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Posts posted by jaybee

  1. Its not a QB thread. Its not an Andy Levitre thread. Its not a Buddy Nix thread. Its not a whatever else in umpteen pages thread.


    Its a Jairus Byrd thread.


    Fellas, we just put the franchise tag on one of the best safeties in the NFL. Spin it however you want. I for one am psyched. Looking way forward to watching Jairus continue to make big plays for this team.


    This is outstanding news. yahoo.gif





  2. That team was loaded. If Daryl Porter stays in his lane on that kickoff return they may very well have won a SB with that team. And before anyone brings up their hero Flutie being benched.....the Tennessee game was the hardest game they would have played and the game was in the books when the QB's left the field that day. That's all there is to that. It's likely either one of Johnson or Flutie could have won it from there on out because that defense was SUFFOCATING and the competition was weak. The Jags and Colts were ripe for the picking, the Titans trounced them on the road after struggling mightily at home with Buffalo.........and the Rams........they were nearly shutout at home in the NFC Championship by a lesser Tampa team that was lead by QB Shaun King...a worse Qb than Flutie or Johnson.... and a very good Bucs defense that the Bills defense was still clearly better than. That team gets remembered as an afterthought but that was the best defense the Bills have fielded in the SB era and that was an era when a great defense could win you a SB without a great QB......something that is doubtful with the new rules emphasis in the NFL today. The offense had plenty of talent as well. It was a very complete team if complete doesn't include an emphasis on special teams. Wade didn't much like spending practice time on special teams.


    I'd call this nailin it. Excellent post BADOLBEELZ. eusa_clap.gif

  3. I can only imagine that a girl going to a technical school has some damn high self esteem. Pretty ridiculous ratio there.


    You guys are damn funny. And...correct !! I'm pretty sure there are 2 other females there though. Maybe even three ? Hard not to be proud of her though. She's carried a 3.6 - 3.9 gpa for the whole ride. She doesn't care much about football though which kinda sucks. Hell I'm embarrassed and humiliated I wasn't aware of this Herman Kid the OP put up here. Couldn't get her interested in attending a game. I went wrong somewhere. Her priorities need work and I aint gettin it done.



  4. BIG congrats on that one... As another poster touched on, the league seems to be getting good value out of numerous lower-division players. Once the big name kids, are swept up by the media, I wonder how much due-dilligence league scouts do to make sure they get out to the Misissipi Valley's, Alcorn States, RPI's, and Abilene Christian's out there?


    I'm guessing often it's a complete waste of time... Still, looks like you could score BIG if you know what to look for.


    Thanks ! I agree. You'd hope they have a staffer or three researching some of these schools, if nothing else. Heck, they are so far under the radar screen maybe even they could grab a kid like this as an undrafted free agent ? Certainly worth a look as a low cost project I'd think...roster willing. If I recall correctly, Andre Reed was taken from one of these smaller schools. Kutztown state maybe ? Something like that I forget now but he was pretty darn good. Well, the coaches are WAY smarter than I'll ever be so if its a good idea they'll run with it...I hope ! LOL !



  5. LOL..come on people. you guys act like we went 0-16 last season. New HC, new DC, squeaking 3 more wins next season isn't an absurd notion considering we lost at least 2-3 games this past season in the last couple of minutes. We lost 4 games in 2012 by 7 points or less.



    9-7 and wildcard playoff birth in 2013! WOOT! :beer:


    Thank you !


    Lets let free agency and the draft play out. Lets see where we're at in September before contemplating suicide.


    Making the playoffs would be great but I'd be pleased as hell just to see some improvement. Especially on the defensive side of the football. Either way it goes, this is gonna be an interesting year for the Bills.


    We've got a new coaching staff. Its all good. Lets see what these guys can do. :thumbsup:



  6. We could argue about these guys till we're blue in the fingers. As we've observed for many years as fans of this game, ya just never know who's gonna be good and who's gonna be a bust. Last year was a pretty rare year where Luck and RGIII were pretty sure things.


    Its pretty much a crap shoot at the QB position this year. I'll let you guys know who I like next December !! LOL !



  7. I think you are right to focus on a position of where there are many very good players instead of wasting a top pick on aQB of modest ability in the hope he will turn out to be a gem.




    Also, I've noticed there are several teams in need of a wide receiver. So if we pass in the 1st round on a WR the pickings might be slim later on. I wont be surprised if Buffalo selects a WR at # 8. There are some good ones out there. Guys that can potentially make an impact right off the bat. Of course we need a QB to get the ball to him !


    I really cant settle on a QB I really like this year. Even Geno. I've seen the kid thread needles into double coverage. I've seen him miss wide open receivers. I just dont know what to think at the QB position at this point. I'll route hard for whomever they start next year.


    Astro, thanks for the work. Good stuff there. I'm not smart enough to add much to it though !!



  8. Thats a nice piece of work you've done here. Statistics have been known to lie though. And...stats don't take into account the system a youngster was in and the system a head coach wants to run and the youngsters perceived ability to run that system.


    Thanks for taking the time to do this. It is an interesting post fer sher but only God (and Marrone et al) know what they are looking for and whatever that is "should" play largest in whom they take at QB, if anyone.



  9. I'm not ready to throw in the towel on TJ Graham just yet. Indeed his rookie season was disappointing. I anticipate a significant improvement of TJ's play this year and for that reason, and that reason only I'd probably pass on this kid.


    I'm thinking any new wide receiver we get needs to be a big physical kid. One that can get position, go up and make the big catch while getting mugged.



  10. She is from Wayne County if its who I'm thinking you saw. Just east of Rochester. Talented little crumb snatcher fer sher.





    A Wayne County girl has been making a name for herself with some recent memorable performances, including a jaw-dropping rendition of the National Anthem at Thursday night's Sabres game.


    Just talking with Baylee is an experience in itself. The eight-year-old is funny, articulate and full of energy, but her voice is at an octave well beyond her years and sports organizations throughout the state are taking notice.


    The singing that echoes throughout the Morrison-Duncan house has become a melody the family has gotten quite used to.


    Baylee's mom Bonnie Morrison says, "Constantly, in the car, in the house."


    As Baylee Morrison hits notes so high many are simply left in awe.


    "I sing everywhere," says Baylee...



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