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Posts posted by billrooter

  1. 11 hours ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    Here is the thing...and why you are very much wrong in this post.  You are not wrong in what the anthem means to you.  You are not wrong in what you choose to do during the anthem.  But you are categorically wrong in feeling everyone one else should share your OPINION and personal experience of what the anthem should mean to them.  


    Its more than ok to believe in standing for the anthem, but I am willing to bet you don't stand for the anthem at home or at bars and only do at live games like 99% of the people who are upset at not standing during the anthem.  Again, nothing wrong with that either.  


    But, its also more than ok for someone to have a different experience of the anthem and the issues that still are present in our country for minority individuals.  Its more than ok for someone to feel change needs to happen, and see the anthem as a way peacefully express their voice for that change to social injustice.


    Not everyone thinks about the military when they hear the anthem, nor is that the purpose of the anthem.  Not everyone feels the anthem and its lyrics properly represent the modern country given there are still oppressive lyrics in the song that are hurtful to those of color.  Just like how people in the south enjoy the confederate flag as a symbol of their heritage because they grew up watching Dukes of Hazard or listening to country music where it was prevalent.  Doesn't change the fact that the confederate flag was actually the symbol of a political party that was fighting for the right to keep slaves and legally Lynch black folks.  And to the black community, the flag and symbols carry that darker connection.  


    What Drew Brees said wasn't terrible by any means, he was honest about what the anthem means to him and his deep connection to military from his own life experiences, and they were all fine reasons.  What he did that was terrible, was PROJECT that connection across everyone else and not feel others have the right to feel differently or express different emotions.  His biggest crime was two fold with the second being utterly terrible judgement and timing in sharing his personal take and belief everyone should honor it the way HE does during such an emotionally charged time.


    So...no disrespect, your personal views for yourself are more than ok.  But you projecting to demand others do the same as you would is where you are wrong.  There are no rules in life to how people experience things.  Everyone has different lenses shaped through lifes experiences.  And I bet you have never lost a family member or loved one because of the color of their skin...you were not harassed or arrested because of the color of skin...your people were not enslaved to build this country...your people were not divided in schools, restaurants and busses not that long ago.  So you cant ever have the same perspective as a black athlete will have with that very much in their family history and their day to day lives.  


    So rather than hate those whose life has given them to a lens to see something different than you, how about we all try empathy and try and understand why they feel this way and give them the American Right of Freedom of Speech and Expression to make their own decisions and express their voices in their own ways.  


    God bless.


    PS:  I feel like Brees words were not ill willed and his apology was sincere.  I do not have an issue with Brees even though I feel strongly that his original statement was a poor decision and lacked any kind of self or social awareness in how it would make him look and affect those around him.

    I never said everyone should share my opinion, this is America anyone can obviously do anything you damn well please and it is accepted. In my post I stated that I agree with him when it came to the anthem, I just think the kneeling is disrespectful just as I think these people rioting, burn peoples businesses, stealing, beating up people, killing innocent cops,etc. are scumbags and should be dealt with as such.







  2. 2 hours ago, ProcessAccepted said:


    You poor baby. White people claiming to struggle with racism is an interesting take on society. Where does this bare out in opportunity, wealth, quality of health care, protection from the police........


    So now it's OK for athletes to comment on political issues. Where was your outrage when LeBron (amongst many others) was told to shut up and just entertain us.



    I'm a white guy who knows that I got a heck of a head start in life because of my skin color. All they want is to level the playing field. Just think of it as a Bills fan watching the Patriots get away with holds, intentional grounding, PIs etc.

    Really I am a baby now? I have a feeling you wouldn't call me that in real life but what do I know.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    I understand your point of view.  Understand I come from a family with several military veterans and live in a neighborhood with military vets/current guardsmen and with LEO and LEO relatives, and that many of them (I won't claim I know the opinions of all) do NOT see it that way.


