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Storm Front

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Posts posted by Storm Front

  1. I have always wondered why the Bills don't market themselves better across New York State. There are probably just as many Bills fans as there are Giants and Jets fans in Syracuse, Albany and the Southern Tier. The Jets and Giants train in Cortland and Albany respectively. The Bills ought to train in Kingston, Poughkeepsie or White Plains. This lack of farsightedness may ultimately lead to a relocation of the franchise.

  2. Im going to say no to Nassib because he comes from a loser culture at SU just like there is in Buffalo. Watching these two teams over the years it is remarkable the dumb mistakes and how often they both find a way to lose


    Bellicheat doesn't think like that. He took Chandler Jones in Round 1. He looks pretty good as a rookie for the Pats.

  3. And, as much of a d-bag most think Theisman was, he played in an era where offenses didn't necessarily rest on the arm of their QB, but relied heavily on his football smarts and "leadership" qualities. Theisman was a field general...you always knew he was in charge. A pretty tough guy, who really earned his opportunities.


    When he first came to the NFL Theismann was more of a scrambling QB. However, Theismann's pocket skills really developed over time. I remember when he was the third string QB behind Sonny Jurgenson and Billy Kilmer. He actually volunteered to return punts just to get on the field! Some say he wasted a few of his prime years as a back-up. I think he probably benefited from learning on the sidelines behind long-tenured veterans such as Jurgenson and Kilmer. Plus, it probably helped that he had a great arm, receivers such as Monk and Downtown Charlie Brown, a Hall of Fame RB (Riggins), a first class OL (the Hogs) and a legendary coach (Gibbs). I always liked Ferguson, but I thought Theismann was cool because he wore the old one bar face mask.

  4. I still maintain that the refs were nowhere near as bad as the media and fans were portraying, and that they actually seemed fair and impartial (aka: when a mistake was made, it wasn't always in favor of a handful of teams).


    It's opinion for both of us, unless you want to breakdown film of every game the replacements did and compare it to every game the regular refs did.


    I thought the replacement refs did a nice job as well. I didn't notice any upgrade in officiating after the regular refs came back.

  5. I was watching the Pats vs. Colts game yesterday, and I could not believe the arrogance of Belicheat. The game was way over, but he kept calling for passing plays well into the fourth quarter. I don't remember the announcers stating that Gronk had to leave the game, but wow, what a terrible injury. Talk about karma.


    Anyway, in light of such a douchebag coaching performance, I was just wondering if anyone here has read Bryan O'Leary's Spygate? Has Belicheat or any of the Pats players ever refuted the cheating claims made by the author?

  6. This "player" sounds like an arrogant, first class jerk who was brought up without any class. He will probably be broke once he is a few years out of the league. If he is lucky, he will be able to afford dinner at Wendy's or Burger King, where he will go in his shorts and Bills sweatshirt in a few years. He will have 10 kids, but no woman with him. His clothes will fit in and no one will care who he once was. Of course, human nature is such that by then, he will probably try to distinguish himself by dressing in a suit and tie to let everyone know he is/was once important.

  7. Going to a Bills game is kinda like going to the State Fair (or any free or close to free event) except all of the riff are drunk. I used to go quite a bit, but not anymore. One of the worst things I ever saw was a truly obnoxious Bills fan hurl a snowball (iceball) at a fan wearing an opposing jersey. The iceball missed the fan, but hit a little girl in the side of her face causing blood to come out of her ear.

  8. God, it felt good to see the Bills win a game. The city of Buffalo looked great under the lights. We can all sit back as spectators this weekend and watch the rest of the teams battle it out knowing that our Bills won.


    Thank you Fitz. Thank you CJ. Thank you Stevie. Thank you Mario. Thank you Byrd. Thank you Meatball. Thank you Powell. Thank you Chan. Thank you Wannastache (gulp). Thank you Bills!

  9. For the past 12 years, it hasn't mattered who our GM or head coach has been; it seems like we either pick a RB or a CB in the first couple rounds or a crappy DE within rounds two to four. People assume Ralph no longer controls the team, but I often wonder whether he isn't the man behind these horrible picks. I mean, how else can you explain the same drafting year in and year out, regardless of the GM and HC? Eeny, meeny, miny, moe!


    Anyway, our RB's always turn out fine, but the CB's are busts every time. So here's hoping we get another RB in Rounds 1-2 this year!

  10. The folks in the front office that run this team know just what they are doing. They put a mediocre team on the field and give us fans a little bit of hope each year. They know that we will show up for the games. Until this year, they did not ever really have to spend much money (I am scared to think what this year's spending spree is all about).


    Bills fans proved to the FO back in the early '90s that when the Bills win all the time we fans can get a bit too used to it. No one likes to talk about this, but we were like the Atlanta Braves fans at the time in that we fans would not even fill up Rich Stadium for playoff games. As far as keeping the Bills in Buffalo, having a losing season in '97 turned out to be a good thing. When the Bills started winning again under Flutie the next year, we fans seemed to realize just how fortunate we were to have a decent team in our hometown. We fans showed that we could viably support a team in Buffalo.

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