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Posts posted by JoeF

  1. The thing is, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if I found out that it was Tom's secretary that writes that stuff. . .it seems to be TOO carefully structured and organized. Most press reporters and secretary's have pre-done answers to many questions, that is one reason why they usually have no direct connection to the question itself. You can tell Mike answers his though, most of the words are misspelled and they just seem like they were typed by a normal human, not a robot. At least with Mike we get somewhat decent answers.



    Josh--you are dead on with TD...it might be Bills VP of PR Scott Berchtold and his staff though not his admin...

  2. Let's see--if TD and MM were really honest:


    Mike (Orchard Park, NY): Are there any plans to add a second jumbotron or scoreboard at Ralph Wilson Stadium like in many other stadiums around the league?


    TD: With regard to improvements at Ralph Wilson Stadium, we look at the stadium and the surrounding area each year and try to find ways to improve it. Our goal is to always add to the game day experience for our fans and make it more enjoyable. All additions that we evaluate must be cost effective and must be something that we feel would enhance the enjoyment of the spectator at our stadium.


    What TD really wants to say: Hey Mike---does the word NO mean anything to you. You !@#$ing fans, all you do is want, want, want. Tell you what Mike--here's my old 15" CRT Monitor and a !@#$ing magnifying glass--now imagine its a jumbotron.



    Mark Maefs (Buffalo, NY): Any chance that Terrence McGee will ever get a chance to play WR? The guy is great in the open field. He seems to have good hands too.


    MM: No, we haven't talked about that.


    What MM really wants to say: Hi Mark. Terrence is already on the field about 60% of our plays...we are trying to sign him to an extension on the relative cheap and also keep him healthy for the roles where he is truly a difference maker (KR and CB)...we already have good receivers if you haven't noticed. My recommendation to you--keep smoking crack and sending me ideas--one may stick.

  3. I was sad to see him go. He could get open and was a great option near the goal line...the lack of blocking, the lack of durability and Kevin Gilbride killed him. After the first couple of years, I thought we had someone who could rival Frank Wychek -- but sadly the development never came.


    I wish him the best in his recovery.....what was it Hogboy used to call him? Rearsmegma....

  4. And just what year did the Bills win a Superbowl with Kelly?   This post is very odd even for you since more than once on this board you lamented that you would just love to have Kelly back.  This post looks like a direct attack against JK since it fits Kelly to a tee.




    Apparently we need to bring in Curt Schilling.....oh the pain--that hurt Grey..... :doh:

  5. If he gets the offer--he is as good as gone--unfortunately. The guy has a special place in ND football lore..He won a national championship as a QB and I believe as a member of the staff....as an ND fan I am really torn--we are in such disarray, but I want this guy on the Bills staff more...

  6. Being evaluated tomorrow and through the week. He injured it in the second quarter..came back for a while but was ruled out at halftime.


    The Jets have


    Pittsburgh (A)

    Seattle (H)

    New England (H)

    St. Louis (A)


    All teams where Abraham's presence is critical...this could be a very harmful injury...

  7. We went from having no playmakers the last 7 or so weeks of last year and the first 4 weeks of the season...to having playmakers all over the field the last 3 weeks....its truly amazing....last season and early this season the attitude was one of waiting for someone else to make a key catch, throw, turnover, special teams play or run...now we have playmakers all over the field...


    Spikes, McGee, Williams, Evans, Moulds, Bledsoe, Clements, Moorman, Baker, Mario Haggan, Coy Wire, Tim Euhus, Ryan Nuefeld, all made plays today in the clutch....


    There are some obvious reasons--confidence on D that if someone trys to make a play--other guys are going to be in place to mitigate the risk if it fails. Milloy being back has a lot to do with this confidence.


    On O--its understanding and comfort with the system...there was no trickery today but some great calls--the deep ball to Evans was exactly the right call in that situation -- flooding the zone with Moulds in the slot and looking off Moulds and going deep was great....the no-huddle when we were down 24-14...the pass to Moulds on 3rd down for the TD, Drew read single coverage and hit the play..Moulds broke a tackle, Aiken had a great block--and in the end zone..


    On special teams--these guys have been doing it all year--there is pro bowl talent not just with McGee and Moorman but with Fletcher, Crowell, Haggan, Greer, Wire..its like the early 90's


    It is amazing the turnaround...the confidence that has shown through is not just putting us back in the playoff race--but really setting the foundation for future years...this is what we all expected.....enjoy....

  8. AP just reported that NBC sports president Dick Ebersol was seriously injured in a plane c-rash--one of his sons - Charlie--who interned for me as a 14 year old in summer 1997 at Disney Sports, was also seriously injured. Another son Ted, is missing.


    Charlie is one of the brightest, most capable kids I have ever met...I hope he and his dad's injuries are not life threatening..prayers for the missing son as well.


    Dick is married to actress Susan St. James. God bless them all tonight and during what I hope is a speedy recovery.

  9. I'd love to, but I can't find it on that God-awful site.  Anybody have a link?




    They don't make it easy Campy...


    So you go to bb.com bb.com


    Then in then in the upper quarter of the screen on the right hand side there is a light blue tab labeled "<More News> <NFL News> <Video>"


    Click on Video


    Click the link for "Launch the Bills Video Player"


    Today's MM Press conference is the latest content so the audio loads in the player and begins to play....

  10. thanks for the summary..


    i am questioning this:


    "Showed the D that they should do the same when they have the opportunity"


    Did Mularky mean they should lay out opposing QBs if given the chance?




    He said it more in the sense of "playing aggressively to the whistle"...not dirty play.

  11. PC is up on bb.com


    1) Villarial okay--will practice this week. No other significant injuries.

    2) Team is upbeat. Says they are a special group. Today's gym work was spirited.

    3) Did not give a rah rah speech. Said he told the team where they were...that they should not focus on the "should haves" but have to focus on reality. A lot of 0-2 teams ('89 Steelers was the example he used) did great things.

    4) Mistakes on O are very disappointing. We need to get out of our own way to finish drives.

    5) He did not see Travis' 4th and goal run from a good angle and noone in the booth saw it well enough to challenge. It looked very close to being in on film. (Implied he would have challenged if he had the film view).

    6) He agrees that QB's get too much credit for success or too much blame for a loss. He is frustrated with the drops. Everyone is not playing at a high level.

    7) Has not considered using Matthews yet.

    8) He said film pointed out everything that they need to correct and they will correct it.

    9) Says the o-line is playing pretty darn well for being together four weeks.

    - but did not have as much success running on first down and controlling the ball.

    - wants to run the ball more--and use Willis more--flow of the Raiders game did not dictate switching backs.

    10) He agrees that you can talk all you want about being good -- but you have to prove it on the field. Steelers lost their first two games by a combined 92-10 in 89 or something like that...but still did good things. The team is still confident.

    11) Shot to the head for Drew: Showed the D that they should do the same when they have the opportunity. Showed the O that they need to protect their QB. He did not see any deterioration in Drew's decision making after that... :D hee hee...


    Okay--flame away....but listen to the whole thing first.

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