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Posts posted by FireChan

  1. It's no fallacy. This is no longer a running league. The defensive rules make the risk/reward factor trend toward passing. It is more difficult than ever to stop teams from passing and keep games close. You no longer need an elite defense to win, an above average/elite QB will get you there. The Bills do not have an elite D, and they fall behind. They get further behind due to their below average QB. More passes from your below average QB = more int's, incompletions due to his innacuracy, and failed drives. In games against other below average QB's/bad teams, we can run and keep it close. Call it what you want, but winning consistently requires good passing offense, which the Bills do not have the necessary ingredients to produce. We need a better QB, or a ridiculously good top 5 type D. Is it harder to assemble an excellent defense, or find one high rent district passer?


    Assemble an excellent defense is much easier, is that a serious question? There are 9-10 teams with elite QB's, and even if you think there are more than 10, there are a lot of teams with poor records. The Saint's record isn't great, the Lions record is horrible. The Redskins don't have a winning record, neither do the Chargers.


    I'd rather be the 49ers than the Saints or Lions this season. No QB in any draft is a sure thing, it's pure luck. And any "elite" QB available as a FA obviously isn't elite enough for his original team. The Colt's took a big risk this season and it paid off, but they could've had the next Jamarcus Russel, and then the entire staff would've been fired for not resigning Peyton.

  2. It's amazing aint it? It means 2 things. We pass less and run more. Of course we win. By running more we limit Fitz' bad play and bad decisions.


    Many if us have been yelling atop mountains about this for 3 years now or possibly longer. But, Chan still doesn't get it.

    heard on the radio on the way to game today...


    when Fitz attempts 30 or more passes a game, the Bills are 5-21 win loss record.


    when Fitz attempts under 30 passes a game, the Bills are 10-4 win loss record.


    fitz's pass attempts today.....17.....the bills are now 11-4 when under 30 attempts.


    Classic correlation/causation fallacy. We didn't need to throw cause we weren't down 3 TD's this game. Obviously, games where our defense is getting blown up, we're going to need to throw more to catch up. How people don't understand that is beyond me.

  3. Really? You feel sorry for Fitz?


    Do you watch him play? Explain the passes tot long, too short, too high, too wide, and in the dirt? Explain the interception against the Titans at home while supposedly protecting a lead?


    Fitz has a good line and the best RB combo in the league. There are some playmakers around him but he cannot deliever the ball with accuracy and he cannot get the ball downfield. Good QBs make their teams better. Fitz's play is making our offense worse than it is.


    Fitz is making a ton of money and he barely has the talent of a back up QB. He has the arm of a third stringer.


    Feel sorry for the fans. Fitz is doing quite well especially given his limited skills.


    3 pass plays called in a row while protecting the lead. 3rd and long, he throws a pick. That's just like blaming the Indy field goal last game on him, horrible clock management. RB combo means nothing if you don't run the ball enough. I truly don't think our O-line is good either, so that's a point we'll have to disagree on.


    And for the last time, to everyone seeming to miss the point, I don't think he's good or great, I just feel bad that he's hung out to dry when he can't do some things.


    Look at it like this. Let's say Choice was in because both Spiller and Freddy were hurt. Choice can get some yards but he's not great and has weaknesses. And our HC calls 3 HB dives in a row 30 times a game. Every failed conversion the he would inevitably get would wear on him. It's the exact same situation with our QB, put them in a position to fail and don't use them smart, they'll do exactly that, fail.

  4. So you're saying the reason fitz sucks is because we ride him? Are you his agent? You already got your undeserved payday. Be happy with it.


    Nope, I said he gets hung out to dry by a coach who kills his confidence with the play calling. But I guess you didn't read my post, just skimmed it and tried to be "funny."


    First of all, Alex Smith is better than Fitz.


    Second of all, Manning would not fail here. It would only be to what degree he would lift this franchise.


    Thirdly, it might be inaccurate to say that Gailey relies too heavily on Fitz. The discussion this week has been whether Gailey gives Fitz enough leeway to call audibles. That was what the whole Stevie drama was about.


    The irony is that according to Gailey, the plays in which Fitz was not allowed to audible out of were running plays. Gailey clearly stated this and said the reason was because he wanted the team to run the ball more.


