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pimp 2

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Posts posted by pimp 2

  1. The Bills have a lot of ways to go with upgrading their receving core. Would you prefer they pursue a top WR or a top TE? Or go after a mid value players at both positions. Like should they make a play for Cobb, or go after J Thomas? I think they should go after All mid tier players at Wr, TE, and G. Not superstars but upgrades at all position.I love the off season

    I think having the ability to use the multiple set of TE will do wonders for a ball control playaction type of offense.


    I'm particularly intrigued by Marquis Gray in these sets...a personnel grouping of Gray (as the move HB), Chandler & J. Cameron (FA) or drafted athletic TE and Watkins in a bunch formation would drive opposing DC's bonkers. These guys with a RB like CJ or draft pick T. Coleman could play to the mismatch situationally...this would be nice.

  2. Look......I dont think that Richie Icognito is a good person.......


    But face facts......


    Playing in the middle of a offensive line is for monsters....plain and simple....


    And the fact is....RIchie Incognito is a mean nasty offensive linemen who is a former pro bowler.


    I just hope that he isnt the ONLY free agent OL we are going to sign


    I just hope he can get our RB's to the second level or better yet, gain those much needed yards when the defense know's we are going to run the ball.

  3. Just saying, "I'm just here so I wont get fined" Guy is a Deuche Bag. I don't care what his reasons are for not talking to to media just answer the questions. I think they should fine him for insubordination just to piss him off and any other losers that agree with him.

    Only opinion that matters is the 53 that he goes to battle with on game day, his coaches and the Seattle fan base = they love him & Beastmode! All the rest is shiny bubbles...


    Media darling & Bullsquatter, he is not...All the players in the league that want the media attention & false fan-fare love this day...interview them. He just wants to play for his teammate, win games (like he has) and not be objectified! I see nothing wrong...turn-about is fair play, IMO.

  4. Here's an idea...


    The Patriots could have inflated the balls with heated air. Let's say it was at 120 Deg F air and the balls were inflated to 12.5 PSI with it shortly before they were inspected. The balls are insulators so you probably would not feel the heat trough the bladder and synthetic leather. In 2 hours the temp cools by 70 degrees F (Colts game temp was about 50 degrees F) and the pressure drops to 10.5PSI. I have not run the numbers but maybe not that far off - I have a mech engr degree but not as famous as Bill Nye!


    Belicheck could use the above procedure, never deflate the balls and probably follow the rules to the letter as he says. They could even have a chart that provides the starting air temp to get 10.5 PSI based on outdoor temperature.


    If they have some type of machine that inflates them could be realistic. If it is just a hand pump then not going to work.


    Yea I know crazy idea, but the Patriots are kinda crazy also..

    I bet that you're not far off.


    I wondered the fact of the heated air applied while inflating the footballs. Especially when Belicheat referenced following the rules to the letter...I bet there is no standard of the temperature of the air applied? Who would think to manipulate this? The Patriots, that's who...smh! I can hear him know, His interpretation yada yada yada...Cheat!


    If his assertion was true, why didn't the Colts footballs deflate at the same rate? Their football were weighed also and were in accordance with the rule.

  5. Other.


    Because "none of the above" was not an option.


    Feels like this tread was started as a Lynch love-fest. But he didnt want to be here. Why would I want him back . . . here? Same for Peters. Fair to wonder if their production would fall off if they were forced to go somewhere they didnt wanna be.

    Where was it ever published that they didn't want to play here prior to both being characterized? Both even gave public statement thanking the team for giving them the opportunity for playing here. Both had issues, I'll agree.


    Peters knew his value on the market and ownership didn't want to pay.


    Lynch had issue off-field problems and a percentage of the fan-base feels they have a right to judge & jury, IMO. During the ordeal, he dressed and brought his A- game throughout. This whole "he didn't want to play here" argument is "some" fans way of transference and drinking the kool-aid.

  6. tough call but i went with stevie johnson, as we still need help at wr. peters was a close 2nd but his age have to wonder how many years he has left (he'd be my choice if age weren't a factor). similarly with marshawn, he's younger but rb's hit the wall sooner and he's starting to push 30.

