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pimp 2

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Posts posted by pimp 2

  1. I've noticed every one getting on Tuel for the miracles that he didn't perform when called on to bail out the team when our not so stellar #1 rookie QB was injured in last nights game . But i think a lot stems not only from the lack of NFL knowledge at the QB position but at the OC position too !!


    I saw like 1 maybe 2 screen plays to a RB that gained decent yardage but then went unused for a lot more of the game then used & when the FB was used some big plays like CJ's TD came from the block that Summer threw, yet when you think back the FB wasn't used as much as should have been if that is working .


    Then apparently the lack of trust in EJ throwing the long ball was pretty apparent i didn't see but a couple of plays over maybe 20 yds as far as throws & please (as i'm sure you all will) correct me if i'm wrong . So there's more here than just throwing our 2nd string ROOKIE QB in to a bad situation but we also put our ROOKIE OC in a bad situation !!


    It seems how soon we forget what Tuel did in the preseason , which i know it's gonna be

    "he was playing against the #2 & #3 personal & BLAH BLAH" but the kids accuracy from anything i can remember & his awareness of the open guy down the field could in some instances be a plus . But in typical Bills fan fashion lets trash the kid cause he didn't come in & put up Brady like numbers to save the day !!

    HE'S A ROOKIE !!


    Then Marrone says "It's not a stretch to say we could bring in a QB to start the Cincy game" ?? So we bring in a guy thats doesn't know the offense & expect him to do any better than say



    So what message is the coach sending to the guys he drafted or chose to be on the team ? Not a very good one from where i'm standing !! If you don't think the guys you have are doing what is needed then get rid of them & get some one that will or keep the guy you had before letting him walk at least you know exactly what we had with Fitz for crying out loud !


    At least give Tuel the benefit of knowing the Offense & give him reps with the ones to determine weather or not he is worthy of being the back up they thought he could be . Sure he threw a pick but so has EJ , sure he didn't do great but he got probably less than a quarter of the reps with the ones & has very little if any chemistry with them . So before we send Tuel to the Bills QB grave yard b/c of incompetent leadership in QB maturation throw some of the Blame to our rookie OC !


    A rookie QB is probably more fragile in the maturation process than any other position & we not only have rookies at both QB positions but the rookie OC should receive just as much to blame for our ineffectiveness at the sometimes lack of offensive production while these youngsters are on the field so if you all are going to throw Tuel under the bus throw a bit of it to Hacket as well because to this point i've not been super impressed with his experience especially at his play calling either .


    OK cut me to shreds Bills fans !! Go Bills !!!



    What are your expectations of a 1st year QB in the NFL? EJ was developing just fine until this unfortunate injury, IMO. I will add he's on pace or better than last years class of QB's at this point statistically...the Seahawks brought Wilson along rather slowly last year depending heavily on the run & dominating defensive scheme.


    So what do you think our "stellar" new toy should realistically be doing to meet your expectations?

  2. My pick is 4.5: I think the Jets D will get a few as well, Rex has said he will bring the heat. But I think the Jets have to throw the ball more than the Bills to score (the BIlls have a better run game to work with to help neutralize the pass rush). And with Geno's tendencies to hold it, five or more is a real, and necessary, possibility.


    If it's is less than four, the Bills may be in trouble.


    Somehow I think, this will be the week that FJ & CJ will be paired in the backfield together, to keep the Jets D off-balanced.

  3. Tried to watch Troup a bit on Sunday...Looked to me like he was running in quicksand...No quickness at all to his game...Just a plugger and nothing more...Rooting for the kid though...


    Gilbert did impress me, though he's on the light side for this bunch...And I'm not sure what they will be looking for in the back-ups...But it seemed to me that Gilbert was getting the most consistent pressure...


    Who knows... B-)


    Not knowing the defensive scheme or call for the game but Troup looked very explosive & powerful coming off the ball. At the P.O.A. he was pushing the OL 2-3 yds off the L.O.S., that's something I rarely saw from any of our D-lineman on a consistent basis...great job of coaching by the assistant coaches, IMO.

