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Posts posted by JoeF

  1. Not sure Clements would leave Buffalo for the Pitt Panthers. The Bills are starting to look like a team that could be putting together a run of great seasons. His odds of getting a pro head coaching job would be pretty good if that happens. I think ND had a very special appeal to him--Pitt may not.


    As for Wanny--I think its a great fit.

  2. "We need to keep them off the field, break a special teams play or two (they are vulnerable here)"


    Actually, we haven't given up a special teams td all year. I don't think we did last year either, but I'm not sure.


    Welcome Diesel...join the club of those who have been beaten by the Pats--at least you all came closer than we have...


    I guess break to me means punt return of 30 or more and Kickoff return of 50 or more. We are capable of doing this against anyone and the Bengals are mid-tier for punt and kick coverage teams.


    We need to put the Bengals in bad field position to limit their options some--

  3. I felt kind of sorry for the opposition yesterday....that's a really good feeling...


    Men against boys--

    The perfect scheme for us...


    I love these quotes from the Browns...


    On to Cincy....let's see if the Bills can put an Ohio broom next to the Dolphins broom....


    Cincy has some very good offensive talent. We need to keep them off the field, break a special teams play or two (they are vulnerable here) and force either Kitna or Palmer into mistakes (which a stale Kitna and/or Palmer may be prone to make). I sure am glad we have Vincent back--Chad Johnson, Houshmandzadeh and Washington (All tall fast and strong) will be a challenge to this secondary and we have had trouble with Rudi Johnson in the past... Here's hoping we continue this roll.....

  4. Thanks Rich...good to see it confirmed.


    ND has definitely taken a hit the last couple of weeks, but if Weis would have been named the Bills coach last year--I wouldn't have been disappointed at all--so I think the Irish did okay.


    The fascination with Urban Meyer kind of puzzled me--yes the guy has won big and had ties to ND--but he won at Bowling Green and Utah its not like the Big 12, SEC or Big 10...Weis has lived through the scrutiny of the Super Bowl twice and the embarassment of a weight loss operation gone wrong in addition to being a pretty brilliant offensive mind and tutor of QB's--someone will have to convince me how ND got the short straw here....


    One could mention the concern about recruiting, etc--but Utah and BG don't exactly get into the same living rooms that ND will. Something tells me that with the kids ND targets a two-time Super Bowl winning coordinator is going to have an edge on the former coach of the Utes..we'll see.

  5. Haha....actually I'm takin my last philo next semester. Some of my friends took him and they liked him. The one class that would have fit my schedule though is restricted. Oh well....


    I do hope that Weis thing is true just so we can have an answer finally.




    Not one the University's better two week periods...but if true--this is a really good hire...I think it ends up making Brady Quinn a first round draft choice in two years. Weis does wonders with Brady's...

  6. Well we just cut off the porn and started doing some mad chanel surfing. There was a a report that he accepted the job yesterday but as far I was concerned it was just a rumor. Im sure ND will make Weis leave immediately for recruiting. Thats what they wanted Gruden and Meyer to do. But who knows if thats even possible.


    GREAT news for a ND and Bills fan!



    Shouldn't you be studying for finals. I hope you don't have my brother for a philosophy course Bart--I am going to report you :(

  7. The white smoke must rise from the head of Touchdown Jesus. Save us PJP...you must cross the threshold of ND hope...(Sorry for the diversion all you non-Catholics)...


    PJPII is the man


    By the way--Mort just reported on ESPN radio that there is no indication that Clements is the lead candidate for the ND Job after his interview. His sources in Buffalo have told him there was no job offer and no promise of follow-up.

  8. Dead on nod. There are not a lot of holes on this team right now if we can get these three done. We have some money to invest in the offseason--and for the first time in a long time--the smartest investment is probably in extending our own guys--that's a really nice feeling.


    I am a little concerned about losing Pat Williams--if you can't stop the run, you are not going to have a good defense and I still have vivid memories of the time between the exit of Washington and the entrance of Adams when we were mauled in the middle...you need two hogs--not just one. Is Edwards ready to step into that role? and will Anderson be ready to be the third guy?