    I took Lynch with Peters as the next choice. But after further thought I would take Peters because having that anchor on the left is just too important...I couldn't imagine having him & Cordy as bookends on the O-line.

  7. i used welker as he has a lot of touches and he actually has fewer fumbles per touch in Denver too. Small samples and doesn't prove anything but I think interesting if looking at the numbers in the ops link

    Since you have brought up Welker. since he left the Patriots in free agency. He has had an issue with the dropsies in games the past few years...not sure if that's concussion related or what.


    Belicheat has referenced that his ball control efficiency could be related to emphasis on ball security or that they practice regularly with a doctored ball in some capacity...be it wet, slick and/or over pressured in practice. Either way, its hard to believe that they do not pay particular attention to this detail on game day. I call BS!


    First time its an accident. Second time a coincidence . Third time, its a trend or pattern !!!


    It's funny because there have been plenty of people that have been saying for years that the Patriots are cheaters. Not only because of Spygate, but because of their actual play. Anyone that watches a ton of football can tell you that the Patriots win so many games because they do almost everything better than every other team in the league. So much so that it defies logic. It simply didn't make sense for a team(even with Tom Brady) to be that consistently good for so many years in every little category that every other team struggles with. Every single team's passing game struggles in bad weather, except the Patriots. Every other team struggles with turnovers at some point, except the Patriots. Injuries to key players devastate every other team in the league, but not the Patriots. They lose half their starters and don't miss a beat. Lots of little things.
    Yes, some of that can be attributed to Tom Brady being so good and Bill Bellichick being so smart. But not all of it. People that have been claiming the Patriots must be cheating, even before this deflation crap came out, said so because it's impossible to do what the Patriots do. It transcends having an amazing QB or coach.
    Who knows how long they were filming opposing coaches' signals during games before they got caught in 2007? people also forget that they got busted for using weird radio signals during that same investigation. The league could never pin the exact reason, but it was most likely to listen to calls opposing teams were making. The official report says the Patriots "were found using several strange radio frequencies that the team could not properly give an excuse for." Who knows how many years they were using slightly under-inflated balls to make it easier for their offense to throw and catch, and making it easier for their ball carriers to not fumble? People saying this deflategate scandal isn't a big deal need to realize just how big an advantage something like that would give you over a period of time. Consider this:
    The Patriots are the only team in the league that average MORE yards per carry in bad weather games than they do in fair weather games. Here's a breakdown of some of the top passing teams over 2010-2014:
    And what about fumbles? Surely a huge game-changing event in any game. A deflated ball is much easier for a runner or WR to grip onto and not be stripped of. How have the Patriots' fumble stats stacked up over the past few years compared to the rest of the league?
    2014: 2nd least fumbles lost
    2013: t5th least fumbles lost
    2012: t4th least fumbles lost
    2011: t1st least fumbles lost
    2010: 1st least fumbles lost
    2009: t4th least fumbles lost
    Am I to believe that every player on the Patriots roster over the past 5 years, even though they've gone through so many different RBs and WRs during that time, just happen to have some of the best hands in the league? No. The chances of that are slim to none. Ex Patriots players have also accused Bellichick of having players listed on the injury list practice during the week(which is illegal). if true it's no wonder his players never seem to come in "cold" after missing games due to injury. They come back and pick up right where they left off.
    All of these things might seem minor, but when you add them all together, combined with god knows what other rules he's bending or breaking, it adds up to a distinct advantage that explains the Patriots' unexplainable consistent success over the past 15 years. Are the Patriots good? Really good? Yes. Are the Patriots as impossibly good as they've appeared to be over the past decade and a half? NO.
    And now you know why I hate the Patriots.


    This here is masterful...Well done!

    We probably only know 10% of what these cheaters did. Yet people still ball wash them. Ironically these same people will rail against Bonds and Sosa for PED use.

    Hilarious....and true! :thumbsup:

  9. last year in the superbowl he ran 15 times for a whopping 39 yards. He'll fold again this year.


    the guy is a loser and a thug. seattle is sick of him too. imagine percy harvin and lynch on your team. yikes.


    the hawks will dump him this offseason.



