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Everything posted by Stads

  1. And I responded sarcastically to your sarcasm
  2. Squish The Damn Fishies Their Crowning Will Be Delayed Tua Poops the Bed
  3. I dealt with a dirty pocket once. Now I have to take Valtrex every once in a while
  4. This is what last week could have looked like without all of the turnovers
  5. I rewatched the Allen stiff arm play. The way Devin took on Bobby Wagner to give Josh a lane to run was something else
  6. The prevent defense they played on that last drive was asinine
  7. Just lost on a Hail Mary against Holy Cross
  8. 4 turnovers and up by 21 to the Super Bowl champs? It's crazy how much we could be winning right now
  9. I'll go with a punt. That'll really throw the Rams off. That's how you mess with their heads man!
  10. I'd rather have this Owen
  11. It'll be quite the "feet" if he lasts more than one episode
  12. This is exactly how I feel. Schopp derails his show with fantasy/gambling nonsense and Sal likes to go on and on about talking to the players or how amazing of a Dad he is by everything he does with his son. That's awesome that he does all of that stuff, but I'm tuning in to hear about actual sports takes
  13. I don't know how I would feel about Sal taking over. His football knowledge is greatly appreciated, but his storytelling seems so self-absorbed. I know I'm in the minority but I like him in the role he currently has and don't need him having more airtime
  14. What the Haack are they thinking cutting the "Punt Fraud"? The Patriots are going to sign him for a week and get the inside scoop on our whole operation!
  15. Not much YAC so far...I'm show myself out
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