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Posts posted by HOUSE

  1. Pretty surprised by the seemingly prevalent negativity surrounding Vince Young.


    People do change, especially younger people.


    He's a Buffalo Bill now and I'm rooting big time for him to make a positive impact.


    And yes, Caracara came here with full disclosure right from the beginning.


    I didn't realize Vince Young was a sore subject on Buffalo Bills message boards. :flirt:

  2. The Jets player was giving him the business.


    I had great seat for that game in New Jersey, right in front of the play. The ref said the penalty was to #99 which is wrong. its #93


    I believe Kent Hull elbowed Lyons but it was well after he jumped on the pile. Kelly never commented on the play, just giggled.


    Strange play, I hate the Jets :flirt:


    The remix is funny to



  3. :pirate: Although we have been round and round with Vince Young what the heck another thread and another lengthy discussion.


    Something happened to his mental ability to play the position back in Tennesee. We all know about tossing his equipment and the battles with Fisher.


    Last year here in Eagles' Country everyone was excited to have him on what he made the mistake of labeling THE DREAM TEAM but when he had the chance to get into action he seemed to be confused, which is evident by panic in many of his passes that led to interceptions.


    He brings a lot more to the table than Thigpen but the Bills run a very complicated offense so the real battle will be Vince versus Vince's ability to learn the Gailey system effectively enough to be worth the risk. It is clear that Young knows he needs help and his frequent references to coming to Buffalo because of Coach Lee show a degree of maturity and yes intelligence to me.


    No, he will not be the midseason started unless he makes the team and Fitz gets hurt. This is Fitz's year.


    By signing a one year contract, I think Young wants to show he can fit into a system, develop under Lee and then be a valuable asset on the free agent market next year putting his running abilities, long range passing skills and whatever Lee teaches him to use for some other team.



    A good signing by the Bills ... if he makes the team he does add something special into our Wildcat concepts.





    I am sorry I missed your lengthy discussion, I am new to the board and I thought 2011 was Fitzpatrick's year ??

  4. I think his biggest problem is that he was always the best player/athlete on every team he's ever been on.


    Then when he got to the NFL he just assumed that would continue and didnt want to put in the work in the film room and weight room to make the most of his abilities.


    He realized that he's not the best player on the field and he has to learn how to prepare like a legitimate NFL quaterback (and not sand lot it like in high school and at Texas)he decided to quit on his team rather than put the work in.


    I think maybe this off-season was a real bring back to earth moment for him when the Bills were the only team that really expressed any interest in him. Maybe he thinks "hey, this is my last shot, so I better shape up"...



    I believe you are spot on. Terrell Owens finally shut up when teams lost interest.

  5. Really think Thigpen needs the training camp as much as anyone. Not sure if he was comfortable enough with the system last year to take over as starter. While don't think Thigpen is answer as a starter, do think he could do OK as short term fill in after gets comfortable with the system however.


    Personally I think Vince Young signing was a huge mistake, and think the Bills will regret it by time its over. Yes he has a ton of natural talent, but guy is a cancer. The guy may say the right things to media now, but still doesn't get it with other players, and still doesn't get that it takes more than athletic talent to succeed in the NFL. For those that think he should take over Smiths roll, I don't think he has the ability to grasp the nueonses of the position to do the things that they want smith to do.


    Im rooting for Thigpen to win the backup position myself, if you cant tell.


    I doubt Thigpen will beat out Young. We also have the cap to consider. Young is cheaper....lol

  6. I think that everyone acknowledges that VY has an opportunity to win the backup job. Thigpen showed poorly in what little chances he was given and the coaching staff showed little confidence in him by not putting him in over an injured and struggling Fitz.


    As for the OP question is he a wacko? Short answer is yes. He's physically dominant and IMO very determined/motivated. One of the main problems is that he's a little on the slow side for learning new things and for processing difficult coverages. So I think it'll be a tall order for him to be a top-flight QB. He also appears to have some mental/personality problems.


    What we care about is if he can be a good backup or not.


    IMO he can be with the right support. He didn't get it with Fisher who didn't want him. Couldn't get it as a backup in an ill-fitting offense in Philly. He might be able to get it here. We run a spread, which opens up the field for him to run or gives him lots of targets when the play breaks down and he extends the play via physical abilities. We also have Gailey who can work with limited QB's and make them reasonably successful. For a short period, teams won't have any film on VY and can't gameplan him much which helps him as he does have physical skills that give him a boost over his mental ones.


    I think that Young COULD be an excellent backup and win us a couple games if need be. In the LONG run, If he successfully learns the offense I think he could replace Brad Smith as a Wildcat QB. But that's two years out IMO.


    Well, the Bills have one year to access the talent or lack of. :thumbsup:

  7. I haven't judged Thigpen based on preseason performance ... my problem with him is that the coaching staff didn't have the confidance in him to play him the week after the Redskins game ... if your starting QB gets broken ribs you just gotta send out the backup.


