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Posts posted by KRC

  1. 18 minutes ago, Nanker said:

    Oh, it’s far worse than that! :o

    Check them out... if you dare. https://www.blackriflecoffee.com/collections/coffee
    They sell gunship helicopters, pistols with silencers, and more. :devil:


    Don't forget the high-capacity rounds...with bold-tasting notes and a smooth, buttery finish.


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  2. 8 minutes ago, ALF said:

    At senior home, staff stays put 24-7 to stop virus spread


    Williams is among about 70 employees who are sheltering in place alongside more than 500 residents at an upscale assisted-living facility just outside Atlanta. Since the end of March, Park Springs has had employees live on its 61-acre campus instead of commute from home to protect residents from the coronavirus — an unusual approach, even as nursing homes have been among the hardest-hit places by the pandemic.


    The approach has been used elsewhere: In France, staff at a nursing home ended a 47-day quarantine Monday. In Connecticut, the owner of an assisted-living facility that is housing staff on the premises, Tyson Belanger, has called for government funding to help more senior communities do so.




    The extreme way to protect assisted living and nursing homes. The only other way is to test each worker before entering the facility every time with a quick test result.


    Some health care workers don't go home but stay at a hotel 



    The facility where my in-laws are staying checks for symptoms of employees before entering the building. They give them COVID tests if there are any symptoms. There have been 5 employees that tested positive. Nobody outside of employees are allowed in the building.


    They have also shifted patients based on test results to keep the non-COVID patients away from the positive patients. They also have workers only work with one group of patients to minimize transference of the disease. You either only work with positive or only negative patients.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    But that is the discussion that needs to happen...you say huge uptick..that may be correct, may not be. And if the fear is that people in the "open economy" will be in contact with the elderly, how can we mitigate that risk, knowing it will never be 100%. I think the big thing is we have to comfortable with having the conversation that this is "an act of god" and that deaths among the elderly and with comorbidity factors are gunna rise, and what level point do we morally say it is the correct thing to do(open).


    I mean, we have gone to wars for 250 years to preserve our way of life and understand there is going hundreds of thousands of lives lost , almost all of them young people at the start of their lives. And if you think a great depression is not gunna sow social unrest at levels we have never seen and threaten out way of life, look at the those folks i Michigan the other day. Just wait till people cant pay for medicines and feed their family in December. 




    That is already happening now for some who lost their jobs. Not an easy decision.

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  4. 37 minutes ago, Magox said:

    Isn't there a single left leaning poster who consistently posts on here that can actually make a good argument?  


    DC Tom said it years ago, the righties on this board intellectually dominate the lefties.


    Since I have come back, that is has become evidently clear.


    As mentioned, @Doc Brown is a good poster. @RealKayAdams has always had quality discussion. Unfortunately, there are so many d-bags spewing hate from the left that it chases away people with an actual brain in their heads. That prevents real discussion as they spread their hate, ruining threads as they just try to bring everyone down to their level.

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  5. 46 minutes ago, B-Man said:

    Don Shula, legendary Miami Dolphins head coach, has died at age 90

    Read more at cbsnews.com ...




    I had a chance to speak with him several years back. I had sent him game film from when he played with the Browns. One day, I get a call on my cell. I pick it up and I hear, "Hey Ken. It's Don Shula. Thanks for the game film. It brought back a lot of memories." We talked for a few more minutes, then we scheduled a formal interview that lasted about 45 minutes.

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  6. On 5/2/2020 at 10:54 AM, Deranged Rhino said:

    Because trafficking CHILDREN is the same thing? 

    In his rush to defend the indefensible, he sides with those who pray on children and those who keep the monsters free. Shows you everything you need to know about this clown. 

    The allies of evil are always willing to expose themselves. Especially when they’re too dumb to know that’s what they are. 


    Didn't more people side with Hillary (she won the popular vote!!), who not only had stronger ties to Epstein (through her rapist husband) than Trump, but also had ties with Weinstein?

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