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Posts posted by FireChan

  1. Houston puts up 21 in the first half. Bills return one kick for 7. Houston forces a fumble on our running backs, and scores, putting up 28 in 31 minutes.

    Fitz tries to take command and drives down the field to score. 28 - 14 with 4 minutes left in the third. Arian Foster runs an 80 yard TD. Fitz again tries to take command and scores again.


    With the score 35 - 21, Houston gets 12 yards a carry and scores again. Fitz tries to force it and throws a pick. Bills lose 42 - 21, and TBD posters blame Fitz and call for his head.

  2. 2 Passes.. I can name about 15 right now that were missed, behind, high so what you saying???





    Those two TWO passes were manly because the receiver got open...LOL... those are only 2 passes.. out of what 27 I do apologize if your proud of those 2 passes.. Be real if Stevie didn't break for all those yards would this even be talked about??? problaby not... But If you wanna call 2 passes and outstanding game I can't talk to you...


    This guy must've watched San Fran tape instead of this week's game.

  3. You act as though Fitz hasn't played like garbage all season.


    You act as though he didn't play leagues above his regular play today. One bad throw and 24 good ones doesn't mean cut him. Every person on this board is saying cut him, when the Titans haven't played that well against a defense in 11 years. Our QB isn't the best or even ideal, but he's the best we got, but to say he lost us the game solely is ridiculous.

  4. Seriously? You are going to argue against that? Average QBs like Alex Smith can bring their team back in that situation. Rookies like Luck and RG3 can too. Fitz sucks simply because he cannot throw a football with enough accuracy or arm strength. This year, he has even shown a lack of timing, which used to be his only saving grace.


    What about Romo, he's an average QB year after year. Besides, Alex Smith never has to bring his team back 20+ because his defense is good enough to make sure it doesn't happen. Do you see how that works?

  5. The bolded text is a myth. Fitz's third interception occurred when the Bills were down by 14 points, with 11:14 to go in the fourth quarter. If Peyton Manning is down by two touchdowns with over eleven minutes to play, does he think to himself, This game is already over. Time to start throwing some more INTs. Of course not! That's a defeatist attitude, and we as fans should not be defeatist.


    Secondly, I see at least two categories for INTs. 1) Badly thrown passes. 2) Deliberately taking risks in order to force something. There are situations in which the defense will have a chance to intercept no matter how perfectly you throw the pass.


    Fitz's third interception was picked off because it was an inaccurate pass. (As opposed to having been an accurate pass deliberately thrown to a WR surrounded by defensive traffic.) Neither of the two excuses I've seen for that INT hold water. That particular pass perfectly demonstrates why Fitz leaves much to be desired as an NFL QB.


    On the other hand, I agree with your statement that Fitz is not a bottom-five QB. He's a step or two above guys like Sanchez or Cassell.


    This is what's wrong with the fans. They only have two kinds of QB's, the Peyton Manning's, who exist once every 15 years, and the Cassel's. There's 30 other teams in the league without Peyton Manning, how do they win fotball games?

  6. The trajectory on a thread like this is classic.


    Monday: Fire Wanny immediately

    Tuesday: Bill Cowher could be the answer

    Wednesday: Okay, not Cowher, but Bob Sanders may be the answer (get Cowher as HC in the off-season)

    Thursday: Prepare mock drafts

    Friday-Saturday: "We have no chance against San Fran...I am not watching.... I hate this team, etc."

    Sunday: Win at San Fran (and then a week of the same people saying the exact opposite things)


    If Wannstedt changes and adjusts the D according to what we see from San Fran, and they don't put up 40 points, even if we lost, I would change my mind. To say Wannstedt wasn't embarassed by Belichick and Rex, is ridiculous.

  7. 1 Pick does not kill a team. 4 picks and 2 fumbles does. SO does not being able to capatalize on Patriot turnovers in great field position. The D was bad, but saying the O was good is laughable. The Pats D is not elite. CJ scores at the end of the half it's a different game. That play changed the game IMO.


    Wait until they play SF and Houston. Those D's are elite.


    I'm arguing against the consensus Fitz lost us the game. The defense and the fumbles did, not Fitz.



    So...Greatly under-throwing a wide open TJ Graham, resulting in an INT is not a Game changer because the Pats went 3 and out following that? Really?...That was 6 right there...I promise you a HC is not looking at that INT and saying it's OK because The pats did not follow it up with a score...It was a missed GOLDEN opportunity...The type you get only once or twice a game...Then he over compensates and overthrows the next time he has a man open deep...Another example was the throw to a wide-open Stevie Johnson that led him out of bounds...These are opportunities that the top QB's absolutely kill you on...Fitz reads them, but all to often he can't back it up with his arm...Those plays change the game in many ways because they also frustrate the hell out of the guy that beat his man soundly...And against Brady, and the Pats, you damn well need every one you can get...


    I get your point, and it has some validity...But...Just saying... B-)


    And I understand yours. I suppose I can sum up my argument that this loss doesn't reside on Fitzpatrick's shoulders. He played well enough to get us a lead, but combined with two RB fumbles and a defense who were non existent in the second half, he couldn't win us the game.