    Look at the extensions the last couple of years--we have made some good moves--


    1) Ross Tucker-3 years I think right before this season

    2) Ron Edwards--another year on the cheap

    3) Travis Henry--the low cap figure for next year makes him VERY attractive if the Bills decide to move him

    4) Brian Moorman--great punter--good value--legendary track athlete like Ice :blink:


    The only misstep was Marques Sullivan and it didn't really hurt that bad.

  9. So, it was ALL BOBBY SHAW'S FAULT?  Who knew?




    :blush: Bobby Shaw is the root of all evil.... <_< He and David Hasselhoff....can't believe they made him a hero in the spongebob movie..


    David = Anti-Christ


    Seriously--Shaw's !@#$-ups were visible, MM had cut him before, he was competing at a position where we are deep with equal or better talent--that is not a recipe for longevity in the world of MM...

  10. Getting hit in the back with passes on hot reads, not once, but twice, was a vivid display of a lack of preparation and concentration. GW tolerated stevestojan like this during his realm so did Wade...MM appears very unlikely to follow that path. Its a difference in styles.


    Surprisingly MM is probably more of a "players coach" if you measure players respecting his opinion because he spent 9 years in the league.


    In fact, if you analyze it, coaches that demand and expect performance and deliver consequences when performance is sub-par are often viewed more as "players coaches" than guys like GW who stand up every week and bemoan execution to the media but do nothing about it in the locker room.

  11. yep, the plans for the jumbotron are gonna send us to the Superbowl, you'll see.


    and you obviously didnt ignore it, actually, what you did was the EXACT OPPOSITE of ignoring it. to ignore: to refuse to acknowledge.


    you acknowledged, quoted and replied.


    stop lying to yourself.




    This sounds like antithesis of most of the infrequent arguments between my lovely and talented wife and me...


    You're ignoring me...

    No dear I am not ignoring you....



  12. I dunno about predicted, but I sure knew this team had the potential to do it. I said at the end of week two that T Henry was holding us back. He got pulled and look what we did. Honestly, If we had McGahee starting all year 15-1 is not unrealistic. Look at the games we lost, all close except one (all Henry started in, except that same one)




    I had kinda gotten used to the Bills not coming close to their potential .... 2000, 2003 kind of drummed that expectation into me....But I sure am glad that we are showing signs of getting out of that habit. And you are right RT--McGahee has made a huge difference..


    not sure that I totally agree with 15-1---but maybe a couple of the L's would be W's which would put us in the lead in the wild card race instead of having to race like hell to get in.

  13. This is pretty far to come from 0-4. Congrats to this team for getting its sh-- together. Who could have predicted this....there were so many times we could have packed it in...the first loss to the Pats, after the loss to the Ravens, after the Pats debacle on Sunday night...


    I am not big on predictions, but us making the playoffs seems plausible enough.


    Thanks for outlining this Ice....

  14. A team that has not allowed a 100-yard receiver all year (Evans) and more than one TD pass per game. Seems to me we had four. FOUR! Do you realize that's actually FOUR TIMES BETTER than any other team they've played...including NE? Why people refuse to believe that maybe we're getting better is just craziness.


    Okay. I get it. We're not Super Bowl material yet. But lately we've been winning more than we've been losing and if we were playing like this from Week 1, we'd have three losses right now. Maybe even two.


    Seems to me we're getting better.




    Do you mean that its okay to be a little happy that we are 6-2 the last 8 games? I need someone else to validate that it's okay for me to be happy, maybe even pleased with our performance. :w00t::lol:


    I mean I know we suck and I should have no hope..but its really hard not to smile when an almost 400 lb d-lineman is sprinting toward the endzone with the ball and other guys on both sides of the ball are making huge plays....

  15. The thing is, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if I found out that it was Tom's secretary that writes that stuff. . .it seems to be TOO carefully structured and organized. Most press reporters and secretary's have pre-done answers to many questions, that is one reason why they usually have no direct connection to the question itself. You can tell Mike answers his though, most of the words are misspelled and they just seem like they were typed by a normal human, not a robot. At least with Mike we get somewhat decent answers.



    Josh--you are dead on with TD...it might be Bills VP of PR Scott Berchtold and his staff though not his admin...

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