for our nation is to root out the corruption where we find it regardless of party.


    Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. Well, while I don't particularly like you, I do appreciate you posting this. Maybe there's a bit of sugar in that lemon after all. I will buy a raffle ticket, though looking at the numbers, it doesn't look good at this point. I will forward the link to the site to friends and family and maybe others can do the same.


    May all who are able to home with their family have a Happy Thanksgiving and remember that there are many who are serving our nation who don't have that opportunity. God Bless all.

  15. Remind us again about how you have an overweight lesbian sister and how that makes you an expert please.


    Little man, unlike you I don't suck d*ck so I can't claim to be an expert in the field.


    By the way, I find your campaign against me amusing. You probably got your azz beat down by a Marine or other service member for spewing your schit, didn't you?


    C'mon now, come clean internet tough guy. :thumbdown:

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