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Posts posted by ThrowingFitz

  1. I dont want to wait 3-4 years to see if EJ can "become" Matt Schaub or Alex Smith or Sam Bradford or Carson Palmer "under the right circumstances."


    Agreed. Bills Nation has been waiting far to long. We need a quality QB end of story. EJ isn't that guy.


    How is that improving the team if we use that valuable resource on another QB?


    It helps by at least trying to find a quality QB. If you don't you might as well just keep trying to put the square block in the round hole. Without a QB this team simply will not succeed.


    Just the fact that this discussion is taking place is a good indicator of what is going through the hearts and minds of our team. He has shown very poor accuracy, decision making, and now most likely lacks the full confidence of his fellow players. Get rid of the hack and keep drafting until we find the next Manning.

  2. The Bills may be able to pick him up in the 2nd or 3rd round. If the Bills pick a QB next draft (which I hope they do) it should come in the second or third round. I'm interested in hearing what other people have to say concerning this years QB draft and if or when the Bills should consider drafting one.

  3. It is unrealistic to expect that no QBs will be taken in the top 7 given the obvious needs of the teams in front of the Bills and others, like the Jets, who may well look to jump up.


    There is no way Nassib doesn't get picked in the top ten. Who is better and which teams need a quarterback? Looking at the upcoming draft. There are at least 4 teams needing a QB that draft before the Bills. Despite this being a thin QB class, the QB talent in the NFL is lean as well. Funny enough that out of the top ten draft teams I would say nine of them have low quality QB depth.


    Nassib is our guy, I just hope he doesn't start the first year.

  4. I just want to clarify. I am simply speculating Nassib as the franchise quarterback based on the fact that Marrone was his college coach. After looking at quarterbacks, Nassib doesn’t jump out and scream future star to me. However, compared to the current draft class, he does seem to be on par or better in several categories. But who am I to speculate? I thought Andrew Luck was going to be a bust and I never saw Russel Wilson coming.




    1. He leads his receivers and doesn’t get them killed.

    2. He stands in the pocket (or jumps and looks awkward) but at least he is a pocket passer.

    3. This kid puts velocity on the ball.

    I think half of all the dropped passes I have seen are for this reason. His receivers simply can't pull them in.

    4. He is very accurate when throwing up to approximately 25 yards.

    5. He beat out Geno Smith




    1. Is it me or does he just seem to look goofy when he starts feeling pressure in the pocket?

    2. Haven't seen to many deep balls thrown.

    3. His performance against West Virginia was lacking.

    4. Lacks the touch pass, fades etc...


    Things I wonder about.


    1. His throwing motion

    2. I wonder about his leadership. I am not saying its not there I just don't know.

    3. His conference seems very weak.

  5. I am not happy with this choice at all. This makes no sense to me. This is a college coach with very little success. Now instead of the Bills simply putting the pieces together and creating a winning team next year... I have a feeling we are in another three year rebuilding process. I may be wrong but this just doesnt seem to be in line with changing the culture at OBD. 25 wins and 25 losses at the college level... I hope I'm wrong though.

  6. Jimmy Johnson

    Barry Switzer


    I'm not sure if I'm a pro-Chip Kelly people or not. I'm not sure his routine would work in the NFL. At Oregon he has the best players. He plays in a weak conference. With the Bills he wouldn't have any of that. But it would be fun. I might give it a go if we could get him. Not sure.


    One thing over looked about him is that he has turnover crazy defenses.


    I'd rather have Lovie.


    PAC12 is not a weak conference. Stanford, USC, Oregon State, and Washington all have good football programs. SEC IMO is over rated. PAC12 plays a different type of football compared to SEC. I would say that U of O football has shaped how the division plays. That my friends is innovation and is another reason why I like Chip. He dictates the games.

  7. Long article but worth the read.




    I truly believe this guy would succeed in the NFL. His practice mentality is exactly what the Bills have been missing. Execution, physical play, and finish. Chip consistently makes great teams out of the players that he has.


    09 Rose Bowl - L 17-26

    10 BCS National Championship - L 22-19

    11 Rose Bowl - W 45-38

    12 Fiesta Bowl -

  8. Living in Eugene Oregon I have seen first hand what this guy does for his football team. His practices are like no other. Its all about conditioning and execution. Look at how the ducks play every week. They start off slow and eventually destroy their opponent with a higher level of physical play.


    Also, this guy is a winner. Plain and simple. The attitude of Oregon players is of no compromise. Just listening to the guy talk in his interviews makes me think that he expects nothing less of everyone around him.


    Chip uses the spread offense which would totally incorporate into the current Bills offense. If you don't want a complete restructure you have to bring someone in that is familiar with the current offensive scheme. This guy could bring this team to the next level.

