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Storm Front

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Posts posted by Storm Front

  1. I would say the chances are good that the Bills will get to draft third. On Draft Day, Buddy Nix is about to pick a stud CB with the third pick, hesitates for a moment, remembers his promise to Bills fans, and decides to trade away the Bills #1 picks in the next three drafts to move up to the #1 pick. We then take a projected 7th round QB whom practically no one has ever heard of with the first pick of the draft. That would be rock bottom.

  2. Josh McDaniels was a defensive player/coach who became Brady's QB coach in NE even though he had no QB or offensive experience. He was later promoted to Offensive Coordinator under the Pats. Labeled a young offensive mastermind, McDaniels was hired as head coach of the Broncos where he went out of his way to obtain Matt Cassel, a player who was entrenched in the Pats' "system." As head coach of the Broncos, McDaniels also hired one of the fellows from Spygate who taped Pats' opponents. Later, the two were involved in their own mini-Spygate scandal, which was quietly swept under the rug by the NFL and the media. McDaniels once admitted that the Pats actually practiced cheating. It is not inconceivable that the Pats would have the whole thing down to a science.

  3. Because unfortunately the Pats are an unbelievable team and an unbelievable franchise run by an unbelievable QB and unbelievable head coach.


    You are right, they are "unbelievable." See Spygate.


    There is a reason the big games are played by the most popular teams: the NFL is = to the WWE. The same teams have been winning for the last 10 years or so. There is always going to be a team from NY, CA, TX in the playoffs. The most popular teams are the winning teams....Steelers, Cowboys, Packers, Giants and Pats.

  4. C.J. will have to take a big part of the load now."


    Chan is such a brilliant coach. The season is over so he's going to run the crap out of Spiller for the next three meaningless games when he should have used him more when it mattered. Why even play CJ now? Instead, the sensible thing to do would be to wear Tard Choice out and let him be the player that risks getting injured behind this depleted and weak offensive line.

  5. You are completely delusional if you can't see the difference between Brady and Cassel.


    I sure didn't see any difference between the two when Cassell filled in for Brady in '08! And Cassell was a rookie that year who never started a game in college. It's easy to be a good QB when you have someone telling you in your ear which receiver is open as well as the other team's defensive schemes.

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