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Posts posted by thebug

  1. All Trent had to do in the Dallas game was to NOT LOSE IT. The defense had the game won. JP would have won that game with NO PROBLEM. Against the Giants Trent Lost that game as well with his interceptions. "(how'd those other QB's do in those games?)" - THEY WON!!!!!! thats how they did. I do support the TEAM - SO FAR JP is PART of that team. WHY DON'T YOU SUPPORT THE TEAM, THE ENTIRE TEAM - Not just a player. Especially one who hasn't shown all that much YET. :nana:



    I'm sorry for my previous comments to you, I had no idea you were actually retarded; now I know........I just assumed you were a JP homo and any other QB was always going to suck in your eyes. My Bad...




  2. What???? So now someone calling "Trent Edwards is a much better QB than JP Losman" a myth is now being described by you as bashing Edwards? That's so damn laughable, you clearly need to get some thicker skin.



    You are the biggest Trent basher on this site, why don't you go back and read some of your posts....

  3. Carwell Gardner, gave my late father and my little niece one of the fondest memories they ever had together.

    Jim kelly had thrown Carwell Gardner the football at a practice, Gardner missed it and it bounced out of play to my niece who was only 4 at the time. My niece picked up the ball and tried as best she could to throw the ball back to Carwell who was standing there. Carwell Gardner picked up the ball, walked back to Paris (my niece) ruffled her hair and gave her the Football. My Dad said he looked like a giant standing over her.


    One of my late Dad's fondest memories, kinda brings tears to my eyes to think about


    Carwell Gardner, one nice guy, that fella :thumbsup:



    Class act man! always liked Carwell.....nice story :)

  4. :unsure:


    Unfortunately they are both still coached by Dick " play not to lose" Jauron.


    Neither of them stands a chance.


    8-8 here we come. :lol:



    No worries Gary, I have promised a playoff game this season (maybe even a home wildcard game)..... :blink:




  5. There really is no order, is there? I'm avoiding controversy remember. Gilbert (French Canadian pronouncization) Hamden is the long shot QB on the Bills roster. I was formerly a card carrying member of his fandom, but the Great Crash of '08 led me to reevaluate my knowledge.



    Fair enough, as a Canadian I can understand now.... I am forced to reevaluate my knowledge quite often because there are things I thought I new, that I obviously don't :P

  6. I'm a gruntled JPL supporter and I feel the need to exercise my internetocratic illegal anienable wrights. Those of you who cannot comprende this have my pity, but I do not scorn you.



    In your sig; you have the QB's in the wrong order, and who is Gilbert? :P

  7. also i think that Jerome Simpson will bring some spunk and swagger to our team that will make it that much more fun to watch our offense,plus he is a great playmaker and i believe he could be a #2 reciever, call me crazy but i think he could


    you're crazy! well you said to......

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