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SD Jarhead

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Posts posted by SD Jarhead

  1. The same way he got elected ,, put on a rock concert and then speak to the huddled masses. :lol:


    Maybe Pearl Jam and Bruce Springsteen want to play San Diego. I'd go see Barry speak if I could go to a free concert. :lol:


    One of the main concerns against bailing anyone out is the moral hazard argument. Look what's happening now to see that in action. The big 3 are prime examples of this. They ran their companies into the ground and came to the taxpayer with thier hands out for $25 Billion which they took, making NO changes to help them survive the current situation, and now want $50 Billion more?!


    IMO, they need to (should be allowed to) go bankrupt in order to forge a new agreement with the UAW. The present deal they have is untenable and a recipe for dumping my (and your) money into a bottomless pit. Make no mistake about it, this will be very painful for all involved, but the longer we put off taking our medicine the deeper the cancer metasticizes.


    If you think giving Ford and the others more money will fix this look no farther than the Detriot Lions and their former GM Matt Millen as an example of how long it takes a Ford to make a change...


    And FWIW, my father is a retired Ford worker.

  2. Hey Grunt, you never did answer the only pertinent question in this thread. If it was 2000 or 2004 and she was a Gore or Kerry supporter would you still be defending her right to free speech, or would you be bashing the hell out of another "Wacked-Out Fuggin Liberal?"


    C'Mon, you can be honest with us...


    Actually Semen, I think I was clear on that point. Yes, I might think the person a wacked out liberal, but I also would respect that persons right to do so. Kind of like the Code Pinko's in Bezerkley. I think they're wackos but understand that they have to right to be, well wackos, so long as they don't break the law. Same with those on the right.


    I'm being honest with you Semen, really!

  3. Right, because I'm young, I don't understand anything. I forgot.


    I have spent a great deal of time on the grounds of the Naval Academy for athletic reasons, and I was invited to attend the 2007 USNA commissioning, and listened to Robert Gates give the commencement speech. I get it. And I DON'T BUY ANY OF IT.


    IMO, our military is a big, expensive, lives ruining joke.


    Man that's impressive! I beg your pardon. I didn't realize the vast depth of your military experience. <_<

  4. The irony is, I believe the woman that hung the flag actually did it out of Patriotism. She thinks the Big Cats of the world have taken over the country....and she just may be right. I fully understand getting riled up, especially being a service member....but I see where she is coming from. Maybe in poor taste, but I bet that chick would pick up a .22 and shoot the wiggleworm from between Big Cat's pelvis without much coaxing if it came to that.


    The best selling flag on Amazon.com for the year....."Don't Tread On Me". What's that tell you?


    I don't disagree and maybe wasn't clear in my post. My buddy Lee was much more fired up and I tried to explain her POV to him. She absolutely was flying it out of Patriotism. That's why I posted that I'm conflicted about it. My first instinct is to be offended but it seems to me that more people are waking up to the reality of where our country is headed (and that is not just directed at Obama).


    Also, I wasn't 100% comfortable knocking on her door when Lee suggested it. I do respect an individual's right to protest without being harassed. I was the peacemaker in the encounter and tried to express to both parties that I think we had similar feelings. In hindsight, I probably should've been more thorough in my initial post.

  5. Thank you for responding to that idiot. I was going to after I read that, and thought, what a better person to respond to this moron than a Marine.


    Again, thank you for you service.


    No thanks necessary, but appreciated just the same. I don't mind feedback or discussion, but don't appreciate wisecracks from a snot nosed kid who's probably still living off of Mom and Dad's dime.

  6. How would you feel if she burned the flag? (or if McCain was elected and she supported Obama?)


    It's understandable why people get upset when a flag is disgraced, and while I don't condone flag burning, I do believe that one our Nation's greatest strengths is to allow it as a manner of free speech.


    If the KKK and the anarchists want to "peacefully" march, let them. If right wing radio wants to blather on, go right ahead. If Farrakahn wants to spew his nonsense then give him room. I hope every American will fight for their right to freely express their opinions.


    Again, and this is primarily for NozzleNUT, I respect every American's right to do the things you mentioned above, that doesn't mean I have to like it...

  7. She lost. Tell her to get over it.


    [/canned lefty reply]


    By the way, my company programmed the control system in Conf. Room 105 at 29 Palms. Magnificent 7th Marines, no?