    This is HILARIOUS !!!!


    last year in the superbowl he ran 15 times for a whopping 39 yards. He'll fold again this year.


    the guy is a loser and a thug. seattle is sick of him too. imagine percy harvin and lynch on your team. yikes.


    the hawks will dump him this offseason.



    He really seemed to have simply warn out his welcome with some of his stupid off-field behavior.

    Weren't there stories about him taking money from people in bars or something like that?


    Plus, he wasn't nearly as productive in Buffalo as he's been in Seattle.



    I'm a Bills fan but we got robbed in the deal. No rhyme or reason to justify.


    Some fan got what they wanted and some didn't (this one)...smh!

  10. My apologies if this has been said in another post, but the article linked below was just published in the NY Times today (Sunday, Jan. 18).


    Like most everyone else, I think the hiring of Ryan and Roman was an excellent move by the Bills. One thing I worry about is the "ground and pound" philosophy that Ryan and Roman want to bring. Does that approach win anymore? I hope that it does and could, but suspect that it is outdated by rule changes in the NFL. This NY Times article shows the statistics, all brought about by new rules meant to protect the QB and WR: 9 QB's had 30 or more touchdowns this year. NINE!!!!. Compare that to ZERO in 2002, and ONE in 2003, 2005, and 2006.


    As the article suggests, isn't a passing offense with an elite QB now a necessary (though not sufficient) condition for winning a championship? If so, why bother building a team for a running game, if you simply can't win a Superbowl with this mentality? Sure, we can be competitive, and make the playoffs, but we will ultimately be outscored by a team with a good defense and an high-octane passing offense. Witness the remaining teams in the playoffs.


    If all this is true, then the Bills and every other team should pull out all the stops to developing a high-octane passing offense. "Ground and pound" (at least the "ground" part) won't win anymore, and I am a bit worried that the Bills are setting themselves up for failure.





    Not sure which remaining teams in the playoff are identified as "High Octane"? Please clarify?


    Just because these teams have great QB'ing neither have a high octane passing attack offensively (maybe GB). Each has a balanced attacking offense, IMO...NE & GB will go uptempo but that's usually when they have a favorable match up.

  11. New Orleans is not sterile.

    Thank you!!!


    Neither is St. Louis, Indy or Atlanta!


    Having a roof allows for year round use of the facility from an economic standpoint. Plus it may have a positive impact on potential free agents NOT thrilled about playing in adverse conditions that may affect their performance goals...some legit, some NOT but it is what it is!


    Cobblestone site is #1 IMO, it offers the easy access for those using the rail line, amtrax (adaptable) and tailgating (once parking structures are built + using existing available parking). Just imagine when Pegulaville & Canalside is truly up & running, that area would be rocking for when tourists come to town for any venue...small business owners can really capitalize & grow.


    Time for this region to step up, IMO. We've survived some of the most idiotic planning in the past (too many to list), the reason for our 2nd rate complex that we experience currently !!! Let's do the right thing !!!


    Go Bills & Let's Go Buff-alo!

  12. If you move Cordy glenn to guard you better be ready to deal with a disgruntled player who will leave as soon as his contract allows him to. He wants to and deserves to be paid as a left tackle

    I totally agree with this ^^^^!


    The whole moving Glenn inside came from the moron Marrone, I'm guessing his offense required his better lineman inside for it to function. This is the only sense I can make of the reasoning behind it and why he was hell bent on running up the "A" gaps in his pop warner offensive scheme.


    I like some of the FA's - OL identified here but I would also add OG's- Carpenter (Seattle) and Franklin (Denver)...big power road grader type of lineman for Roman's scheme.