    They see it as "we put our lives on the line for America" and what America means to them - which means a free country with freedom of speech and space for different opinions.  Revering that is different than forced or mandated reverence for the Flag as a symbol of that country.   Military Veteran and former Navy Chief Warrant Officer Jim Wright put it very well IMHO when he reiterated the phrase "those of us in uniform used to say, “I don’t agree with what you said, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” " 


    I personally don't think many of our fallen soldiers (and LEO) gave their lives for the flag.  Some gave their lives because they were drafted and had no choice.  Some gave their lives because they saw the military (or becoming a LEO) as their best option to better themselves and their families.  And some gave their lives because they think America is worth fighting for - but to some of them, that America worth fighting for means an America where it's OK to protest, including protesting the anthem or flag.  I personally don't think too many of them gave their lives for a Symbol. 

    I do know the Flag is an important symbol to many - I just can't escape the observation that many who seem the frothiest about flag-waving and equating reverence for the Symbol with reverence for the Country, did in fact NOT serve and have NOT put their bodies in harms way for it nor have their family members.  And many who are the frothiest about it also are either ignorant of, or willfully disregard the Flag Code and disrespect the flag in all kinds of ways from putting it on plates and covering it with ketsup to putting it on flip-flops and striding it into the muck.  That actually really bothers me - as in REALLY bothers me - but I usually manage to refrain from opining a gristly fate for those who do stuff I disagree with.


    There are (IMO) really two broad points of view here - you are encapsulating one of them, and I am (probably not very well) encapsulating another.


    Returning to football - I think Brees has 100% right to say whatever he likes, but again - freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences, from clap-back or disagreement.




    You say it just fine and I understand what your saying.

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  4. Just now, Gugny said:


    I "defended your rights," and I never felt a face-slap.


    Stop telling veterans, or anyone else, how to feel.


    This isn't about a goddamn flag, an anthem or the military.  You've had four years to figure that out.


    I am not telling anyone how to feel,   I am voicing my opinion just like you.  I served as well bud.

  5. 1 minute ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    No, because you made the segue from "Drew Brees taking crap for his opinion" to "Drew Brees has no right to voice his opinion" and put your opinion as a statement "the National Anthem is never a place to protest". 

    Understand that different people have different views on that.  It doesn't make them un-American.  The very heart of being American IMHO is the Free Speech right, including the right to protest national symbols.


    I do understand that people have different opinions that is what this whole discussion is about.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    What I find interesting is the move from Drew Brees is receiving crap for his opinion, to your take here "Drew Brees now has no right voicing his opinion"


    Sure, Brees has a right to voice his opinion, but if it's an opinion that his teammates or NFL players in general disagree with or even find deplorable, they have a right to voice theirs too.


    Free speech does not mean Freedom from consequences.


    As far as Right/Wrong, when did the National Anthem and Flag become so sacrosanct?  They are symbols.  Why can't symbols be an appropriate place to protest?

    Some people see the Flag and Anthem as supporting the military and any protest as dissing the military.


    They have a right to that view, but it would be nice (in the "right to voice an opinion" vein) if they could recognize that others see the Flag and Anthem as having nothing to do with the military - they are symbols of our country, and if the people in question see the country as having a systematic problem, why shouldn't they protest?

    I do see what your saying no doubt, but to me the Flag is a symbol many have given their lifes for and it's disrespectful to not only them but their families as well to protest during the anthem.


    8 minutes ago, Jaraxxus said:




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  7. So as a white person Drew Brees now has no right voicing his opinion, one that I agree with. Racism goes both ways, it just isn't covered so thoroughly by the media when it is the other way around. This is a complete S&it S%how in my opinion. What exactly did he say that was wrong, the National Anthem IMO is never a place to protest?

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  8. 1 hour ago, BisonMan said:

    This team has done a lot this off-season to improve across of the weak areas, both offense and defense. I think the team is much better on paper than they were in 2019. I’m having trouble identifying a spot that’s weaker now than last year.


