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Bookie Man

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Everything posted by Bookie Man

  1. If I was an NFL player, I'd try and increase my value and also be a punter. I mean pretty much all NFL players are physically freaks, I'm sure after working on form and flexibility they could punt just as well or better than some guys out there. Plus it'd free up a roster spot!
  2. Kurt Schulz laying out Eddie George in the 4th quarter of the forward-lateral game.
  3. I feel like this years draft has the top 5, then 6-40 is a crap shoot, lol.
  4. Found the Oliver pick quite interesting as well.
  5. Side note - why link a video to any NFL players highlights? Aren't they blocked after being posted in like 15 minutes?
  6. I wouldn't be mad or surprised if white is the pick. Lorax is towards the end of his career and Milano is coming off a pretty serious injury. Reports are that he should be 100% for the start of the season, but you really cannot be sure imo. I'm not sure if that would put White or Edmunds on the outside, I think White in the middle would be the best fit. But he is too talented to pass up on imo. Carolina also drafted Shaq Thompson when they had Kuechly and Davis during McD's time there, which was a pretty surprising pick at the time, I could see them going a similar route. I could see them drafting any position on D, besides S in the first round.
  7. I thought there was another WR nicknamed "The Fate" and they were choosing between him and Ray Ray...
  8. The guy that went rogue on a fake fg attempt? Weirdest ST play I've seen in a bit!
  9. I can see someone wearing that Bills hat to some kind of mud race, wearing a wife beater, sitting in the back of a pickup with a case of Budweiser cans.
  10. Lol what the heck? 1:30 Rodgers could have took it all the way for a td. He dives, and then I think he realizes it, gets up and tries to take it in. Josh Allen does there I think ? .
  11. I want to see them play in a dodgeball contest. Seriously. Would be better than the pro bowl. Who wouldn't want to see that?!?
  12. I'm loving all of the OL signings. Does anyone wonder about the cohesiveness with potentially 5 guys that never played along side each other before? How long will it take the new OL to gel? OTOH it has to be better than last years line by default ?
  13. QW is the best player in this years draft imo. Price would be quite steep in moving up to #2. Not a fan of paying hefty prices. IF he slips to 5, I would pull the trigger.
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