  4. I thought this might be an interesting topic with not much else going on.


    So how long do you think we have Pettine as our DC?

    Who do you see as a possible replacement?


    I believe if he can bring the Bills defense out of the mire and have them in the top 3rd of the league he could leave for a head coaching job as early as next year.


    I think these two gentleman would get the first shot:


    Jim O'neil (Bills LB coach) - Spent 4 years with the Jets under Pettine. Defensive quality control coach to being promoted to assistant DB coach.


    Chuck Driesbach (Bills LB coach) - Long college career in coaching. To my knowledge he's never coached directly under any of our current coaches.



    Must be a very slow day indeed...Can we wait til they at least start hitting other teams much less let a season play out? I know you're all giddy about the new D but his former boss was very critical of the DC's lack of aggression in key situations last year. Now this could be deflection but this year Rex assures the fan base that they're going to return to the aggressive nature of the past. So I'll defer on our new DC until we actually play the game for real & monitor his strategies and adjustment under fire. But hell if he becomes a hot commodity we're all the better because that means that we are winning some games...yay!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  5. I wasn't being critical of "others" and certainly not of Marrone. I was simply conveying a story about a co-worker who has no business being employed for reasons which go way beyond her grammar. Of course, you wouldn't know that nor would you know anything about me or my history on this board given your whopping 116 posts. But, hey, you're a "pimp" so you must be the cool voice of reason around here. <_<


    Gotcha! But just because I have a modest number of posts doesn't mean that I'm new to this site. I have learned to read the comments before I post a redundant response :doh:. I know that's a novel concept on most message boards but I defer...


    BTW,I try to be the voice of reason, thank you.

  6. That's nothing. A dumbass in my office left a sign on her desk to dissuade others from taking something. What did it say, you ask? "THIS DO NOT BELONGS TO YOU". Yes, it was typed in all caps and, yes, it's really true. It's hard to speak English in America...


    Since you're being critical of others...are you sure it's "say" or did you mean to say, "it read(s)".


    Anyway who cares how the coach responds to the mundane questions he's answering at nausea during the off-season? As long as the 53 guys he fields on game day understand and we win...mission accomplished. I really started to feel bad for the questions being asked by the local media to coaches, draft picks and free agents/ journeyman being acquired by the team...I tell ya every time I hear, " How do you like being picked up by the team?", "What do you think about the city?", "Are you excited about being a Bill?". It's like they're waiting for the guy to say something bad or something to justify the region as being second rate. Our image crisis is self inflicted, IMO.

  7. Byrd was really good his first year, followed by a mediocre second and better his third year. He is far from irreplaceable. Would love to have him, but if he doesn't want to be here, then see 'ya. And how did that whole Jason Peters thing work out for Philly?


    Why is it assumed that Byrd doesn't want to be here? These guys will play where the money is...


    BTW, your reference to Peters holdout & subsequent contract with the Eagles actually supports Byrd's and his agents bone of contention...get the money while you can because the next play can be their last. The Bills have to decide if they're "serious" about building a competitive team. They have cap space plus the amnesty clause for previous cap room...give the guy a legit offer and move on. Bills fan have waited long enough, "Pay the man..."

  8. [standard disclaimers apply: didn't see it posted, so if it is already posted, get off my back, etc etc]



    Clark Judge at CBS Sports talked to an anonymous offensive coordinator about the drafted QBs, and he had nice things to say about EJ (are we on a first name basis yet?). The other QBs discussed got much harsher evaluations. More evidence that we got our man (assuming he pans out, let's wait until they play a game before anointing him the next Jim Kelly, etc etc. Get off my back already.)






    Here's Coach Marrone with Tim Brando nice...

  9. Let just see how Hackett and Marrone plan you use the guy. I'm pretty sure they evaluated him a heck of a lot more than some "draft guru", "expert" or fan blog. Seeing that they had the pick of the litter, there must have been something they saw in him...


    Most of these reports are so static as if EJ isn't still evolving...he finished the year with a great showing in there bowl game and senior bowl. Also something has to be said about a 25-6 record with a team that was marginal before his tenure. Now if ball security was the argument here I'd understand but all the back & forth here isn't gonna change a thing. The Bills have there guy lets build him up instead of acting like he's reached his ceiling...just a thought.