    So, an open question. Is there a starter that’s on the team now that you think is the most likely to regress in 2020? Of course, this is not accounting for injuries that might occur.


    My first thought was Trent Murphy but I think his game is pretty stable, if not spectacular, and not likely to regress. So, my pick is Jerry Hughes. He’s getting older and at some point, his speed will fall off. This could be that year for him.


    What players are you concerned about having a fall-off in performance from 2020?

    Hughes makes sense but with the improved line I could see his sacks rising and I don't foresee Murphy making the team.

  9. On 5/9/2020 at 2:36 PM, boater said:

    I see someone already replied to the effect of:  kick the tires, sign to a vet minimum prove-it deal, git er done. I'm mean he's a high motor with a nose for the ball process guy.

    the guy is a pro bowl guard I doubt that he will sign anywhere for the vet minimum and he is only 28 years old,  however the one thing he has working against him is that teams have way less than they obviously did a month ago.

  10. 1 hour ago, ngbills said:

    Yes - because that is the price paid to get them. How else would I base it? If they took a WR in the 2nd that is them taking a bigger bet on the player. I would call that doubling down. What they did is what teams do in and out every year. WR was one of the weaker units on the team. Everyone single draft "expert" expected the Bills to draft WR's. 

    These two guys put up some pretty big numbers at big universities, this is supposedly one of the deepest receiver drafts in years. Hodgins caught I think it is like 156 of 159 catchable balls in college, he is also 6"4 and long armed, and ran the fastest 20 yard shuttle at the combine. That is the type of camp body I like to have on the roster, I am more pumped about him than I am Davis and he was picked in the late 6th round. If it even takes a year to get him up to speed on the practice squad (hopefully if need be they can get him to clear waivers) I am very excited about his potential.

  11. 18 minutes ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    Mahomes helped put up 31 points and threw for 286 (More than any game for Allen in his career) and 2 tds against the best defense in the nfl.  In the SB after trailing all game.  And some people consider that playing “like crap” for him.  So some of you might need to forgive some posters for not going crazy for 131 passing yards, 17 points, and a 65 qb rating against the Steelers and Duck’s 4 ints.


    and the Williams is MVP crowd is funny.  The only reason Williams is successful is because the 49ers go all out stopping a generational qb.  Again, who had 286 yards and 3 tds “playing like crap.”  Mahomes is the MVP.


    18 minutes ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    Mahomes helped put up 31 points and threw for 286 (More than any game for Allen in his career) and 2 tds against the best defense in the nfl.  In the SB after trailing all game.  And some people consider that playing “like crap” for him.  So some of you might need to forgive some posters for not going crazy for 131 passing yards, 17 points, and a 65 qb rating against the Steelers and Duck’s 4 ints.


    and the Williams is MVP crowd is funny.  The only reason Williams is successful is because the 49ers go all out stopping a generational qb.  Again, who had 286 yards and 3 tds “playing like crap.”  Mahomes is the MVP.

    The Williams MVP crowd is factual, not funny. It is called Super Bowl Game. Mahomes had three crappy quarters and a great 4th quarter. He had two passing tds, two ints. and a rushing touchdown. Williams had 104 yards rushing while averaging six a carry and a td, 29 yards receiving and a td. To me Williams should have been the MVP.. you can't change my mind but you have an opinion and thats great. The discussion on Allens great Steelers game, not sure why that is included as I didn't think he had a great game?

  12. On 4/16/2020 at 7:40 PM, Yav said:

    I just don’t like him. He continues to under throw Hill and Hill adjusts and makes great catches. Sure he won the SB but wasn’t the MVP, sorry I’m just not that impressed. I would take Brees, Brady, Rodgers, Rivers and Wilson over him. He’s not in the top 5. I also like Watson over him.

      I do agree with one thing in here Yav, he should have never been the MVP in the super bowl he played like crap, that should have been Damien Williams.

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