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Posts posted by Section242

  1. i think adding a really athletic TE and have him and chandler would be awesome as they could run out f the 2 TE set and pass out of it more too. someone like the UW TE sefarian jenkins.


    I think that should be their top priority. I know secondary help is needed. Still get your young QB a big athletic target. I'd put Evans from Texas A&M high on the target list also.

  2. It will, mark my words. Whenever we get this thing turned around, it'll be a huge story. We got the cover of SI a few years ago just with a 3-0 start and that fantastic win over NE. Much like the Pirates in MLB this year, it'll be such a big story when we do, the sports world will take notice.


    The Bills were all over national media/tv with the 3-0 start and the hot start a few years prior. Guys were on Rome/ESPN. Talking heads generally state "the NFL is a better place when the Bills are good." The only other team that is said for is the Raiders. Unfortunately predicting any sort of success is hard when they've topped out at below average.

  3. Nope he is just an overhyped punk that was given too much too soon. Teams will shut his ass down this year and that along with his ****ty attitude and only being 6'0 with an average arm is going to cost him come draft day.


    Texas A&M went from a team that choked with a 1st rd talent at QB in an inferior conference to the best team in the country at the end of last season. He was voted the best player in college football so I don't get how could he be over hyped. He was given way too much by earning the starting job in the best conference and helping turn an average at best team from an inferior conference to an elite team in the best conference.


    How he translates to the league is up for debate. With guys like RG3, Wilson, Kaepernick as dual threat I think it bodes well for Manziel.

  4. #1 - Baseball lends itself to mathematical analysis in a way that football never will


    #2 - If we're having a competition between algebra and one of the most knowledgeable posters in the history of this forum, I know which dog I'm picking every time.


    Statistical analysis has found it's way into hockey and the nba. Coaches control more in football than most sports IMO. Mike Schopp's goal seems to be for teams to not punt on 4th down. Statistical analysis says teams should go for it pretty much everytime. Their has to be a happy medium.


    Baseball lends itself to statistical analysis more in scouting than other sports. Although Aaron Schatz website had Russell Wilson as the highest rated QB they've ever rated coming into the NFL.

  5. I couldn't think of a worse pick than an offensive lineman at 8 or even 41. They don't matter enough, especially for a team that has nothing at QB and one NFL caliber WR. If they take Warmack or Johnson or even Fisher just kneel because it's a quit move. Don't sell anything to the fans except the hope that you'll be bad enough to pick Manziel or Bridgewater.

  6. I'm not expecting this team to improve this year and neither should you. The Bills just lost a fine LG and a good backup guard, and the kind of o-line coordination you get with a veteran group that has played together. After going from a 34 D to a 43 and signing a 100 mil DE to play in that 43, we're now going back to a 34/43 hybrid without LBS to play the 34 and with a multi- millionaire DE that doesn't like to play LB. We have only one receiver, and if we drafted a QB, do you expect him to start and give us a better record that 6 and 10?. You really expect us to improve this year?????


    If we draft one of the turkey QBs this year, next year or the year after, you and everyone else will be screaming for Johnny Manziel or Teddy Bridgewater. Buffalo should not be satisfied with a QB that will likely be no better than the one we just jetissoned. We need a QB that can play with the Bradys and Mannings. Lets fill our holes this year and next year pull a Ditka for that great QB.


    Whose to say Jake Matthews isn't a better tackle than Fisher or Johnson? Or that Lee is better than Patterson? Clowney is better than any defensive player in this years draft so they should wait on him too. I don't think a team has invested less in terms of draft picks than the Bills since Nix arrived. If the Bills QB draft a QB and he's terrible then obviously people will want to improve the position.


    As for drafting players who have the ability to be less bad than others. I couldn't think of a worse philosophy.

  7. If you don't think offensive line matters to the development of a rookie QB, I'd like to invite you to visit St Louis and have a chat with Mr Sam Bradford.

    I thought, and still think, that he could have become a solid NFL QB and I don't know if he can ever recover from the 105 sack beating he's taken his first 3 years.


    The QB taken 1st overall? From a team that blew a pick taking Jason Smith? Who hasn't given him weapons to throw the ball to? Also Bradford was out much of his final year at Oklahoma. Look at who he had to throw the ball to. Amendola was out much of the last two years. He's gone through I think 3 coaches.


    It's not 1970's football or even 1990's. Get a QB get skilled position guys and worry later.

  8. I just don't think offensive line matters when the Bills are as bad as they're at other positions. They've got one NFL caliber WR and nothing at QB. Offensive Line seems to be considered safe but look at guys like Smith, Mike Williams, Robert Gallery. Go a step further look at some of the guys who were considered safe picks like Aaron Curry, again Robert Gallery, Mike Huff. Even Jake Long doesn't matter because the Dolphins didn't have a QB. If they want to take a LT and continue to be irrelevant do it. Hope that Manziel or Bridgewater are there next year when you pick.

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