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Posts posted by quinnearlysghost88

  1. 5 minutes ago, ILBillsfan said:

    Impressive play by the Bills D after getting down 20-3 to shut out the Baltimore D and come up with the huge turnover in the EZ.  






    Could list more but those are the ones I thought stood out.  Without the D this comeback is not possible and should get a game ball with how well they kept fighting.  How about doing this with some key guys out on IR.  They will only get stronger


    Way to go Bills....... GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!

    Could not agree more. The offense did them no favors in the first half and they hung in like champs. Bend but don’t break and contained Lamar as much as you can in that situation.  

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. 1 hour ago, bobobonators said:

    The medical community has stated CTE is not yet fully understood. In that most comprehensive study in 2017, 110 of 111 brains showed signs of CTE. Clearly not all 110 of those individuals went rogue. So at what point do we say any outlier behaviors are statistically significant. Its hard to prove. 

    Correlation and causation are two completely different things. 

    Under your take, Brady should be Jeffrey Dahmer by now after this hit. 



    Does kissing your adolescent son on the mouth count? 

  3. 1 hour ago, Mr. WEO said:


    And here, unfortunately, is their most eloquent spokesman..


    The lead paragraph is just so awesome on so many levels.  It's a 30M dive into a (knowingly empty) pool.


    I'm not 17, but have been in practice for 27 years, but it's always refreshing to hear how my business runs from the perspective of someone like you, who is so wise in the world.  Tell me more about medicine and medical practice and liability exposure (you are "a lawyer", after all!).


    Anyway....the "neurosurgeon" evaluating the player on a Sunday for an NFL game certainly would not be "risking his career" by saying "you need to go into the concussion protocol" to a play who got his bell rung.  This should be obvious for 2 reasons (even to " a lawyer").  One, that's what he's paid to do and these guys do this very thing all the time, so to (bizarrely) claim that putting a player into the protocol would ruin the doctor's career is idiotic.  It's also rally dumb because that doctor already has a practice--this is a side job.   He/she makes his/her money outside of the NFL. 


    I'm trying not to laugh, but what type of law do you practice?  If you were representing an independent neuro examiner in general, would your advice to him be:"no matter what it looks like, make sure you put the guy back in the game if the team brass gives you the 'wink wink'"---don't worry about this guy cleaning you out if he stokes the next day or needs burr holes".


    Is that what you would say---seeing as this is your read on the real world?







    lol see above.  this guy is something!!

    I think what he’s saying is the neurosurgeon would be risking his career because he may a. Not have even evaluated him or b. Let him play regardless. Either way, admitting that he had a concussion after the fact during the investigation would be bad. Again I’m not saying he didn’t evaluate or let him play regardless, just trying to get into this guy’s head. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, Beast said:


    The Bills offense didn't do their job yesterday.  End of story. I think almost everyone that sees the game without a bias can agree on that. 


    And who said the Dolphins offense is high powered?  ecause they had one good quarter out of twelve quarters this season?


    And the offense didn't score that safety.

    Everyone said their offense was high powered. It’s all we and everyone in the media talked about all week ad naseum. You’re ignoring that to make your point. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Beast said:

    After a night of tHinking about this the offense didn't do their job. End of story. 


    3 points in the final two and a half quarters is pathetic.

    5 points. And the high-powered dolphins  offense had 7 in the final two and a half quarters. 🤷‍♂️ 


    sometimes theyre not all madden games. 

  6. It was an encouraging loss. Go look at the box score. They had a 21 yard rusher and Tua had 186 yards. 

    it’s one of those games where if you get a do-over on any one of like 10 plays you win the game. Missed FG, the 45 yard waddle catch on 3rd and 22, strip sack, goal line play calls, two different spiking scenarios, Milano missed pick 6, etc. 

  7. 15 hours ago, Sammy Watkins' Rib said:

    What is OP's point?


    They just want Allen to not run ever? Then he's not the best player in the game. I rather him be the best player in the game. 


    Or are you just wanting to be super picky about when he runs? So you can nit pick and complain constantly. What is your point exactly? 


    Of course QB's can get injured running, in the pocket or just slipping on a mat. 


    Did OP take people seriously who said QB's who run don't get injured?



    Sacks and knockdowns are huge for a defense, not just because they disrupt the play, but because you’re hitting the QB. When he decides to run, it’s free hits. Even if he stiff arms a guy and it looks cool on highlights, he takes a hit. And those hits add up. I love the highlight reels but I’d like to see Josh playing in ten years just as much. 

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