  9. my gut tells me the team hires a real OC in the offseason, Gailey is kept on, but on a very short leash...if he isn't 4-2 or better to start the year, he's gone...i know everyone is mocking the continuity angle, but i think having an OC that is being groomed to take over is the way the team will go....either way, Gailey is gone in '14. Just my thoughts..


    I think this is a good point. Get someone in here to help Gailey do his job that also provides a safety net if he is fired.

  10. Guys fitz is going to be the starter next year unless there is a major front office overhaul. It makes sense for three reasons.


    1. He knows the offense.

    2. Hes a veteran player that is respected by his teammates.

    3. A mediocre QB mentoring a rookie is better than throwing your new draft pick to the wolves.


    On point three. Look at the offensive line. Its not good for pass blocking (hense all the quick passes.) Do you seriously think any Rookie is going to retain an ounce of confidence after getting torn to shreds by opposing defenses?

  11. I'll always appreciate what fitz did coming into the disaster that has been the bills. That alone makes me a fan. Gailey on the other hand... I can see his rational when he decides to not go for the two point conversion or punt from inside the thirty-five. The problem is he is playing not to loose. This season broke his will to win... just like Jauron and Lossman played. There is a common theme here that seems to be imposing its will on people that otherwise would have a desire to win. Some know him has Ralph, others refer to him as Darth Vader after the dark side twisted his spirit.

  12. This team is already built. Add a few pieces here and there and the personal on the field is fine. Its the coaching that really gets me worried. There is absolutely no reason why this team shouldnt have won at least nine games this season. The defense was absolutely horrid. I can't remember ever seeing a bills defense give up so many huge plays. I want Dave Wannstedt out! A twelve year old could have coached a better D than the joke we had this year.

  13. I'm not saying Gailey has made all the right calls. If you read my post I said he didn't fully analyze his roster. Building a spread offense around Spiller and Johnson alone isn't going to be consistent in the NFL. More talent on offense would make the scheme work. I wouldn't be surprised if Buddy signs some better receivers in free agency this upcoming year. Fitz will still be the man... like it or not. And things should be improving by mid-season next year. This team wasn't ready this year despite what all the analyst were saying. I fell for it and became very discouraged as a fan, but after some thought I believe sticking to the current course, adding some depth on offense, and a few tweaks will make this team a strong contender next year and into the future.

  14. Elite Quarterbacks are a product of natural talent and coaching. Both need to be in place for a team to succeed.


    Everyone wonders why Gailey doesn't use Spiller and Jackson more often. It is the nature of a spread offense. Running lanes open up only after the LB and CB are removed from their natural positions. Why has buffalo consistently had a rusher well above league average in yards per carry? Why else would Spiller have been selected given is natural skill sets. He isn't a twenty plus carry a game running back. This type of offensive system does require a pass heavy emphasis to open the lanes.


    I agree with the original poster in that if the quarterback talent level was elevated Gailey would be back to his offensive guru status. However Gailey should have known what he was getting himself into after looking at his roster. The Bills offense is devoid of above average talent. Spread offenses need receivers that can run routes quickly and catch the ball. Unfortunately we really don't have both. That is of course with the exception of SJ and Spiller which isn't enough to carry a team.


    So in summary Gaily is using a system that utilizes Spliller's talents. Caters to Fitz lack of arm strength. But didn't have enough foresight to recognize the rest of the deficiencies on offense. And this I believe lays on the GM to provide better personal. This is a team sport. Blame can't be passed to one person.

  15. I watched Glennon play Florida State and anything he was throwing more than ten yards was inaccurate. In a situation with NFL caliber players his throws over the middle would have been picks. Most of big pickups were on short check downs. The play on 4th and 10 in the fourth quarter where he hit his receiver 6 yards short of the first was a complete lack of awareness. He had a couple good throws in the Miami game but wtf was up with that fourth quarter int? I'm also not sold on Tyler Wilson. He consistently gets he receivers KILLED. Its Geno or nothing in my opinion. And I'm not to crazy about him either. I like pocket passers that rely on awareness to find their receivers rather than their legs to get them out of trouble.

  16. Really I am so split on this idea. On one hand I want Gaily gone so badly but Nix does make sense. I just think continuity should take place if there was hope of improvement. I think this current regime peaked at the end of the 2009 and beginning of 2010 seasons. I guess at least the organization is trying something new?




  17. After reading this thread I'm convinced that Polian was a much better GM than Nix.


    So let me make a few points:


    31% of first round draft picks will go on to make a pro bowl.


    17% go on to make multiple pro bowls.


    Nix doesn’t have 1 pro bowl selection since becoming GM in Buffalo.


    Now don't get me wrong I like Nix. His draft strategy is paying off. I think coaching is what is really holding this team back. But its also his job to keep these people in check.

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