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Posts posted by ThrowingFitz

  1. Both shared starting duties at one point for the 49ers. What are the odds that we have two legitimate quarterbacks sharing reps during the season? I'm not saying that poor performance leads to one getting benched either. What I'm saying is a specific game plan that requires two different skill sets to be on the field at different points in the game. I know how absurd it sounds but I why not?

  2. I hope Fred is given a coaching opportunity after this year. I would love to see him mentoring our running core. He is not the most gifted athlete but makes up for it with patience, vision, and technique. patience and technique are his assets that could be passed on.

  3. Blitz. Blitz blitz... Our QB's will need to be able to make quick reads and medium to long accurate passes. As a defensive coordinator I would still stack the box to stop the run and force the QB to make the decisions at the line. Single high safety to prevent the occasional correct read AND accurate throw from turning into a highlight reel. Cover three to fill the accuracy issue. There is no mistaking the talent of our receiving core. The question is... will the ball find its way to the correct location when thrown. In my opinion this is EJ's offense for the taking. He is best when throwing short passes and if I recall, made some nice audibles before the Texans game. If he could just throw the deep ball with some accuracy we would have a legitimate NFL offense. Regardless, this team wins the east crown this year. Go Bills.

  4. If you guys remember, Kelly wouldn't come to Buffalo because we had a horrid offensive line. The running game has been weak as well as passing because our line cant hold a block. No quarterback in the NFL would do anything with this line. Granted one of the the quarterbacks job is to line up protection but our line just gets bullied every game. Im no professional analyst but I can see our guys getting blown off the line every play practically.

  5. I know we lost today and our secondary is bad and the officiating favored the Patriots and blah blah... Make no mistake, we are not an elite team but we are good. I felt like the Bills were competitive until about mid way through the fourth quarter. A few draft picks and an acquisition or two and the Bills will be that team that dominates the east once again. Its no secret that this roster is loaded with talent. Its also no secret we still have some holes to fill. The good news is that by next year we should have the division on lock down. As for this year, we still have a shot at the playoffs or at the very least a winning record.

  6. Secondary killed the game and that's not to say its purely a player issue. Coaching is responsible for putting players in a position to be successful. To many mismatches and confusion in the backfield. The play where McKelvin basically gave up was absolutely unacceptable. Duke Williams is not a starting safety. Gilmore continues to disappoint since being the Bills #1 pick.


    The defensive line played fine. You should throw the ball quickly against a stout pass rush which is what we saw the Patriots do today. We also knew the seam routes were coming with Gronk and company and guess what. Completely unprepared for the patriots limited offensive scheme.

  7. I posted this in the other thread, but might as well here:


    I'll comment on this, because this is a completely ridiculous story and I'm usually a completely ridiculous person:


    It's a poorly kept secret that a lot of players in the League partake. So long as a player doesn't test positive, they are only tested once a year -- by August at the absolute latest. The guys who smoke (or vap) cleanse and abstain until they test, once they pass they spark back up for the rest of the year knowing they're in the clear. Let's say AP is one of the 49% of players who partake (that number is a guess but a conservative one), he passed his test in August and -- considering the stress he's probably been enduring since this whole story broke -- there were probably more than a few times when he self medicated.


    This story broke less than 30 days ago, including the arrest. Weed stays in your system for 30+ days. Imagine you've been under the microscope the way AP has since this ordeal began and you knew you were going to piss positive, I can understand how in that situation you'd say something up front about what they're going to find. That in no way means he smoked since his arrest, let alone right before his hearing.


    Regardless of how you feel about the drug and it's effects, it's in the final days of its prohibition. As a District Attorney part of the job is to exercise judgement, calling for his bail to be revoked is sensationalizing and already sensationalized story and reeks of a political move by a DA who wants to take as much of the limelight for himself as he can. And the media's treatment of this story just further underlines how ridiculous the fourth estate has become.


    Agree 100%


    Its all about sensationalism. Besides marijuana prohibition is coming to an end. Its actually on my states ballot measure in a couple weeks. Its just some people still hold a strong view that smoking pot is a horrible thing. I posted a few times about the ridiculousness of Marcell Dareus's possession charge in the Buffalo News and each time I posted I got a warning from the moderators. Mind you everything I said was very clean and straight forward. They just didn't like my point of view that we should be paying attention more to steroid use.

  8. In my opinion the trick for the Bills will be not letting up if Brady and Gronk start connecting. You can bet Brady will be targeting the Bills soft secondary. I wouldn't be surprised if the Bills defense plays stout but occasionally lets up a 20 - 30 yarder. If the offense stays error free and balanced we should see a game that comes down to the end in the Bills favor. Or I could be completely wrong and the Bills just gash the Pats and put up 40+ points. Both scenarios are acceptable.

  9. What kind of front office do you have when you expect Kevin Kolb to a) remain healthy b) give him a 2 year 6.1M deal (with 2M guaranteed) and c) expect him to push/mentor your rookie QB? Not a very good one.


    These moves they've made at QB going back to when Nix came aboard are head-scratching to say the least. It's hard to tell where Buddy's bad decisions ended and Whaley's began.


    Signing Fitz to such a huge deal was a head scratcher to say the least. Cutting him in place of Kolb was another one. Now looking back I wonder if the Bills would be any better off with Fitz instead of Orton. By the end of the year I predict we will all be having the same discussion of quarterback need on this team.


    It has been so long since this team has been even average at the QB position. I really have to wonder why more emphasis isn't being spent on obtaining a quality passer.

  10. In my opinion EJ's struggles with accuracy come from simply being rattled. The kid is all nerves. Hes a freakin rookie practically so don't tell me this isn't adding to the problem. OP is correct with his inference that his throws need to be limited.


    When he does throw the ball we should be seeing high percentage routes over the middle. This backs the defensive secondary off to make room for running lanes.


    Play calling has been mystifying at times. I don't pretend to be an expert so maybe the coaching has grand design I just don't see yet.

  11. This team certainly could use an infusion of talented coaches. Of course they need to apply first and there hasn't been a real good reason to coach in Buffalo. Maybe that will change with new ownership. To be fair, we don't have a tested and proven coaching staff right now. They may turn out to be an excellent combination if EJ can get his head on straight.

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