  10. I gave the Bills' draft a D. Below is my reasoning.


    1. E.J. Manuel. Like Losman, Manuel has great physical tools. Also like Losman, Manuel did nothing in college to demonstrate he could handle the mental complexity associated with NFL offenses. On the contrary: even though his college offense was very simple, he still struggled with pocket awareness. If he doesn't have the bandwidth to handle a simple offense + pocket awareness, how is he supposed to handle the NFL?


    This pick hurts us twice. First, the pick itself has been squandered. Secondly and more importantly, the Bills are very unlikely to do much of anything at the QB position as long as they're deluding themselves into thinking Manuel is the answer. They even passed on Nassib and Barkley in the third!


    2a. Robert Woods. A good pick.


    2b. Kiko Alonso. The Bills chose him significantly higher than where the consensus had him slotted. This is not the first time the Bills have taken a player much earlier than he was slotted. Previous examples include Donte Whitner, Torrell Troup, and T.J. Graham.


    3. Marquise Goodwin, WR. I have nothing against Goodwin as a player. But the Bills had already addressed the WR position with Woods; plus they had Johnson and Easley on the roster. Spiller and Chandler can also be used as receiving threats. Maybe "luxury pick" is too strong a phrase to describe this selection. But going into the third round, the Bills had a decent stock of talent at WR, and nothing at all at QB. That being the case, why not take Barkley? Even if there's a 70% chance his arm will never recover, a 20 - 30% chance of getting a franchise QB is well worth the use of a third round pick!


    You do know that FSU plays a pro style offense, right?


    How many college QB's display or are exposed to pro style defense and they're complexities while ...still in college?


    FSU's offense is very complex, as a matter of fact he showed his flexibility and intelligence when the OC added different scheme's read-option formations mid season. He's accustom to hard coaching and a student of the game. I see absolutely NO CORRELATION between EJ and JP...Let's Go Bills!!!


    Regardless of if he pans out or not, and regardless of how many times you spew your nonsense, EJ is nothing like Losman. FSU's offense was not simple, nor was it "simplified" for EJ. This lie has perpetuated itself repeatedly on this site and others.


    ^^^^^^^^^^^ This !!!! Thank you!!!!


    You can't make this Shesh Up... :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

  11. I tried to search for this, but didn't see it. Bills get an overall C-, lowest of all 32 teams.


    Insider article:




    The thing about most of these " draft guru's" and their grades is that these guys base the prospects abilities by some perceived generic model. Not, what the team and/or coaching staff has planned for each position (they're not privy to this info...) and the required traits & abilities, case in point Seattle's last year draft grades by these "guru's" were graded low and look how that turned out...Now this year when the Seahawks picked a player not highly publicized its considered shrewd & intelligent :doh: ... Its for entertainment purposes only these guys are laughable. A better gauge of the draft is usually after a few years but if instant gratification is really your desire, at least let the season play out before they start calling players a "reach". Just a thought...btw I think the Bills got the BPA at QB and had a solid draft (initial opinion). Now let's see how the coaches plan on using their talent & abilities.

  12. It's really stunning to me that rather than be hopeful, people just revel in being !@#$ing miserable. I've been a Bills fan longer than most of the posters here have been alive yet every year, I try to be hopeful at the start of a new season. How ****ty is your life if you can't find anything positive?


    Yes, it's meaningless. Yes it doesn't matter till we win some games but can't we just take a little !@#$ing joy in some positive news?


    This ^^^^^^^, thanks for the post.


    I am taking a very cautious approach after my unsubstantiated optimism after last year FA'cy but I love to hear positive sign from my team. Keep it coming Bills...


    I just can't tolerate some of the "loser's" mentality from some, whose lives are probably just as miserable, smh...

  13. To go off-topic again, while Davis is a PF and Howard is a center, having both on the floor would create spacing issues (i.e. Howard and Gasol in L.A.). That doesn't mean L.A. would have passed on him if the second-best player on the board (not in practice) was Kidd-Gilchrist.