    Well enough = 4 INT's? If thats well enough I would hate to see a bad game by Fitz.




    The D was bad. We all know that, but saying the Defense was bad and giving Fitz a pass is just silly, IMO.


    We were winning at the beginning of the 3rd. When he had 3 TD's 3 INT. Winning by two scores. Did you watch the game he didn't have one bad play that changed the game, besides the throw he forced to try to keep us in it after they put 28 straight points on us. Obviously, you're just reading the stat sheet instead of the context.

  10. Did you watch the game? The defense gave us one of the scores recovering Gronks fumble at the 10 and should have given another with Welkers fumble almost that close to the goal line. 6 turnovers, it doesn't matter what your defense is, get real.


    We were winning by 2 scores in the beginning of the third. Winning. With 3 picks and a fumble. You seem to have the stat sheet in front of you and not what happened. They charged down our field 4 straight times for touchdowns. Fitz tried to force it to match their drives while our defense got crushed. He threw 1 pick. And we fumbled with Fred. We couldn't stop them from getting 12 yards every play and we lost. That's the defense's fault. One pick didn't give the patriots 50 points, the defense did.

  11. Wait. How does this topic relate to Mario Williams? I am not sure I see your point. it's Mario Williams fault he threw those 4 INT's. Bet you didnt know what.


    Wait those 4 INT's didn't result in 4 scores for the Patriots, did they? Oh, two of them were 3 and outs? Oh, one was a bad deflection of which Brady had 4 last year? Oh, the defense allowed 28 straight points in four drives after our QB got us a 2 score lead single-handedly? No, I forgot we had a spectacular run game yesterday, Fitzpatrick barely had to throw or score at all.


    Fitzpatrick played well enough that we should have won that game. No question.

  12. I don't care about stats, if he isn't one of the 5 worst QBs in the NFL I am President of the United States(OK, I know I could do better then what we have). He has to the be most inconsistent in the league by a large margin. I have never seen a QB throw a really good pass then follow it up with two passes so bad that you wonder how he even got a helmet and uniform. Not blaming yesterdays disaster all on Fitz, but it wouldn't have mattered if we had the Steel Curtain defense from the 1970's Steelers, we still lose. With that, if we had the 90's Bills offense we still lose with the way the defense played also. For someone so intelligent, he makes so many bad decisions and alot of times when he makes a good decision he doesn't have the arm to back up his good decision. We never will win anything with Fitz, a great guy, with the heart of a lion, but the arm of Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.


    We would have lost yesterday with the Steelers' defense? Did you even watch the game cause that is the most ridiculous thing I've heard about the game. Hate or love our QB, but the man gave us a two score lead on the Patriots, which would have been 3 had Spiller not fumbled on the one. The defense allowed 28 uninterrupted points by the Patriots. But I guess Fitzpatrick should've gotten on that D-line and rushed Brady, or played man on Welker just like all the "elite QB's" do.

  13. > The way the Bill's draft, I don't think we'll ever seen a franchise QB.


    Buddy Nix was high on Cam Newton, and would have taken him 3rd overall had he still been available. Buddy was also high on Christian Ponder, and would like to have traded back into the first to take him. Ponder is playing reasonably well for the Vikings.


    > I think there are so many problems with the Bill's right now, drafting a QB in 2013 will be a waste

    > of time. It'll be a Trent Edwards, JP Losman, Colt McCoy, Kyle Orton QB


    The people who recommended Losman and Edwards are now gone. Yes, drafting a QB is still a risk. But if you don't take that risk, you doom yourself to mediocrity for as long as Fitz is under center. The Bills need to draft a QB in the first round. If he doesn't work out, they need to keep drafting first round QBs, until they find The Guy! :angry: Once you have The Guy, you build a team around him; knowing that his career represents your window of opportunity for a Super Bowl win.


    I get what your saying, but I don't think the Bills could build a team around anyone right now. I don't think a superstar QB could've won today, or against the Jets. We could have the next Peyton Manning and they might never perform because of the rest of our team.

  14. Hold on, Brady and Fhitztragic's numbers were almost identical? I'd say there is very big difference you ate leaving out.someone had 4 ints and someone did not. His yards are all dinks and screens that have huge YAC totals. It make' s a DC's job pretty easy to prepare v. Buffalo. Time to admit to what he is-a career backup.


    Chan calls the plays. 2 of those INT's resulted in NE 3 and outs. 1 INT was a lucky deflection. Another was when the Pats put up 28 straight on us, and he started getting riskier. Stats are for chumps who don't watch the games or care about context.

  15. For our offensive mind (Chan), we have a guy who was not even a standout college head coach. He was just decent at Georgia tech. Our defense is being run by a guy who was all but fired at Pitt (Wanstedtt). So basically we have two guys running our schemes who didn't even stand out in college.


    I think our rosters on both sides of the ball are pretty good. On offense, our biggest weakness is Fitz though (which is a big issue though), who is below average but servicable IMO. Our running backs are beasts. Our O-line is stout and I'm starting to think our receiving core is fairly good. Stevie is good, Chandler is good and I think Graham is a real threat who could end up being a Mike Wallace type (teams are really going to have to start respecting his speed; if only Fitz could ever hit him!). I also think David Nelson is good but unfortunately he is out for the year. With him there are 4 good receiving targets.