    The implication of this is that maybe earlier in the season that Fitz was audibling to pass plays too often which could possibly mean that the reason the Bills have been over-reliant on the pass is due to Fitz, and not Gailey.


    Bottom line, there's a possibility (again very ironic if true) that Fitz has put too much on his shoulders passing the ball and that Gailey is trying to unburden him with "required running plays."


    Finally, I don't feel horrible for Fitz.


    Fitz has a Harvard degree, a lovely wife who was an All-American soccer player, and has already made millions of dollars in his career.


    Oh, and his wife has a Harvard degree too.


    I feel bad for the guy on the sidelines when I seem him throw away a game because of the situation his coach puts him in. He also had much better numbers and was able to move the chains more earlier this season, so if that wasn't a product of Gailey, I say let him make the choices again. Also, as I said earlier, it's hard to audible to a run play in a 5 wide set called by Chan.

  5. I agree with all this. The fact that Chan relies on Fitz so much really causes him problems.


    I personally think we do need a new QB for the "future" but that doesn't mean to start as early as next year. A year behind Fitz would be more than fine.


    Your right about Fitz if he played for a team like San Fran. If his HC would limit the responsibilities and chances for failure, he would be a ton better than he has been this year. Unfortunately, we don't have a coach like Harbaugh. We have Chan Gailey. He's egotistical, stubborn, and thinks he's smarter than other head coaches. He thinks he's smarter than he is. And unfortunately, he's not going anywhere, anytime soon.


    So with that said, it doesn't matter who we have at QB. Payton Manning himself would fail on this team because Chan is one dimensional.


    I don't know if Manning would fail. But the point is that without a Manning or Rodgers, we have no chance. And those guys don't exist this draft or as FA.

  6. Well why doesn't he just say f u chan and audible into the plays he wants to


    Because that's divisive. You can't undermine the coach, he's like your boss. Tell your boss FU when he asks you to do a TPS report and see how that goes for you.


    Also if there's not an RB lined up, what kind of run can you audible into? Stevie Johnson/TJ Graham double reverse?




    I like your name, but please don't s***post, it's just a waste of time.



    they get get sacked on first down and its 2nd and 20 so now its 2nd and 5 after the penalty.


    But if the guy was 40 yards out, why wouldn't you just take the penalty? I don't want football to become like basketball with those intentional fouls to draw out the game.


    I think that idea is ridiculous, every PI could be inferred as stopping a touchdown, spot of the foul is perfect for that.

  8. The guy takes every loss to heart every week, especially because our offense coordinator literally kills him with the play calls. Put Fitz on the 49ers this year and they have the exact same record, with maybe one more loss.


    The guy says he wants Spiller and Fred to get the ball more, and yet, Chan calls the 5 wide 50% of the time. I know you all are gonna say he sucks and should feel bad, but he doesn't need to be put in a situation to suck. You let him throw after we've gotten 20 yards on a run, and 9 out of 10 times he'll complete it. 9 out of 10 times the screen works.


    Even his deep ball was looking 50-50 against the Dolphins and Colts (without the PI calls in the Dolphins games they looked like they were catchable.


    I don't expect a lot from Fitz but every game he has some great plays until Chan decides to put it all in his hands. Then he blows it trying to force something after his 6th consecutive pass play with 5 minutes to go, and suddenly he's all to blame.


    I truly believe the issue is a confidence and pressure thing. I know you'll all say if he can't handle the pressure, he shouldn't be our QB, which I understand. But seriously, if there's not gonna be a QB change mid-season (nor would I want one), setting Fitz up to blow every game is a tremendous shame and I feel for the guy. Everyone on the team seems to understand that he shouldn't be throwing so much, yet all of his confidence and momentum goes out the window when he makes a bad play after 6 good ones. If we didn't ride the guy so much, I think he'd be 100% better.


    We don't have Aaron Rodgers and we shouldn't let our QB be pounded because he isn't Rodgers. He deserves better than that from our coaches and fans.



    So you started a thread to say that the OL isn't as good as it could be?


    Nice work.


    Although that's fairly difficult to believe, as the very title of your thread reads "Our offensive line is bad". Bad. Not "not as good as it could be" or "overrated"; "bad".