    However, if the Patriots were drafting first in 2012, they would trade down instead of picking up Luck/RG3, despite both players being premiere talents.


    I agree with much of what you said, but I don't think you exactly grasped my point of comparison between the drafting "science" in the two leagues.


    Also, I said that NBA teams *never* trade the first overall pick. The value of, say, the 15, 16, and 17 picks in the NBA Draft is far inferior to the value of the #1 overall pick, whereas, unless a top QB is available, teams wouldn't trade #1 for #15, #16, and #17.


    Ok. I understand and see your point.

  14. "Positions of need" are very, very different in the NBA, NHL, and NFL. Players play offense and defense in basketball and hockey; in football, they not only play one side, but have specific roles (i.e., designated offensive linemen can't catch the ball).


    In the NBA, even if you have, say, Dwight Howard, you would still draft Anthony Davis with the #1 pick. In the NFL, if you have Aaron Rodgers, you don't draft Luck/RG3; you trade down. You don't trade down from #1 in the NBA draft.


    You're missing the point. Staying on the topic regardless of sport /BPA , your scouts/evaluators/decision makers rate or grade potential talent for whatever sport entering they're draft year. These players should be rated and ranked according to their abilities to play in the league. From there you ID if they are Group1- 4 or whatever their grading system maybe...I agree with your NBA reference but you actually are proving my point. In the NBA (not trying to stray off topic) draft as you stated a team with the #1 pick would trade the overall pick in a heartbeat if the highest rank player at the time of selection isn't graded in either of the identifiable groups. In that league there are teams that trade 1st rd picks for 2nd's...Now if a game changer or difference maker is available then heck NO but you're actually supporting my stance...btw Anthony Davis is a PF and D. Howard is a center.

  15. I am NOT an advocate of this type of draft philosophy. Some positions (obviously QB) mean much more than others.

    If the Bills think that there is a qb in this draft who can develop into a top 10 qb, they should grab him at #8.. Kolb hopefully will provide a window of time to do this.


    The above said, DJ Fluker, imho, will be the best RT since Erik Williams. Yes, I said this. I have never, ever seen a RT coming out of college who looks as good as this kid. People on Sirius say he can play LT but ino that would be dumb. The kid is a monster RT. I like Warmack a ton at guard, but Fluker is just an insane RT.


    Btw, I think more of Pears than the average Bills Fan. He can play, and is especially good (when healthy) on running plays. I know that RT isn't a position of need on the Bills. I get it. But a draft in rounds 1 and 2 of Fluker/Bray would work for me.

    AND, they could probably trade down and do this.


    Most GM's believe in this philosophy ( btw, so do I) but the dilemma occurs when in your grading of players your position of need is not in this grouping. So the problem exist, do you reach for a player(regardless of the grading) just because you're deficient? I say NO!!! If the player in a position of need is not ID's as a potential NFL, NBA or NHL talent don't grade higher than your scouts & evaluators. Just because you have a need at that position does not quantify this reasoning, IMO.


    Here's my thoughts about this approach:


    1- Group 1- players grade as NFL starters regardless of position. If this group has a player or position of need and the player grades higher than our returning starter. If this player is available when our pick come then that's the selection. (these are potential game-changer or difference makers)


    2- Group 1- players are graded as NFL starters regardless of position. A player or position of need is not rated as a NFL starter. Then you select the player with the highest grade. Only problem that could factor here is that you have the depth in this position that you have ID as the potential pick...you could look to trade or see if another team is interested but its a good problem to have. (these are potential game-changers or difference makers)


    3- Group 2- players ID as potential starters but need development. If this is the case with all things being equal a position of need should be a determining factor in the selection.


    4- Group 3- players ID as good depth or special team qualities and so on...


    After doing your due diligence and rating of players. Create your board and trust in the scouts or evaluators because first of all you want to draft players ID as NFL talents regardless of position. If a position of need falls in this grouping then all the better for your organization...free agency is where you go for position of need and the draft is for gaining NFL talents.

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