    On defense, our d-line is really good, despite their lack of production today. It may be coaching that is disallowing them to flourish. Look at how Maybin has turned into a pretty good situational pass rusher for the jets. Look at how lackluster Mario Williams is under this staff. Since Chan got here, our pass rush has sucked. We do not know how to develop or utilize pass rushers. Our safeties are good IMO and our corners are proving to be pretty decent young up and comers. Our linebackers are questionable.


    Overall, I think Buddy has done pretty well with the roster, other than how he has handled the QB situation. We have to bring in an elite prospect there.


    Chan's biggest offensive mistake is he continues to think Fitz is better than he is. I am getting really pissed off at how many times we run an empty backfield. We're one of the best running teams in the league. Even on passing plays, you have to have a running back in the backfield so the defense has to respect it. It's ridiculous and he does it because he thinks he can win with Fitz at the helm of the passing game. I'm really tired of that formation.


    Wanny sucks, period.


    Buddy tried to land Jim Harbaugh (before we got Chan), but he didn't want to come to Buffalo which really adds to the challenge as GM here (getting good coaches). He also tried to get Mike Nolan after firing our defensive coordinator. No good coaches want to come. Hence, we end up with Wanny. This is a big part of the reason Buffalo sucks! I wish we landed Harbaugh. I wish we landed Nolan. Our coaching sucks. Buddy has done a good job with the roster IMO, but we have to get a QB and a better coaching staff.


    I'm so freaking sick of this team right now. Get your **** together! I'm seriously getting to the point where I might need to work hard to unfan myself.


    Empty backfield was kind of required today. With two backs injured and doing barely anything, we had to put the entire offense on Fitzpatrick's arm.

  16. Is there any way to re-word the topic of this thread to make it any more clear that today's game is not why I'm bailing on Fitz or do I have to keep reading about people talking about the Defense and the fumbles?


    As said by a few of you, Fitz is a tease and today was actually a good day for him. But today is not enough and a perfect example of why he can't be the guy for us. No clock management, really off target throws when we needed to sustain drives, and absolutely pathetic in comparison to a qb on the field who was in the same position with team support and down 14, but handled it the complete opposite.


    No, I don't want Tom Brady or a top 5 QB, but I do want a guy who isn't going to help us lose.


    A lot of people, myself included, only bring up the defense because I don't believe we lost today because of Fitzpatrick.

  17. > The only problem with that stance is you think that if we had an "NFL caliber" QB we would have won today


    You are confusing the issue by putting words into my mouth. I never said nor implied the above.


    > Fitzpatrick played well enough beyond unlucky breaks and a few bad throws to win us this game.


    It wasn't just the four INTs that he threw. (Though those hurt.) It was the wasted opportunities, like the ones stevestojan described in his post. If anything, the opportunities Fitz wastes with his inaccurate throws are an even bigger problem than the INTs.


    With a franchise QB you typically don't have that problem. You know that if the OL does its share by creating a nice pocket, and the WR does his share by getting open, that the pass will almost certainly be accurately delivered. That means the offense as a whole will waste far fewer scarce, valuable opportunities.


    Look at what Tom Brady did to us in the last 1.5 quarters of play. Suppose Fitz were to go against a defense playing every bit as badly as the Bills' defense did during that stretch. Do you think Fitz could rip that defense apart, the way Brady tore ours apart? I do not. Fitz could not even come close to doing what Brady did. That puts a lot of pressure on the rest of the team. They know that Fitz can't bail them out, the way Brady can bail out the Patriots.


    There's a lot more wrong with this team than just the quarterback. But if you postpone drafting a QB until everything else about your team is perfect, you won't have the top-10 draft pick so often required to obtain a franchise QB.


    If the Bills are to win the Super Bowl, they must do whatever it takes to get a franchise QB. Trade away existing players, trade away draft picks to move up in the draft, whatever. But get that franchise QB! :angry:

    The way the Bill's draft, I don't think we'll ever seen a franchise QB. There was a thread earlier this week that said 5-7 teams in the NFL have a "franchise" QB by this board's standards. I hold a different standard. I think there are so many problems with the Bill's right now, drafting a QB in 2013 will be a waste of time. It'll be a Trent Edwards, JP Losman, Colt McCoy, Kyle Orton QB and we'll have wasted another 5 years of developing. Fitz can win us games, with some help, just like Alex Smith. The Bill's need to give him that help.

  18. Fitz is nothing more than a tease. An inconsistanet one at that.


    I'm not proposing that the Bills don't aspire to find a capable QB. I'm sure they realize Fitz isn't the answer for them to be able to go head to head against Brady and win. I'm simply stating the obvious .... any AFCE team that wants to win this division has to have a QB that can perform to a high standard, on a consistent and regular basis, in order to outdual Brady. Said QB can't be a Jekyl and Hyde guy like Fitz.

    Brady doesn't have too many years left. Finding a QB to outduel Brady was the plan 3 years ago.

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