    Defending that by saying that they're "not as good as they could be" seems disingenuous, since there isn't one unit in the entire NFL that's "as good as it could be". Every single player can be better, so I'm not sure what your point is...


    You don't get responses by taking a moderate stance. It's the way of the world.

  10. Chan I think the posters have spoken......the OL is good. Sounds like another fitzcuse and we've been making them all year.


    OL and Kr are the last places we need to address in the draft.....if they show mck a lil $$$


    I'm not making any excuses for Fitz. My only point is that if the O-line is overrated based on how we play football. Just like our secondary is underrated when we have no pass rush in half of our games.


    Every player affects another's performance. Just like how schemes can affect player's performances.


    The O-line isn't as good as they could be. That's all.

  11. Wow... Strawman much?


    It speaks volumes that you seem to think the only possible thread topics are useless "this sucks" threads. It speaks even more pointedly when your "this sucks" threads aren't backed by metrics and data, but instead hinge on your feelings.


    There is another, much more prominent, private fan site I belong to (baseball) that would suspend your posting privileges for your drivel.

    It also speaks volumes that you resort to insults instead of trying to prove a point.


    We have a horrible 3rd and 1 offensive line. The stats agree with this. I assume you think that Fitz(who I like so don't say I'm a Fitz blamer) is better than Eli because of the stats? There's no denying that our sacks allowed stat is deceiving because we don't ever stay in the pocket for longer than 2 seconds usually. Which isn't always it's usually. I'm not speaking in absolutes here. And yeah, you saying "you're crazy for thinking our O-line is worth talking about, with bigger problems existing" (paraphrased), pretty much implies talking about the O-line when there are so many other issues is meaningless.


    There's no straw man when I say I think we should be looking to improve everywhere. I never said the line was a top priority. I'm just a fan calling it how I see it. Fitz's completion stat is inflated because of the dump off, why can't the O-line stats be inflated too?


    You even agreed the line is overrated, I didn't even once B word, I don't understand why talking about areas that could be improved is bitching. I guess you'd be happy to pretend the Bills aren't bad.

  12. Again, the 49ers were an exception. The Jets also had a great defense and running game that carried the team. I believe those Jets teams, and the 49ers, are the exception, not the rule.


    This year. I really think there's a better chance the Bills having a great defense and running game next year to carry us, then the next Peyton Manning.

  13. The offensive line has been over-rated by the fan base in the sense that many annointed this group as the best group the Bills had ever mustered, which any student of the game knew to be blatant wishcasting.


    To say this line, which grades out extremely well on both an individual and group basis when compared to it's peers, is a weakness... well... that's just plain dumb.


    This team offers it's fans many, many very legitimate things to complain about, but you're bitching about the cold weather when it's 92 degrees outside.


    Alright pal, because we shouldn't be looking to improve every area of our football team?


    First of all, I never said this was a major problem, I just said they're overrated and not as strong as we think based on the way our offense is set up. I don't know about you, but I'm not looking to have every thread about our QB, HC and defense.


    If you're insulted because I'm talking about a subject that doesn't involve those 3 areas, you can go rehash the same old thing in every thread. I'll be here, bringing up valid and fresh criticisms, instead of beating more dead horses.

  14. http://espn.go.com/nfl/powerrankings


    At this point in the season, it is pretty clear who the contenders and pretenders are. The Saints, ranked 15th, have been on fire recently thanks to Brees and the passing game; the 16th rank Vikings have collapsed with the mediocre Ponder at QB. Using the below list, most of the top 16- or top half of QBs- are leading teams that are contenders. The Lions have an awful defense, while the Chargers and Cowboys are teams that just don't know how to win, compounded by weak QB play from otherwise solid QBs.


    We're in an era where, thanks to a combination of talent and rules favoring the passing game, most teams have either a serviceable QB or a prospect starting for them. There are, of course, only a few elite QBs, and these are the guys who win Super Bowls, but you don't see Trent Dilfers leading teams anymore. Nor are half the QBs in the league the Todd Collins, Kelly Holcomb journeyman types. It's clear that this team will not win unless it makes an effort to draft a strong quarterback, given how much more critical the passing game has become. We can run Spiller 25 times a game, but that's not going to take us to the Super Bowl. We may not need a Rodgers, but we can't win unless we have, at the least, a Flacco-type.