    I have a meeting out there with 7th Marines at the Regiment HQ bldg. on the 25th. I think it may be in that conference room, but not totally sure. I'll let you know how the AV system works if that's the room. :wallbash:

  8. So I'm returning from a day of work at 29 Palms and my training partner Lee decides to take a detour on the way home to show me The Mission Inn in Riverside, CA. It's an historic hotel he's recommended for my wife and I to stay at and wanted to give me a brief tour. We walk through the hotel and on the way toward the freeway home we detour through a beautiful neighborhood of early 1900's homes. I notice a house that has the flag hung upside down and do a double take. I show Lee, who is a retired Marine LtCol and he stops the truck and says let's go talk to them and fix it.


    So we knock on the door of the house and a lady comes to the door and acknowledges that the flag is that way on purpose. She goes on to state that the flag can be hung upside down in times of distress and she feels our nation is in great danger. Lee, my partner is visibly upset and argues that we're both retired Marines who fought for her fight to do that and feel its unacceptable. She responds that we just elected a President who feels the Constitution of the US is deeply flawed and that she feels our country is heading rapidly toward socialism. She was kind, but firm in her expression. After some bantering between them I basically moved Lee of off the porch and toward the vehicle.


    Anyway, I did some quick research and this is becoming a more common expression of distress for many Americans. At this moment I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it. As someone who has fought and had brothers die defending the flag and what it stands for, I'm a bit offended, but I've got to respect her right to express where she see our nation going.

  9. The Marine Corps saved this punk kids life. Without the kick in the arse it gave me I have no doubt I wouldn't be the person I am today. Although my family and I made many sacrifices throughout my career, I got back tenfold in intangibles through my service with great Americans and by embracing the Core Values and culture of Esprit de Corps.


    I could go on for pages about how much I learned during my time in. But one of the things I also learned is not to be late...and I must leave for work- to be 15 minutes early! :blink:

  10. Good times for the US Gov't.




    And the corporations keep coming at us with their hands out...




    Who's next...Walmart?


    But seriously, it's possible that the Gov't could become bankrupt. Then what? Actually, I know the answer to that one and it falls into one of the Dwight Drane scenarios that nobody wants to consider...

  11. As an officer I got to go to banquets in the entire Third Battalion, even better as a representative to the State Association I'd go to that too!


    When NYS raised the drinking age to 21, we had to raise our enrollment age because we did have beer at the firehall....shoot we had an old truck whose water tank was converted into a cooler so we could haul beer to parades.


    Ahhhhh those were the days. We saved the taxpayers big bucks (were rated on a professional scale although we were volunteer) and had a lot of fun doing it. We had a waiting list of a year, or more. Not now.


    Did they let you grow a beard?

  12. I don't think that is what he said on the campaign trail so I am not concerned at this moment. He said there has to be a way to preserve the rights of gun owners in the country to hunt etc practice their 2nd amendment right while ending guns getting into the hands of criminals (paraphrased)


    But he was not specific other than that? I am kind a taking a wait and see approach but you go on raising the fear deal.


    Look, I don't have a beef with you. Although you are a Liberal (who once pretended to be conservative), I think you're pretty straight forward. Do you REALLY believe what he said on the trail while he was trying to court the middle? It has been proven that a survey he filled out that expresses very Leftist views on guns was written by him. The campaign tried to deflect and say a staffer filled it out, but a handwriting analysis proved it was Obama who completed the survey.


    You mentioned the Delmar Gun Show. I don't attend those as I think they're ripoffs, but I understand why they don't want cameras in there. Please trust me when I tell you that gun merchants do follow the law. Here's a quick anecdote that happened to me- I bought a gun from a store where a close friend is a gunsmith. In cali they have a two week waiting period before accepting delivery. Well after two weeks I went to pick up the gun and my very close friend said- hey dude, I can't give it to you until three thirty (it was 11ish). I said why not? He said the law states that it has to be exactly fourteen days to the minute in the law and not before. Ridiculous? Yes. But he would not jeapordize their FFL. Good on him.


    Anyway, I am a person who cares greatly about the Constitutional right and see how the Left wing politicians have tried and continue to try to get rid of it. If you honestly either can't see that or fail to acknowledge it then shame on you.

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