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SD Jarhead

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Posts posted by SD Jarhead

  1. Looks like all the white trash survivalist types are freaking out!


    You mean Wiggers? Or the rednecks who are wise enough to know what The Messiah's true views on the 2nd Amendment are? Not all of us are bedazzled by 'looking into his eyes'. Take your head out of the sand fool. Or not.


    Truth be told, they'll most likely enact some type of tax on ammunition for the good of the motherland in these trying times to effectively prevent people from protecting themselves or hunting.

  2. Not true. I am an independent and had every intention of voting for McCain when he got the nomination. Unfortunately, after he got the nomination, he caved to the base, and alienated many people who had supported him. If he would have picked Liberman, stopped spewing hard right talking points and just been John McCain, he would have absolutely had my vote.


    I call bullschit. Buddy you are one of the biggest partisian lemming here on the board. Let's be honest for God's sake.


    Yea, you and Nozzlenut are both conservative leaning independants. :rolleyes:

  3. I am torn. One one hand I am incredibly proud and happy that we have overcome one of the great stains on the history of our country by electing a black man. I'm ecstatic that this day has come. Good for us! This validates what I and many others have known for some time, that you can be whatever and whoever you want to be regardless of your race, color or creed.


    On the other hand I am disturbed that we have elected the wrong man. As has been debated beyond reason here, his ideas suck and will not help our nation out of the quagmire we're in and most likely will get us in deeper. But that is what the Democratic process is all about. To be fair, the Republicans screwed it up with their corruption and quite frankly, by acting like Democrats and spending too much.


    But congratulations America...you got what you asked for. Now let's see what the Democrats do. No excuses.

  4. The thing I respect the most about Obama is that he thumbed his nose at the black-power movement that has bogged down black politicians for years (the Jesse Jacksons of the world)--and still is getting the support of blacks.


    That alone may turn the tide for black leadership away from the sham black leaders to real ones.


    Time will tell. We'll see who he appoints to political positions.

  5. ORLY?


    Past victims of their pranks have included Gilles Duceppe, rock stars Bono and Mick Jagger, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Formula One driver Jacques Villeneuve, U.S. business tycoon Donald Trump, and very recently Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. The duo have also been incorrectly credited with a prank call to Queen Elizabeth II in 1995, which was in fact placed by another CKOI-FM host, Pierre Brassard.


    In August 2005, the pair got Britney Spears to take a call by pretending to be Céline Dion (they claim to have previously pranked Dion herself). As Dion, they proposed to Spears that "Tiger Woods, one of my personal friends, just promised me he's going to sing a very special song in duo with you and it's going to be called 'Let's Make a Hole in One'", to which Spears responded with enthusiasm.[1]

    On January 27, 2006, they tricked Jacques Chirac into believing that he was speaking to new Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, a prank which Chirac took with good humour.[2] The BBC rated this particular prank one of the 30 best moments in radio history of all time.


    Idiots! All of them! I'm amazed they can even muster enough synapses firing to tie their shoes! :thumbsup:



    But don't tell the Leftists...that'll ruin their Sarah Palin is an idiot bumper sticker.

  6. If the fact that a black person can run and (maybe) be elected at President doesn't completely discredit the need for A. Action, than I don't know what does. Bottom line- you can be whatever you want to be in the great nation with the right G-2, drive and desire.


    If Obama wants to be a uniter the first thing he should do as President is eliminate all Affirmative Action laws.


    I know...never happen. If anything, he'll make even more laws to help the homeys...

  7. as KarlFromEarthCrisis pointed out, it is ridiculous to take a 20 second soundbite and assume you understand what he meant.


    he was talking about volunteer service corps, not paramilitary groups! :thumbsup:




    You might not like the terms "national security force" to describe these programs, and you also might wonder (quite appropriately) how he's gonna pay for them, but at least deal with the facts, not a soundbite...


    So volunteer service corps equates to national civilian security force? Um, ok... :wallbash:

  8. Do explain where you got the domestic spies concept from???


    .. I have no idea what he meant by that either though, I should really like to know. I looked around a bit and Robert Gates seems to be the originator of the idea. It's so vague and generic that it's hard to tell what he really meant by it at all. What I won't do is wildly speculate crazy communist assertions like you have done. However if you should find any actual informed assertions on this, I should like to see them, please post.