    1) Rodgers

    2) P. Manning

    3) Brady

    4) Brees

    5) Roethlisberger

    6) Ryan

    7) E. Manning

    8) Schaub

    9) Freeman

    10) Flacco

    11) Cutler

    12) Stafford

    13) RGIII

    14) Luck

    15) Rivers

    16) Romo

    17) Wilson

    18) Dalton

    19) Smith

    20) Newton

    21) Palmer

    22) Vick

    23) Bradford

    24) Fitzpatrick

    25) Locker

    26) Tannehill

    27) Ponder

    28) Sanchez

    29) Weeden

    30) Gabbert

    31) Kolb

    32) Cassel


    Edit: I failed to account for Alex Smith, who I think is a below-average QB, but has one of the best receiving corps, o-lines, and coaching support systems in the league. The 49ers are certainly the exception, and Kaepernick may prove to be a very good player. Either way, they are such a well-run team, and Smith is smart/accurate enough to not lose them games, that they can win without a top-10-15 QB.


    So you just said it's not possible to be successful without an above average QB? And then you post an example of a successful team with an average QB?


    Doesn't really add up.


    Remember, Sanchez was the Jets QB in 2009 and they made it to the AFC championship.


    Patriots were 11-5 with Matt Cassel.


    Obviously Sanchez had a great defense to back him up in 09, and solid receivers, while Matt Cassel had a great passing system with great receivers and an average defense.


    We have a better chance of being the next 49ers than the next Saints, sorry to say.

  15. General consensus is that Fitz can't make a deep throw, so all he does is short slants and screens. If that's true, how is he getting hit when he only holds the ball for 2 seconds. Legitimately every pass play, Fitz gets his bell rung after releasing the ball. Even when they rush only 4.


    Stats about sacks allowed are misleading because of how our offense is designed, our pass protection is just as bad as the Eagles.

  16. But how does the arm completely go away?


    He was at least close on his deep throws a few years back. Now, it's almost comical


    We should blame FItz for the 2 pass interference calls too. He's supposed to read those and under throw the guy.


    He would've completed both of those deep balls in the dolphins game, without the corner holding our WR's arm. So that's a moot point.

  17. Ive had soapy posts like this one that I can't even remember what the hell I'm arguing about anymore. People apparently still think Chan isn't responsible for Spillers performance. It's clearly obvious with his 7+ yards a carry, speed, elusiveness, and speed to break away from anybody and score in any given play that he is a special talent. And yet Chan still has interviews where he says things like "We'll, we really need to get CJ more involved" but then don't use him on even half of your 3rd downs and don't have him in on a single red zone opportunity.


    Yes, CJ deserves breaks and plays off. But 6 in a row at the end of the half of Thursdays game had me wondering if CJ pulled a Travis Henry and picked up a 15 year old girl last week that happened to be Chans daughter or something. It was criminal that CJ didn't have a single in the red zone considering there were 4 trips to the red zone the other night.


    Spiller got stuffed twice on 3rd and short. He's obviously worn out when he rips off those 20 yard runs, which is why Chan continued to sub him. Even with Freddy injured, he was averaging 4.3 YPC, 3 yards less than the rest of the year. That's not too "phenomenal."


    Just face facts that he is a different back than Fred, and Chan likes to keep him explosion ready, while burdening Fred for the shorter gains.

  18. Seriously bro, you need to stop posting. Attacking reputable posters like Nick and Hammer should not be condoned on this board. People like you are a reason why so many of the better posters have stopped frequenting this site.


    Wait, did you just say because they post a lot on this board and are decent guys, they can't be argued with?





    What kind of stupid strawman is that supposed to be? Because Alabama is better than UB doesn't make the UB players "overrated".


    Keep trying to dig out of your hole.


    If you think a ND player is the same NFL prospect as a Alabama player, solely based on their records this year, then you don't understand football. There's no other way to put it besides knee-jerk idiocy.


    I can't wait for next season, and all you ND praisers can see how stupid you sounded.

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