    If the backup can't give the starter a week or two or three to heal what do you need a backup for???


    IMHO the #2 spot belongs to VY unless he really poops the bed during training camp or preseason.


    You nailed it! :worthy:

  8. i don't think he is all grown up, i just think that he has figured out the appropriate manner in which to speak to the media. but, i think that if it happens at all, this place is better than most. we have probably got one of the strongest locker rooms in all of professional sports with some great leaders to help him on and off the field. in the end, it's all up to vince.


    If I was Vince Young, I look to help the Bills in anyway possible then look for a new deal.

  9. i think vince young has trmendous physical attributes, but is lacking everywhere else. can the guy grow up, get motivated, hit the books and become a team player and a leader? maybe. but for now, i am thinking he is humbled to the point where he knows he has to do whatever it takes to make a roster and collect a check. it's as if he's going back backwards. he was drafted as a big fish with the world on a plate, fell from grace and now has to pay his dues with all the other journeymen and rookies.


    You make some great points. It appears he is now grown up from his interviews but who knows?

  10. Your post I replied to seemed to say that you thought he was the guy and we were bashing. Sorry if i misinterpreted


    lol hindsight, I have a brother that wanted the Bills to lose every game so the Bills could draft Andrew Luck, yes,he is that crazy.


    He tells me its a passing league and its all about quarterbacks. I kind of agree, since Buffalo only has 1 quarterback in the minds of some I thought I would ask the boards opinion.


    If Fitzpatrick fails (I seriously doubt it) we might need to evaluate what we already have? Buffalo will draft no lower then #20 in next years draft IMO

  11. I just dont understand what excites you about this guy. The fact he has a 55% completion percentage? That players favorite coach Jeff Fisher benched him 5 times? His suicide watch night? Ya he was picked 3rd overall and has a great highlight reel in college but that was what 06? Remember when he refused to go back into the opener because he got booed (something Bills fans have done to many bad QB)and Kerry Collins, the ageless wonder led them to a 13-3 year? That was a super bowl caliber team with a QB with VYs skill set and he quit on his team half way through the first game. I dont want him to lead this team when we have similar talent


    Do I appear excited? I am interested in the opinion of others here. I am not even a fan. I just want to win, don't care how......

  12. Nothing on this site could be further from the truth. I live in Nashville, and he stunk, plain and simple. His numbers will show you he is simply a terrible QB, never prepared for games, or even bothered to master the offense. He was exposed here in the local media as a guy that never bothered to know any offense put in front of him, and that's exclusively his fault. He made very bad decisions in every game he played, had no pocket presence, awful passer stats, and generally ran himself out of town. His winning record is also everyone else's winning record for those games, and made plays by running, which would be good if it every meant anything. What he did in Philly was exactly the same crap he did here in Tennessee, he just kept his mouth shut, and has learned to say things more politically correct, which a player will do when they realize they are running out of chances.


    Just my opinion here, but I don't see him starting for any team in the NFL ever again, unless Chan Gailey magically gets him to understand an offense, learns how to be an accurate passer, and manage a game. Nothing personal House, I just disagree with that assessment...


    Wow, he must really suck, I assume you believe he has no future in Buffalo. :flirt:


    He didn't play really well in Tennessee. He was "okay" at best. And he was beyond horrible in Philadelphia. People can spin it whatever way they want ... but the bottom line is that the Eagles would rather have Trent Edwards on their roster than Vince Young. That, in addition to his history on/off field, is a huge red flag - and an indicator - that this guy isn't going to be successful in the NFL. Ever. I just hope Thigpen gets his head out of his a$$ and beats this trainwreck out.


    Buddy Nix picked his guy in free agency so I'm going to wait it out before I access his game. Don't like Thigpen Yet he never made the field either.

  13. I was looking through the last 10 pages and there is almost nothing on Vince Young so I thought I would get your feelings on Buffalo's #2 quarterback.


    I worked with a lot of people that made mistakes only to be labeled as trouble then fired. One is now President of a Bank in Houston Texas. Seems he had the skills but for some reason failed. People and players change over time. Some take an opportunity and run with it, some never change.


    Let me give you my take on Vince Young. Played really well in Tennessee but hated Jeff Fisher. Also booed by the fans and he didn't handle it well. Played okay in Philadelphia but most of his interceptions were from throwing the ball on the run when he should have just lowered his head with a 5 yard gain. Pretty easy adjustment with the right coaching. Jaws is always knocking NFL teams for lack of quarterback coaching, it seems to be his new mission in life and I agree...


    On Vince Young


    I remain undecided if he can regain his career or retire from the NFL as a backup. Vince Young is #3 in the NFL for accuracy on the long pass. See link.



    With the proper coaching and motivation to change, I seriously doubt his career is over.


    What is YOUR take on Vince Young, I can't predict the outcome....Could be waived after training camp or the starter by mid season...who knows? :flirt:


    Vince Young interview: "FRESH START"



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