    OK, I got you. Short of any specifics (which is The Messiah's MO) I drew an inference to China's domestic spy force. But let's be real. Exactly what kind of civilian security force would require funding equal to that of the US Military?

  9. Ok, so how about the candidate who abandoned his family, including 3 children, because his wife was disfigured in a car accident while he was at war, and when he came back she was no longer attractive to him? And then leaving his old life in the dust as he goes on to wed a beer heiress. How's that for helping your own blood?


    Yea, his kid's have never spoken to him or heard from him since...


    Nice try.

  10. Don't bother talking about McCain, it's useless when dealing with these people. Most "McCain supporters" I've met barely know anything about McCain besides his war record. The more accurate term for most "McCain supporters" is "Obama detractor". In their mind, they aren't voting for McCain, they are voting against Obama.


    Let's not do the bait and switch. First off, while I respect McCain and would prefer him as President over The Messiah, I did not vote for him. I voted for Bob Barr and Libertarian for Congress (against Darryl Issa).


    But let's stay on subject which is Obama's policy on the 2nd Amendment. While I am not a single issue voter, this issue is near the top of my list. Why don't you address The Messiah's record on this issue?

  11. If I couldn't believe his campaign platform, which explicitly includes his fact sheets on the issues, I couldn't vote for him, nor could millions of others.


    McCain has made many, many changes in his positions since he started running for president, like offshore drilling, support for Bush's tax cuts, etc. Should we now say we can't trust McCain to do those things because he voted against them before? I think the answer is no, we have to accept that he will stand by his promises. We can call him a flip-flop, but not a liar. Obama is running for President, not Biden, so until he changes his position on gun control, I will take him at his word.


    I can sympathize with you regarding what California has done to legislate more stringent controls on guns and ammunition, but once again, it's Obama that's running for President, not the California state legislature. California has always led the nation with more restrictive laws on things like auto emissions and dozens of other issues. We make conscious choices about where we want to live and we either have to accept what the majority votes for (proposition x, referendum y, etc.) or go somewhere else where the laws better suit our own beliefs.


    My point is that it is those on the Left who seek to eradicate our 2nd Amendment rights. Obama, in his limited voting record, has consistantly voted against preservation of the 2nd Amendment. If you fail to acknowledge this I feel you're not being honest with either yourself or the board.

  12. 3. He has no intent to interfere with your right to bear legal arms.




    Factcheck.org has analyzed this issue and found that the NRA has cherry-picked, twisted and misrepresented Obama's record to come up with a bogus "plan."


    Maybe you believe that things like background checks constitutes taking away your 2nd Amendment rights...again, you're entitled to your opinion.


    This is pure, unadulterated Bullschit. He says this now that he's running for President. But he was exposed for his true beliefs in the liberal survey HE filled out that they tried to blame on a staffer. Shoot, look no farther than his running mates record- Botox Biden has consistently voted against gun rights. You will not win this argument, and if you truly believe The Messiah's bullschit factsheet is true than you're a fool.


    The fact is that the Leftist Liberals WILL eventually take away our gun ownership rights. I see the bills the Left put us to committee here in Kalifornia. How about bills taxing ammunition at $.50 per round? How about bills limiting ammo sales to 20 rounds per person per month...and that need a permit to be purchased? How about the recently enacted law that outlaws lead ammunition because ONE condor was found to have lead in its system?


    Is it the 'wingnuts' who are putting forth this garbage? You know good and well who it is. These jokers are chipping away at our 2nd amendment right one chip at a time until soon enough we will have no rights.


    But you go on believing that The Messiah respects OUR 2nd amendment rights. :worthy:

  13. Can one of you Leftist tards please splain to a dumb wingnut how an illegal alien can live in public housing? Why is the US taxpayer paying to house an illegal alien? Is this the spreading of the wealth we'll see more of?


    What a crock of BS from the Messiah. Take care of your family first. If you can't do that then how the heck are you going to take care of the country? And let's be clear. This aunt of his is someone 'special' to him per his writing, right?

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