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Posts posted by Fadingpain

  1. We need to trade for a starting quarterback. EJ is not the answer. Not even close. Idk who is available for trade but ej needs to be a back up. Both sacks are on him he had sammy open on one for a td and woods open for a first. He does not have it. He does not have what it takes to be an nfl quarterback. We need better. With him we will be giving the Browns a top 10 possibly top 5 pick.


    Yep. A lot of the Bills fan base gets this. A lot doesn't.


    Soon it won't matter. New ownership will clean house soon enough.


    Hang in there bro!

  2. This is exactly it: he is likely to be a game changer. A difference maker.


    He could single handedly turn a close defeat into a win. Having that guy on the field for your team is super valuable.


    But you need a guy who can consistently get the ball to Sammy in order for Sammy to be great.


    Therein lies the rub.

  3. Manziel is fun to watch. He still thinks it's college apparently. We could start a pool for when and why he is knocked out of action. You know, week five with a collar bone. Week seven with a knee. Colonel Plumb in the library with a candle stick. Like that.


    I like what I see, I just don't think it can last all that long at this level. What do I know?


    I'm sorry, but a faux pas of this magnitude cannot be tolerated.


    You must be referring to either Colonel Mustard or Professor Plum.


    Personally, I think it was Mrs. Peacock with the lead pipe in the conservatory.


    I thought Johnny Football did well, all in all. But he simply can't continue his style of play at the NFL level over the long haul without major injury, as many have pointed out.


    The kid is fun to watch though, for sure.

  4. Yup. It's self seeking egotism, people would rather be right than anything else. I try not to get involved too much with the arguing over EJ, I'd rather sit back and enjoy football. It works both ways though, there are those that will back up EJ no matter what. The difference to me is that the hardcore supporters have a lot of hope(even if it's made them blind to the truth) and the agenda mongers are just angry "I told you so" people. I'm guessing that the "I told you so" crowd were never validated as children and need a hug.


    For someone who is so vocal against the "angry people", you seem rather, uh, angry.


    Calm down dude.


    I have been an EJ critic but would be the first to agree he played well against the Panthers. It's not all black and white and his game has always had some bright spots. Inconsistency is one of his weaknesses, but that results from the fact that some times he does some nice things.


    Please don't confuse criticism as hatred of all things b/c the critic is a miserable troll living in a cave and so on.


    LOL. Nor are those who are critical of the team in general or a player specifically anxiously looking to see the team/player fail.


    For me, it's precisely the opposite. My love of the team and desire to see them succeed is where the criticism is born.


    Let's see how EJ does in Game 3.

  5. Any team that has sucked for the past 15 years is obviously not going to be a big draw either live or in the TV market.

    But that statement is bull ****. Season ticket holders and plenty of others would go watch their team play, no matter who the opponent is. There are only 8 regular season home games a season after all.


    I think you are missing the point of the article.


    It is saying that, as measured by objective criteria, the Bills are the 4th worst team in the league in terms of being a "box office draw". That is to say, relative to average ticket sales for all teams at all games in all cities, a game involving the Bills will result in a loss of 16.7% of ticket sales.


    When you consider we have a decent sized stadium with strong home game attendance, that statistic is all the more powerful.


    It basically is saying no one in other NFL cities wants to see their team play the Bills.


    And given the steaming pile of mediocrity this organization has been since the mid '90s, does this come as a surprise?


    This should surprise no one.


    To non-Bills people, we are like, I don't know...the San Diego Padres or Milwaukee Brewers.


    You know, an irrelevance.

  6. Who is "we". The fans? We have no say I have tried to tell you this from day one. Their goal is to get the best deal possible. Its about MONEY which is what Business is about. Look Ralph kept his word and kept the team here till he died. It is NOT The Trusts job to continue that, its to get the most money possible.


    IF they find someone to keep the team here so be it, but understand when the lease is up odds are they will move IF it makes the owner and the NFL more money. Sorry but that is today's NFL. Don't like it, go back to just HS and college football, they are not moving anywhere




    Well as maybe a face but that is all. He doesn't have the 30% required to be the top dog, no way he is worth over 300 million dollars.


    If you think the Wilson family has a "Screw Buffalo, sell to the highest bidder" mentality, I think you are wrong.


    They are going to get their money, make no mistake about that, but I am quite sure they will try to structure the sale in a way that keeps the team in Buffalo for obvious reasons.


    Selling at FMV and keeping the team in Buffalo do not have to be mutually exclusive.


    Shot through the heart

    And you're to blame

    Darlin' you give sports a bad name

    A football team is what you sell

    You promise me heaven then put me through hell

    Chains of love got a hold on me

    When your team's a prison you can't break free

    Whoa! You're a loaded gun (yeah)

    Whoa! There's no where to run

    No one can save me

    The damage is done

    Shot through the heart

    And you're to blame

    You give sports a bad name

    I play my part

    And you play your game

    You give sports a bad name

  7. Surprised no one has mentioned Steve Tasker.


    He is by far the best gunner of all time and #2 isn't even on the same planet.


    I agree with the original poster that Bruce was the best player on the team, but I disagree with some of the other assessments about who is or isn't in the top 10 or 20 or whatever.


    Thurman lacked raw speed and was caught from behind many times. But he is one of the greatest dual threat RBs of all time. He is also what I like to think of as one of the best "all around offensive weapons" to ever see an NFL field.


    Kellly is arguably one of the best ever long ball throwers. But he had a tendency to force the ball into traffic due to supreme confidence in his ability. He also had close to no mobility.


    Lastly, Bruce is not the best all time at his position. That's Reggie White. Bruce is top 5 though for sure.

  8. Unless the bills think that EJ is that guy.


    Look....EJ Manuel was not drafted in the 3rd round......he is a 1st round pick


    When you make the investment of a 1st round pick.....you ride that decision until it is apparent that it was the WRONG decision. We are FAR from that point.


    We are precisely 1 season from that point. Not that far, really.

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