    I've tried some mock drafts already. Hamstrung by whether to look at 3-4 or 4-3, despite what Rex said today, I need to know to feed the computer the best info for our team.
    Two mocks I like:
    ">Maxx Williams TE Minnesota http://youtu.be/AmZp3lwjilo
    RD3-81 Jake Fisher LOT Oregon
    RD5-129 (Mannion or Grayson QB here)
    2 50 Landon Turner OG North Carolina
    3 81 Duke Johnson RBF Miami (FL) or Mike Davis RBF South Carolina
    4 110 Corey Robinson OT South Carolina
    5 129 Bryce Petty QB Baylor or Garrett Grayson QB Colorado State
    5 153 Jeff Heuerman TE Ohio St
    6 178 Josh Tupou DT34 Colorado
    7 210 Josh Shaw CB USC
    2 50 Buffalo Duke Johnson RBF Miami (FL)
    3 81 Buffalo Jake Fisher OT Oregon
    4 110 Buffalo Shane Carden QB East Carolina
    5 129 Buffalo Jeff Heuerman TE Ohio St
    5 147 Buffalo Jordan Rigsbee OG California
    6 178 Buffalo Josh Tupou DT34 Colorado
    7 210 Buffalo Jalston Fowler FB Alabama
    --Go Bills!
    Dean Kindig, DraftTek Bills Analyst


    I like the Maxx Williams in the 2nd rd but he may be available in rd 3, as well.


    I would like AJ Cann- OG in the 2nd

    Maxx Williams- TE - 3rd

    Mannion - QB - 5th

    Any downhill RB- 5th

  14. Rex Ryan seemed very non-committal to EJ in his press conference today. It feels like there is a plan in motion to bring a new QB to Buffalo. Who do you think it will be?

    Brian Hoyer is my choice...he has starting experience and still hasn't reached his ceiling, IMO.


    I really feel that he would fit a power running playaction type of offense that Greg Roman will employ. Of course, he isn't great but he will hit the TE in the seam and get the ball to the WR for the 50-50 balls.


    I do believe that they will also draft a QB in rd 5...I like Mannion (Oregon St).

  15. With all of the TJ Graham haters the past few years, I'm surprised to see everyone letting Marquise Goodwin slide. They are basically the same type of player, drafted in pretty much the same draft position, but with very different on-field production. TJ Graham had twice as much production as Goodwin at this point in their careers. Graham was never that great of a receiver but the stats don't lie:


    Graham: 54 receptions, 683 yards, 3 td's

    Goodwin: 18 receptions, 325 yards, 3 td's


    Not to mention that every time Goodwin gets hit he gets injured. Is this guy made out of play-dough? If TJ Graham is a has-been then Marquise Goodwin is a never-was. And now that we have someone like Thigpen handling the returns it's even more evident what we were missing out on in terms of special teams play.


    I feel betrayed. Goodwin said once the Bills drafted him that he was now going to focus on football and being the best player he can be. He lied: http://www.buffaloru...n-2016-olympics


    This whole time he has been doing track and field workouts in lieu of football workouts. No wonder he is always getting injured and has never progressed. He seems like a good guy but he is definitely not a football player. If he plans on being in the 2016 olympics then maybe we should just cut him now so he can train full time. I think he's going to have a hard time making this roster next year anyhow as it is.


    Bye bye Marquise. We hardly knew ya!


    So every time we misuse talented players on the team, the player becomes a "Bust"? Okay...Got it! :wallbash:

  16. I truly believe that given this qb situation, tbere is only so much you can reasonably expect. That said, Hackett is like the Dave Wannstedt of OC's. A change to a competent OC who knows how to use the talent he has at hand, and not scheme as if all his players were equal in talent, would have this team in the playoffs. It would be like going from Wannstedt to Pettine.



  17. Wherever they put the stadium there will be infrastructure changes. The city/downtown of every major city has taken on development as a necessity. People are moving out of suburbs and into the cities and it is making downtown areas thrive again. The flight to the suburbs is over. At least in forward thinking places. If they put the stadium downtown they can still share facilities with UB. Tailgaiting can still happen too, if the city/state, as part of infrastructure changes, expands the subway system and creates a viable commuter train system. Same amount of people, less vehicle traffic. It's time for B-Lo to step into the present and act like a city again; not an accumulation of suburbs around a dead downtown.



    Thank you...finally someone gets it!


    The city needs to be the heartbeat of the region and NOT the other way around.

  18. I remember someone quoted a Bills scout talking about this OT and that scout wasnt impressed.

    Just a nugget but I do remember a Bills scout reporting that C. Glenn being better suited to play guard instead of tackle. Be mindful during this time of year, a lot of positioning is in effect. If this guys knee pan out under scrutiny, he's a fit on the right side (2nd Rd) in this offense, IMO.

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